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Decoraiion Day ay utu. r r muruingu ihis inonth. Cülü euoiiijli lot au overcoat last evenIng. . The MicWf? Cmitrul changes time ueil Suly _, TneMfy-iiint' c.ises in uil this term o) (Oiirt, and Ijut fuur criminal. 550 roda tiling have been put 11 at the cúiinty fann thus tar this spring:. The bujiler of the bicycle club gare us au eaily blast yesterdaj moruing. Oiir city is putting on 11 beautiful ilrefs, wiih the nppearanee ot' the lenves. The Minnis orehestia srive concerts at stveral (ilacea out of the city this week. D. C. Fall, of Fall & Ileudrick?, is just abont acain, f rom a week's attack of bilious fever. _ ForepnugU's advance guard billed the city Moiuliy. Abouc Alteen stopped at the Cuok. ____m_, 'e uiiJeretaiid ü. (Jramer has lesiyned froni his special counection with the city tramp business. (feorge Keck's new "Expert'' has come to baad. There are now five 50-inch wlieels in the city. Achimney's buruing out in the second wai'd was the cause of the üre alarm last niglit, about uine o'clock. Frank Bluin was released Monday 011 $300 reeojfnizance, with James H. Clough aml Philip Blum as suretics. Sn-atliel, Kyer & Peterson are makiny exteusire itnpíoyementa at their milis. A l;irge elevator Ís being bntlt. And wc liave Fairehild post of G. A. R at Grass L ike, named in honor of nr towiisaimi, Mr. Stephen ETuirchlld. The pupils of Mr. Ii H. Eempf give a concert at Fircm in's H.ill this eveninjf assisted by Miss Ahvard and Mr. Luderci'. Plenty of "compa" to Forcpaugh ís what secares excellent window piivilejief for" adveitis'iig the '-greatest show on tarth." W W Lejfgrtt, repioentiug thsRruíh oleetric light cmipany, is expected froni Detroit tliis week in the iuterests Of the company. Mirshil Fill Ims a telephone at hls house on west Hurón Street. His s th' tilnety-third In use liere, and was put In last week. J. Evaits Sinitli, .f Ypsilanti, will represent this counly on the traverse jury in the (.1 States Cli'cuit and District COtll't, June .ses-ion. A dwffforil6.W9.30, VVashlenaw's apporÜDiimcnt of the primary school fund uiouey, cami' tohand at the county t'eas urer's office this m'irninir. It was thoulif thi! Mayn.ird property on south Main street had found a purclmSer tliis week. The house and grounds are still tor sale, however. The stone entrame steps on the north ide of the court. h-ut;e are about to be bolstered up; a nuraher of the steps have broken in two from lack of proper suplrt. Anyone who thinks he or she can keep mum for any lengtb of time, had better go to the M. E parsonage on State street Saluidiiy evening and try t at i " mum social.1' Thelatest appointinent of entimerators: Augusta, Jeremiah D. O'Brien; Dexter, Challes Dwyer; Minchester, Stewart Fitzsrerald; Ypsilanti, 2nd district, Wm. H. Gilbert. The "Brltidh Challenge" of Charles Wagner bas been purchased by Emmet Robison, and Mr. Y has ordered a 'Star"- one of those bicycles with the litll ; vliee In front. Twenty-eight days for sending an order hym&il to Stuttgart, Germany, and receivinfi- in return the book ordered, U I'retty qmck time. Geo. Osius & Co. were thus fortunateiy recently. Messrs. B. F. H'álts, J. Miner, L. C Goodrich and W. G. Doty are in attendance upon the annual conclave of the Grand Coinmanderyof the State, Knight Templars, In session at Detroit ycsterday :md to-day. Beginning one week from to-day nt ü r m., n Detroit, the Animal Baptist National Anniversaripg will be held, continingabont one weck. Quite a number f theleading men of the church will be 'n attendance. Mr. B. B. Morgan has recently comP'eted tivo paintings wbich do blm credit as n artist. The one of the late Rice A. Beal win Ue at Randall's, Frlday and SatOrday eveninj, and one of Mr. W. W. wlnes on Monday ;uul Taeaday ereuioga On order ot Supervisor Mun-ay, John Sierwood, of Superior, wa taken to the cnunty farm yestenlay. IJy the way, the Clty yestenlay contributed one more to lle there : it va none other than Qeorifo WaiUIngton, olored, of lower lUWli. Comrade V. V Van Antwerp, district "peetor, depirtment of Michigan, will lll8lcct Wel.h Po-t, No. 137. G. A. R., of City, Priday eveolng next. Mr. Van A"iweri is editor of the Jacksun Patriot, We believe. "be program fnr obiervlhg Dccoration ¦ly liere will be dctermtned apon next Wday eyentnjt, bj the post of G. A. It. '" Ull city. It is thought University Uall win be secured for a general meetlne of some sort. , ; The Michigan Centrnl Annual Escur' slon to the Sea, vin Niágara Falla, St Lawrence River, Montreal.Qnebee, the mountains and Portland, will be run this year during June, July and August. Full informatiou regarding dates, rates, routes, etc., will be cheerfully fmnished by E. IL Hughes, Michigan Passenger Agent. Detroit, Michigan, who personully conducta the excursions, and offers new attractlons and unrivalled accomniodations. As to the water woikspropnsition submitted to the coramon