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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. A backward spring has soiaewhat retarded trade with us, though nothing like as much as coull reasonahly be expectcd. Our spring stock is complete n every departuient, and is the largest stock exposed tbr in this city orany other city in this part ot' the State. Strangers are invited to visit the store, though their only erraod bo to see. Having reccenily announeed novelties in black dress goodj tn the exclusión of staples, let us reinark that in all the leading staple i'ibrics in CashmerM, Tamise, Camel's Flair, (Grenadine and Nun's Veilings we have been and are to-day ex ceedingly strong in all of our lines and justly c wtMent in our pricps. Our silk SViirp Honrietta at $1.5') "is a rare bargHÏtl." Combination suits are "en regie." The patterns piled on the counter in the southe stem j art of the store yon can multiply by about four, to eet at the variety. Hjre are ruodest plaids and stripes. gray tuis tures, uicbiiigt; effeot-i., etc., etc.. prices 11.25, $1.35 and $] 75. Vou are quite satiifiud that "houiam.ide undenvear" is an unwise investment of time and toil. Oan't be otherwise, if you have turncd over carefully the majses of delicate drapery and tried tho tucks and trimmings, to see if we have really beon suoaessful imitators of' your home-made woik. If we have, it won't take long to figure the diflereuce in cost, if your own time is nol cheaper than factory wages. Ladies' skirts at $1.40, $2.00, 13.00 and $4.00 are worthy of inspection. The parasol seasoo has opened with a rush. It finds us prepared with everything desirable iu coacbing, Lace Trimcd, ('arriage, &e., &c. Look at our black brocadea at $7.00 aud $10.00, our co'.ored brocades at $15.00. Jerseys are still the popular thing, we have twenty styles for ladies. Home are plain as plain can be, and others are biaided and beaded until they sparkle and dazzle. Prices begin at $2 00 and end at $20 00. Splendid presenta they are for the girls, and not uiuch bother to secure the proper fit. A recent purchase enables us to make an exceptional ofí'enng in Women's llosieiy. To quote prices hardly seems usef'ul, it tells 80 little, for instunce, for us to say we have ladies' hose full regular made solid colors, the reader would naturally say, why, every store have such, but the fact reuiaius, that no house but ours has Schoppcr'w solid colors, unbleached heel and toe full rceu'ar made with French f'ect at SSótB, it is a quality universally sold at 40 and 50ct8. The motto in this departmunt is quality first, ahvays quality. Prices adj usted on that basis. "We incline to the opinión that most people follow the crowd, but who starts the crowd? BAC'H & ABEL. The above depicta a yery pleasant feature of blcycling as a sport. The club have rldden from thelr headquarter in the city, to a suburban vlage somo twenty miles away, where they await the arrival of the racing meinbera wbo were to start juut thirty minutes later. Five minutes more and the two foremost of tha racing men- Fri, on bis " Harvard," and Yonson on his " Y ale," appear in Ight. The pace is trcmendous : the men are neck and neck, and Dodges, the captain of the club, whom you observe is loaning on his " Shadow "light roadster, iu the foreground, declares the race a tie. ' Where are the other men? " he asks. " Oh, bebind, somewhere," is tho rcply. "Are there any ' Ilurvard'ö ' or 'ale's'or 1 Shadow's ' among them? ' 'Not one." " Ah ! that accounts for it," êays the captain. American bicyclers as a body will realize the force of the captain's last remark, but the thouands of new riders which the coming year will produce, should cach on of thcra realize that the only true veonomy In choosing a bieyele is to bc content witii notbiug less than the very beet that monoy will procure. Each should flnd out nll he can about bicycles before making his cholee, and in ordor to assist enquirers in their search for fnformatlon, we will, on recelpt of a a three-cent stamp, send to any address, a copy of our large illustrated catalogue by returumall. THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, The Pioneer Bioyole House of America. [KutablUhod 1877.] Importlng Manufacturé of Bicycles & TrfcyoJe Oui Kellows' Hall, Boton, Mass. CHAKLEd W. WAGNEK, Agent, 21 South Main St., Ann Albor, Micli. An editor in Southern California manlííed flve different papers in the last year, and they all collapswl on his hands. He has just started another and has named it 'kind words," because kind words can ïcvcr die.- Pretzel'u Weekly. Hysterla and Scrvous Prostratiou. AVe give our readers an extract from a cheerful letttcr, written by Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, of Kichmond, Ind., who says : ' Samar Han Kervine cured me of hysteria and nerrous proatration." Comment is useless. Agcntlcman wasexaniiningan umbreüa ind couunenting upon its quality. "Yes," aid a person present, " ho fancics everyhing he sees.1' "And," added a tliird hu ty, " is iaelined to seize everytbing he aticies." Insurance. Inrarance is a good tliin' whether apiliod to life or property. Xo less a blessng is anything that usures good health. Odney-TVort does tuis. Itisnatare'sgre eraedy. It is a mild but efficiënt cathartic_ nd iictiug at the same time on the Llver, 'iilney3 and Bowels, it relieves all these prgana and enables them to perfora their duties perfecUy. It htiswonderful power. See advertisement. A Connecticut minister lias denouuced kissing games at social chureh gatherings. He is ninety-five years old. The old man TldenÜy wants it in tlie dark. The gidily old eoon.- Williamsport Brenkfait I'able. Skiüiiy Men. 'M'tlK' (caUh Renewer" restores lealth and vigor, cures Dyspepsla, ImHitence, Sexual Debllity. $!. A FINE SUITE ( )!¦ Booms for Offices OVSB TU E NEW POST-OFFICE. Those rcceutly occupied by Db. Wjlsoj an now be ren tod by lnqulring at tüe rorRIEK OFFICT.


Ann Arbor Courier
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