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Compiled from Late Dispatches. CONGRESSIONAL. SlVKBAX inemorials were presentad in the Senate on the tirh in favor of cmpendinif the coinasre of the ilver dollar. A bilí for airee bridge aeross the Fotomao was passed. Mr. Vaneo made an argument, in support of Ihe Shlpplng Wil In the House, aftera lonir debate, the Morrison Taritï bill was defeateil liy ¦ TOte oi' Ut to l.V). In the Sonate on the ïth Mr. Edraunds lnIrodueod a bilí to place the namo of IJ. S. (limnt oh tfae retirad li.-t of the iirmy, and Mr. Iflair presentad a mcasure for the adjustment of accounts of laborera and mechanica undor the eiurhuhonv hiw. The Sbtpptnor bul m tuiUie.r discussed ... .In the House the Senate umendment to tlie House bid repeallng: the iT-on-clad oath vraa coneurred in. (!oncmrenoo was raftised in The tenate amenriments to the bill for the relief of Kit. John Porter, whieh cut off pay and nllowances from the date of ilisutissal. aml the bill vvould g:o to a conference oommlttee. Tho Senate amendments In th bUl eatablishlDR a llurcau of Animal Indnstry were also non-ooucurred in. iiills were re[lorteil: DbïOtiQK the ('otntnitteo on Militarv Affairs lo investígate the present manaement of soldiere' hojnes; for the oompletioD of a monumenl to Hary, the mother of Washiug-ton; for the eetabllshmenl of a branoh Soidiers' home in Micliigran, aml the Blrer aud Harbor bill. A FAVonABi.K report wu made in tiie Senate on the 8th on the Oill pensions to oldiersof tho Moxicau war. with an amendment tliat only dependent iorsons can enjoy ItsbeneSts. The Bfalpplog bill wu pawed In the. House the bili In uppropriate f Ï.OMI.UIIO to the World's Industrial Kxposition at New ürleans was passed, tlie amount to be relurued from the uate reoeipts. In the Senate on the flth the Indian Appi-oprlation bill (iS.-iöe.SOrt) was taken up, and Mr. Plumbspokeln opposition to tbe education of the red men, while Mr. Conirer favored it. - In the Houe n bill was passed srivlng the wiaow or uennrai PTwnk r. Binir for hisservlees in oriranizins; troops. and Inereasng hor pension to fllty dollars per monto. A comtnunfeation wasreceivcd from theSecretary ot War n-eommondiiifr an ...i.i.n. ..,¦¦! Ppropnation ot f 100,000 for the relief of sufferersby the Doods in the LowerMisglssippl Valley. Adjournod to tho 12th. DOMESTIC. The Marine National Bank of New York closed its doors on the Cth, owinc to inability to meet its debts of $500,000 at the clearing-house. The lailure eaused the suspension of Grant & Ward, stock-brokkers. The partners are General U. S. Grant, James D. Fish, U. S. Grant,. Jr. and Ferdinand Ward. General Grant stated that tlie firm was nearly $500,000 short. Ballard & Ballard, flour-mill proprietorsat Louisville, Ky.,have failod, with liabilities of about $150,000. C. W. Jïewlex, J. H. Thompson and A. A. Adams, oil speculators at l'ittsburgü, Fa., have failed. A wrkck occurred on the St. Louis División of the Wabash Railroad, ten milos from Decatur, 111., early on the moraiug of the 7th. The two rear coaches and a sleepor were thrown from the track, and forty people were injured, three thought to be fatally. The Tea Inspector at Chicago recently condemned 100,000 panada of tea siftiugs which arrived from Japan. The American Tract Society held its fifty-niuth annual meeting at New York on the Tth. The donations and legacies for the year were $102,809, and the expeuditures $354,082. Sixty-three tnissionaries distributed 133.4G3 volumes. William Missey, a teller in the Bank of Commerce at Baltimore, was arrested on the 7th for the enibezzlement of $17,000 by false entries. James Clark, confidential clerk of Rudolph Hochkofler, Austrian Consul at San