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By. Green went to Pontiac this momIng. Dr. P. JJ. RMe vvaa homo last week n few days. B. F. Watts anfl n Ife went uto Detroit yesterday. J!ev. Holmes, of Chelsea, was in the city yetiterday. Mru. E. B. Gidley wout to Chicago this week, to pinchase stock. F. T. Taylor and M. E Sill, of Dexter, wcre in the city Monday. A J. Bawyer attemled the funeral of a niece in Chelsea yesterday. Ml8 Paul :md Miss Henderson wentto Detroit, Mondtiy, to visit Airs. Johnson. Prof. Butts, of the Orehard Lake Military Acadeniy, passed tlie Sabbath at home. Mr. and Mr?. Geo Peteis, of Jackson, are visiting their sister, Mr. Charles Mimiis. Miss Hattie Relgart comes from Chicago to tafcè the position of trimmer in Gidley's millinery store. D. E. Osborne, medie '84, and wife left last Saturday for a short visit witli relatives In Rouhester, N. Y. J. T. Iiearss, of Wiseonsin, special sollcltor for the northwestern Masonlc aid assoeiaiion, is In the city. Miss Mibel M.iltz, daughter of exregent Alaltz of Alpena, passed Sunday at the home of Mr Morse on William Street. P. M. Doty, who has been stopping with his brother, A. M. üoty, for several months, wentlnto Detroit Monday for a few days. Mis. J. T. Jacobs and the " premium " baby staited for Cincinnati Saturday ritere they expect to rcniain a couple of weeks. C. C. lïobison, who has been stopping with his father, John J., for sonie timL left last week for Hillsboro, Dakota. to ! remain through the summer. James A. l'obison, son of our coiinty clerk, is at the Sliaron farm this week. He thinks some of leaving soon for Atlanta. Ga. Will he liud a skating rink the re? Miss Lillie Chase has left for Denver, Colorado, wherc, rumor has it, she is soon to be married. A. S. Pettit, lit '79. is thousht to be in some way connected with the nffiiir. Miss Allie Eckley, who has vislted Miss Emily Smith recently, returned to De; troit the latter part of last week. By the bye, Miss Eckley was ouc of the most gracei'ul skaters at the rink. Mrs. C. II. Ludlow leaves to-day to ' visit her sister, Mrs. Robeson, of Port Huron. Before returning home Airs. Ludlow will visit friends in Detroit, being absent in all perhaps three or four weeks. Charles E. Wright, of Detroit, travel! ing passenger agent of the Detroit and Cleveland öteam Kavigation Co., was in ; tho city Mortday and Tuesrtay inaking arrangements to convey Prof. Davis's engineering party lip north next week. Mrs. Gooding, with Master Kob. and üttle 'Trude, left for home, Chicago, III., on the noon train last Saturdiy, after a pleasant visit of soniething over a week with Wrs. Jude Beakes, other relativos and friends. Dr. Bdward Uoprers, of Chicago, who has been in Haly for the pist ye;ir rende ri 'g medical service to hls brother Bandol)h, the celebfated sculptor, reached Anu ArboT on Bunday nlght last, on his way home, to reraaln a few days with liis brother, Mofes Hogers. He reporta bis brother Randolph better. 1'he attaek was paiiilysis, we believe.


Ann Arbor Courier
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