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J L. (ïrceley, Iaw 'St, will lowtc in Cittle Creek. "87 huid i meeting Baturday next to elcct an Oracle board. Phannics . Luvs, base-ball, Fritlay, 23 to 22 in favor of the laws. G. F. Lewis on account of 11 hcalth hasjeft for home, Fall River, Mass. Fi'om present lndtcatloi'8 fcwer members of '84 will teacli than is usual with the senior classes. Connie Covert, of Superior, who had a surgical oper.ition performed recently by Dr. Obetz, is doinj nioely. Candid.ites fordegrees in June are "nvited " by the secretary to deposit their diploma fee of ?10 at once. The engagement of one of the professors is aiinounced It is not the assistant prefessor of history, however. Universities vs. Casa, base-ball, at 4 p. m. Saturday next in Itjcreation Park, Detroit. Special rates over the ('entra! A list of the voters in the Students' Association is posted in the professors' bulletin board. The animal election occurs soon. Professors Deimiion aad Spalding visit the ürchard Lake and Pontiac schools on Thursday and Friday of this week, respeetively. At the meeting of the philological association this evening Prof. D'Orge reads a paper on the ''Innocence or Guilt of Antigone.1' The Marcb meeting of the Regenta and the annual announcement of the School of Political Science have just been issued irom thls office. Prof. Da?is, witli about twenty members of the engineering classes, goes to Elk Rapids this weck for a uionth's camping and surveying. Prctty rood. In French onc day last week, Prof.: " Miss , what is necessary to complete a negation in French?" Miss : "Why, pas!" Iloweirs comedy of " Tho Register " will be given Saturday evciñng by raerabers ot the Alpha Nu Society. Music will be furnished by the Amphion Club. On the second iloor of the museum m,iy now be found mounted the great ant-bear obtained by Prof. Steere on the Amazon aome iive years ago. lt is a fine spcci: men. The ludían relies will be in position for visitors to the museum to examine n a few weeks. A large case 18x28 ft., is in process of constniction especially for tbem. The Chronicle Association hold a meeting in room A. at 2 p. m. next Satimlay to"elect two independent and two secret society editors from the junior class for the ensulng year. Esplain. " Two University students, a malesenlor and a ÊWslfl freshman, were seen heading for a Detroit clergyman's house Saturday, and their friends lear the wo,.st.-_n,.irnir Evening, 12th inst. ' Hcreafter, no person entering the University as a select student shall bc recommended for a degree in less thnn one year after passing all examinaUons for admission," i a recent rule of the faculty. . Quite a number were in Detroit last Satuiday to aee the 150 yards' dash of F N Bmiine, mt'dic '8n, and n Detroit runner, wlio challenged the state Bonine had an easy viotory and won tb stake of $900. Prof. DeVolaoH Wood, formerl.v n pro fe8sorbere but now at Hoboken, N. J. was the guest of Prof. Cheever the 36H and 27th uit., and attonded the meeting of the Bcienttflc Association at Prof. Har riugton's In the evening. John Delphey, '82, is glyeq aboot three columns in a recento amber of the Toledo Dcmocrat by way of explaining bJg un wlshed-for correspondence with a Toledo lady, which resulted in a sound floggtnj for John by a gentleman firiend of the young lady. A eollecUon of about400 mineral speci inens has been receutly added to the niu peum colleetiou through the gift of Dr Garrigues, formerly state snit inspector The specimens come from Philadelphia Pa., and coiit.iiiis quite a number of min erais diffleult to secure. Those favoring and those oppoting a senior reception have presented their pc titions for and agalnrt tne same, and the matter is pending decisión with the pres ident as to the use of the ünlversltj giounds and buildings for a reception by those desiiing to give one. The entertainment at University Hal last Sattirday even Ing by the Mcndelssohn Quintette Club was quite well attended and is bighly spoken of. The singing o Madame Cora Giese was especially fine a9 the doublé encoré on lier last regular appcarance before tlie audienee would attest. The Club is alwayg entertninlag A law tennis tournnincnt, open onlv to members of tbc lawn tennis association will bc held on the association conrts on the campus, May 17, '84. First and second