Francisco, embezzled $30,000 receutly, aud lost it in speculation. President Fish, of the burst Marine Bank of New York, was reported to have said on the 7th that Ferdinand Ward betrayed his confidence, and tbat he (Ward) ¦was a defaulter for $750,000. Ex-Sheriff Hardin and James Murray, both of Crittenden County, Ark., had a diffiêulty about a lawsuit the other day, and were both mortally wounded. William H. Vanderbilt and a party of friends on the 8th made the trip from Detroit to Cincinnati in 53í hours, the distance being 203 miles. Between Dayton and Lima, 74 miles, the run was made in (6 minutes, and from Dayton to Hamilton the train ran 35 miles in 30 minutes. The firm of Grant ík AVard, of New "York, of which General Grant was a member, made an assignment on the Stli. it was thought their liabilities would amount to $10,000,000. President Fish, of the Marine Bank, also made an assignment. Henry Sevaim, who murdered a woman, was taken from jail at Winston, N. C, a few nights ago by a mob and hanged. Franklin P. Norris, a young attorney of Concord, N. H., after making an earoesteffortto establish himself in business, died of starvation in his office a few days ago, without divulging his straitened circumstances to his acquaintances. An agent of the Post-office Department recently arrested the postmaster at North Manchester, Ind., and secured from him a confession that he took $103 from a registered letter. A OAi-E at Savannah, Ga,, the other day blew down a large building, killing one man and fatally injuring two others. The steamer City of Portland, ply ing between Portland, Me., and St. John, N. B., struck on a ledgo off Owl's Head on the 8th and went to pieces. Tho vessel and cargo, valued at $125,000, were lost, but the passengere were saved. Mant miles of timber [had been burned over in Cecil County, Md., on the 8th by forest lires, and a large number of barns and other buildings had been destroyed. The fire was still raging. The Baptist Union Theological Seminary of Chicago graduated twenty-fivo young men on the 8th. President Northrup reported that the institution owned property worth $300,000 and owed nothing, but was in need of a library building and a chapel. The remains of Dr. Samuel E. Gross, of Philadelphia, were cremated on the 8th. At the annual meeting of the American Congregational Union on the 8th at New York the year's receipts were shown to be 1-105,377, and the expenses $117,514. In a quarrel s few days ago about the killing of a sheep by a dog at Jeffersonville, lnii., Josiah Hamilton, aged twentytwo, shot and killed his brother David. At the sixty-eighth annual directors' meeting of the American Bible Society at New York on the 8th it was shown that during th year 1,357,051 Bibles had been distributed in this country, and 451,164 ubroad. There wero 132 failures in the TTnited States during the seven daysendnd on the 9th, againsi J.M in the preceding week, snel 349, 118 and 84 in the corresponding v.oeks of 18&1, 1S82 and 18S1 respectively. Thb boiler of a locomotiva in the Missouri Pacific shops at Pirsons, Kan., explotled the other afternoon, and two men were instantly killed and four others were severely hurt. The pecuniary loss was 20,000. Maskkd men at Elizabethtown, Ky., on the 9th took from jail negro who had criminally assaulted a white woman, and hanged him to a tree outside the city, with a placard ordering no one to touch the corpse. James S. Coleman (colored) was on the ftth executed at Columbia, S. C, for the murder of Sarah Willis, his wife's sister. More than half of Madison and Tensas Parishes, in Louisiana, were under water on the 9th, and cattle were dying in great numbers from starvation and the stings of buffalo-gnat?. Negroes