council last week, we nave recently secn a ïuimber whosè ñames werc attached to tlio .samo. Some aie uuwilliiig to be considerad as fávorlugthe pioposirion therein made. Prom different conversutions, we take it tliat tlie m ijority of the only to sanction the presentation to the council of the general questlon of building city water works. The Itquor taxes paid into the county treasury for thccurreiit year have reached 18,970 up to date, and about $1,000 are unpaid as yet. Those who have paid such taxes since our last issue are, Albrecht Gwinner, John D. Heinrich, ind A. Herz, Ann Arbor, $300 eaeh, and A. Bralmi, Engene CBterln, and G. Sehcettle, this city, $200; P. E. Ottenberger, Bridjtewater, $:00; W. II. Hawkins, Ypsilanti, $300; and E. Bortle, same place, $200. An "around-the-woiid" tea party is prepared tor the 23d, In which there shall be boot lis representinof different nations, with rcfreslunents and decorations peculiar to the people of these countries. The nations represented are Spanish, Italian, French, Scotch, Germán and Japanese, with their flugs and lady attendants In costóme. A gypsy camp with its mysterieus attractions will be In attendance. It will le at the 11. E. churoh iiext week Friday. The county treasurer this moruing completed the apportionment of the line money received diuing the year just closïns. We give the same herewltb : Ann Arbor town, fO.f'l; Ann Arbor city, $SG,78; Freedom, $17.41; Lodi, $9.88; Lyndon, $5.80: Manchester, $23.54; Northfleld, S20.8G; Pittstleld, $9.S5; Saline, $18 81; Scio, $24 69; Sharon, $11.15; Byl van, $21.65; York, $11.37; Ypsilanti town, $11.62; Ypsilanti city, 16.24. Total, $'!29.o:. ¦ Early last Thursday eveuiug au unknown boj', about nine years of age, was found asleep ou the railroad track, in Chelsea. He was sent to tthe superintendent of the poor here, by whoin lie was carcd for and sent to the couiity house. The lad ennnot sivc an intelligent account of bimself, but says his name is Thomas Schafler. He seems to hare suf"ered recently from some scalp disease, for his head is nearly destitute of hair. It 8 thought he is possibly from the W-iyne county house. A liighlv pleiised amlience hemrd tlie c'iamber concert given Wednesday evenng ly tlie MUses ElantlngtoD in University Hall. Tlie ricli contralto voice of Miss Ajenes Huiitington was wartnly apprecialed uid the applause was generous. Especiully her renditijn of Schumann's S mnenscheln showed tlie great flexibility of her voice and at the sanie time lier artistic apprciation of the m ister's pioce. Tlie Hccompantment by her si-ter, as wi-ll as evcry piano selection showéd eareful training and studv. Anumber oflietroit people carne to attend. Isaac N Conklin, president of tlie First Nattional Bank, of Ypsilanti, died yesterday about noon, from a stroke of apoplexy. Hi" has I i red in Ypilanti Pinfte 1844; has been coaaeCtm] wltb th; First Nitional Bank in liis citv a a principal stockholder since its orjíanization iu 1884. In the orgmization of the Ypsilanti G ís Ciinpany he was a prime mover, and algo in the Peninsular Paper Compmy. Of the fumier he lias been principal owner. j superintendent, secretan', and treasuror fot" niany years, and of the Paper Uompany vice-president and director since ití org 'iiiization. Mr. Conklin was in his j 76ih year, liavinji been bom in Siüsbuiy, ! Conn.. July 3, 1808. The death, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Martha W. Culver, of one of the old residents of the county and city, Mrs. Anna T. Hollister, wife of Rev. A. S. Hollister, deceased, occurred on the the 8th insk, at the age of j four years. She has been quite feeble for some time. Her mental faculties were preservt-d quite remaikably untll late in Ufe. Mis. Hollister was born in Fairfli ld, Herkimer county, X. Y. She has lived in Ann Arbor about eighteen years, formerly residing in Hamburg for a number of years. Her children were all here to attend her funeral. Short services were held at the house early Sund;iy morning, following which the remains were taken to Hamburg for interment. Of the many kinds of bicycles in the city there have been two "Harrards," an English make, and from the recent experiences of its owner there are not liktly to be oiany more of that kind brought here. A few weeks ago the backbone became broken on acc3iint of what several competent judges said was a ftW In it, and as the companies guarantec a machine for a year if it has proper usage, the backbone was sent down to Boston to be replaced by a new one. The machine had not been ovvned ten months and it had had the best of care yet the company refued to make it good without pay for a new one. Sj the gentlem in owning it asked the Pope Co. of Boston to get the backbone and duplícate it wich a "Columbia." This they did, satisfactorily, so now the gentleman rides arouad on a "Harvard" wheel and a "ColümWa" backbone. He says he has onc good part . to his machine at any rate.