prizes will be given for doubles and singles. Enfries niay be bandcd tn asj member of the committce on or before G p. HL Friday evening next. Committee E. O. Grosvenor, L. M. Dennis, F. N Lnfkin and N. Yon S. Farquhar. A. E. Jenkins, '85, recently appointed by Gov. Begole as assUtant to the state geologist, Dr C. Rominger, of Ann Arbor, with a salary of $1,000, dating froni the lst inst., leaves with the doctor next Mouday for Marquette and Iloughton to spend the summer ia studying the minerals of the upper península. Most of their work will be in Ontonagon connty in the vicinity of the Porcupine mountains. About fifty junior laws would like to be exauiined at the May term of the county circuit court. The following wcre examinad in the court room Monday night and were recommended for attorney certiücatea by tbo committee, J. F. Lawrencc, 1). Ciarncr, and E. D. Kinnc: P. H. Dolan, Johnson Thurston Francis Gaftney, Kobert 15. Milroy! Henry B. Hill, R, Lee, Benjamin Lindsay and Walter J. Milroy. The game at the fair grounds last Saturday afternoon between the Universities andSt. Louis Reserves was a splendid one, ten and a half innings being ployed, with the iinal score of 3 to 3, and these runs were made early In the game. The home elub's managers areto be congratulated on securingsuch a strong team for one of the season's games. Wliat do you predictof the game in Detroit Snturday between the Cas? and the ünlverslties P Tlie senior medios havo at last concluded to hold a class day, with public exercises, although class day, banquet and all were voteil down one day last week. The líitest decisión was on Thursduy, and the class expect an oration.hiítory.prophecy, and posMbly a poem. John Madden was elected prophet. Tlie eominittee on mviratinn was reappouited, and J. A, Bach, Miss Belle Andersoti and John K!ly, Jr. were appointed a committee on music. W. F. Word, '34, sccms liardly to havfi frot to Kuropo before lic starled for Mie U. 8. ayain, evidently called home on short notice. The wiiter's latest knowledre of his whereabouts is' a letter from Chicago, 111., dated May 7, '84. Wil! says he was in Europe lon;enougli,hoverer, to run over to Paris and up to Edinburgh besides spnding a nuinber of days lu London. He expects to bë at home In Virginia City, Montana, during the suiuraer The following is self-explanatory: Aun Af.bok, May 5, ifel. Prof. F. II. Pease : Dear Sir-the Choral Union at its last moetIng after the recent festival, has requestud me by urianimous vote to convey to the Normal School society and to all our frlends In Yp3llauti who participatCHl in the hospltalities extended to us there, our most hearty appreciatlon of the cordial inauner lo whlch we were recelved, an(i of the elegant hospitality with whlch we were entertalned. Wlll you please c mmunlcató to the Normal school soctety and to all our friends in the tacnlty aud in the city ttals ecpressiou of our obligation. Very truly yours, Henky S. Frieze. Field-day will be held on the fair Sfiounds Saturdaj' afternoon, the 24th inst., beg;inninr at 1:30 p. ra. sharp. All the colleges in the State have been iuvited to compete iu contests. Frizes will be awardcd for the following contests 1. Base Ball throw, 2. Lawn Tennis. .". Standing Broad Junir. i. MileRun. 5. Clay I'igeon Shoot. . Blcvcle Exhibition. 7. 100 Yards üash. S. Tng-of-War, '8(i vs. '#7. 9. Indlan ClubSwiugini;. 10. Box mg. 11. Quarter-Mlle Run. 13. Wrmtllng. 18. Fenclng. 14. Furlong (220 yards) üash . 15. Hop, Sklp aud Jump. Entries, including admission to the grounds, 50 ceuts ltegular admission, 25 cenls. Information maj' be obtained frora the committee, II. F. Forbes, president, S. F. Hawley and F. W. Job. Mrs. Dr. Stowcll entertained the junior and senior ladiea of the literary department last öaturday afternoon from 4 to 6. Mrs. Stowell was assisted by Mrs. Prof. D'Ooge and Miss Daisy Angelí. Reports from four schools were presented to the faculty Monday night. Up to date, schools as below have been reported upon by the professors named: Prof Beman, Holly; Prof. O.F. Jones. Hastingrs and Grand Raplds; Dr. Frieze, Ypsilanti; Prof. Payne, Owosso; Prof. EMsha Jones, Jackson ; Prof. Pattengill,Coldwater, and Prof. Thomas, Horneo. Dr. Angelí visited the Big Raptdl school last week, but has not )-et reported.


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