were fleeing from the flooded regions. The Illinois Department of Agricultura announced on the 9th that the prospects were not encouraging for over eighty-four per cent. of an average yield of winter wheat. In the Eastern States terrible thunderstorms prevailed on the Öth, many houses and barns being demollshed and several persons killed. Danikl G. Tucker, a prominent citiien of Lookport, N. Y., for thirty years a Deputy Federal MgrjliaL bjinjced btmselt ' recenlly beeause offnïeiièe suiteringTrom asthina. Ptmivo n game oi base-hall on thn Otlr at Chillicotho, O., the grand stand gave. wy, ton persons beiug seriously and forty others slightly wouuded. Daniel Critzkn and Alexander Burket, prominent residente of Freeport, Pa., were drowned In the Allegliany Hiver a few days ago by their boat springing a Ieak. Durino a storm on the !)th at Kriser, N. C, three men were struck by lightning and instantly killed. Severe thunder-storms were prevalent in New Kngland on the 9th, many buildings at Walpole, Mass., being damaged. Lightning fired the post-offlce and three other buildings at Epping, N. H., and n nged invalid, Ueorge W, Warden, was burned to death. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The following is the yea and nay vote in the National House of Representativos on the öth on the motion to strike out the enactingclause of the Morrison Tarift bill: Ttas- G. E. Adama, Anderson, Arnot, AtkinBon, Bayne, IlelforU, Blnghani, Bisbee. Boutelle, bowen, Boyle, Brainord, Breituug, F. B. Brewer, J. H. Brewer, T. il. Browue. W. W. lirown, Brumin, Budd, Burleigh. Calkins, Campbell, Cannon, Chase, Connolly, Converae, W. W. Culbertson, Cullen, Curtiu, Cutcheon, G. K. Davis. R. T. IJavis, Dinglcy, üimcan, Dunhain, Eaton, Elliott, Ellwood, Krnientrout. I. N. Evaus, Everhart, Ferrell, Fiedler, Findlay, Finerty, Foran, Funston, Oeddes, Georye, Glaseock, Gou", Ounther, Hanlaik, Harnies, Hart. H. H. Hatch, Haynes, D. B. Hendersop, Hepburn, lliscock, Hitt, Holmes, Hooper, Hopkins, Horr, Houk, Hawley, .liunt, Hutcliins, James, Jeffonls, Johnson, Jordán, Kusson, Kean, Keifcr, Kelley, Kcllojfii Kctchain, l.m:y, Lalrd, Lawrence, Ijefevre, I.ibby, I-oiiff, iyman, McAdoo, McCord, McConius, Mi'i orraaek, McKenley, MiUard. S.H. Millcr, Millikin, Morey, Morrell, Muller, Murray, Mutt-hler, Nuttiu, O'Hara, C. O'Neill, Palgo, Parker, Patton, Payne, Payaon, í-, J. Peelle. l'prklns, Peters, Pettibone, Phelns, Poland, Post, Price, Itandall, Kanney, G. V. Kay. Ü. Kay, Reed, Klce, .1. S. Robinson, Koekwell, Rowell, ltussell, Ryan, Seney, C. K. fkinner, Smalls, Smith, Snyder, Spoouer, Sprigrgrs, Sttele, topbenson, J. W. Stewart, Stone, Storm. Struble, C. A. Sumner, E. B. Taylor, J. L. Taylor. Thomas, Tully, Van Alstyue, Waiiworth, Waltt, A. J. Warner, Washburno, WeaTBr, Vemp.e, Whitingr. Wilklns, J. Wilsou, G. D. Wise, F. S. Wise. York- lm. „ Anin - j. .t. Aauuis, Alken, Alexftñaer, Ba?ley, liallenïine, Barbour, Barksdalo, licueh, Bolmont. Blackburn, Blatieliar'l, iihiml. Itlount, Brpckenrldge, Broadlioad. Buohanan, Buckner, Burnes, C'abell, ('aldwoll, F. Campbell, CanUler. Carleton. Casstdy, Clardy, Clay, Clements, Cobb, Colllns, Cook. Cosgrrove, Covington, S. S. Coi, W. K. Cox, Crup, J). I!. ColbCrson, DarKan, Davidson, L. H. l)avis, Deusler. Üibblc, üibrell, Uockcry.Dorslic ¦imcr, Dowd, üuiin, Eldredg:e, Ellis, ,1. 11. Kviiis, Follett, Forney, Fyan, (iflrrison, (iilipon. Graves, Green, Greenloal. Halsell. Hammond, Hancock, Hardoman. Hardy. W, II. Hatch. Hrinphü!, Honlev, Herbert, A. S. Hewitt. G. W. Hewitt. liill, HobJltzeU, Hilnian, Housoman, Hurd, B. W. Joiuts. J. U. Jones, J. K. .Iones, J. T. jones, King, Kleiru.'r, I.ainb, l.aiiliam, Lewis. l.ore, Loverlnjf, Jowry, McMülan, Matjjon, Mayburv, J. K Miller, Mills, Mitehell, Money, Morirán, Morrison, Morse, Moulton, Murpbv, Neeee, Nolson, Oates, O'Farrell. J. J. O'Neill, I Plerce, S. W. Pee), Potter. Pryor, Pusey, Küiikin. fíraíran, Reese, Robertson, J. H. ltogers, W.F. Rogrers, Rosoerans, Bcales, Peymour, íhaw, Shelley. Singleion, ï. G. Skinner, Sloeuni, Springer, totovens, C. Steward, ftoeklager, Btrait, D. H. Sumner, Talbott. J. M. Taylor, Thompson, Throckmorton, Tülman, Townshend, Tucker, II. G. Turner, o. Turner, Vanee, Van Eaton, WakefleM, Ward, R. Warner, Wellborn, Weller, M. White, Williams, Willis, W. L. Wilson, K. B. Winans. J. Winani. Wolford Woodward, Wortbinton, Vftple, Younjr, Jonn G. Carlisle - 155. The National Womau's Christian Temperance Union bas appointed Tuosday, May 27, as a day of prayer, wben Heavenly direction will be invoked for Christian people, e'litors, pastors and party leaders, that, in the pending political campalgn, they raay tend to turn the Nation's Totes toward selectiug men for office températe n their habits and favorable to prohibiting the traffic in intoxicants. The members of the Siamese Embassy who arrived in New York a few days ago called on President Artbur at the Whita House on the üth. ïhey wer dressed in cloth of gold. Prof. Samuel D. Gross, an eminent physician and surge on of Philadelphia, died in that city on the Gth. He was boni at Kaston, Pa., in 1805. Congressman Stewart, of Ti-xas, recently introdueed a bilí in the House oL Representatives at Washington providing for the appointment of three I ers to aid in extending the trade of the United States with the couutries of Central and South America. Major Connolly, of Illinois, has formally declined the office of Solicitor of the Treasury to which he had been appointed by the Prosident. The reasou assigned was that acoeptanco would involve too great a pecuniary sacrifice. The Illinois Central Green back Committee met at Bloomington on the 6th and decided to hold their State Convention at Springfield July 23. Colonel Jesse Harper, A. J. Streeter, H. M. Miller and S. F. Norton were chosen delegates-at-large to the National Convention. The Massachusetts Prohibition State Convention met at Boston on the Tth and elected delegates to the National Convention. Resolutions were adopted declaring for the imniediate suppression of the liquor traffic; against legalizing an acknowledged evil, and in favor of all sexes having the right to vote. John T. Klater, who gavo $1 ,0.00,000 tn the cauie of education in the Southern States, died a few day3 &o ac Norwich, Conn. George W. Childs, of Philadelphia, asserted on the 7th that General Urant was in affluent eircumstanees.and that the failure of Ward & Co., of New York, could not ruin him. Judah P. Benjamin, formerly TJnited States Senator from Louisiana and ex-member of the Southeru Confederar}, died at London on the 7th. The üeniocrats of Kenfeu-Vy held their j State Convention at Frankfort on tlie Tth, selected delectes Lo tho ?!ational Conveution, and pa wed resolutions indorsing John G. Carlislo for the Presidenoy, declaring against centralization, demunliug a tariff for revenue only, and urgiug tho obliteration oL sectional lines in politics. It was announced on the 8th that Orrin A. Carpenter had sold his business interests at Lincoln, 111., and was making preparations to leave the county. The iron-clad oath adopted duriug the early days of the war was repealed on the 8th, the House of Represontatives at I ington concurring in the Senate bill which passed some time ago. Mantfacturers in New York and other States met in New York City on the 8th and formed a society to be known as the Manufacturers' Reform League, the object of which will be to further their interest.; by opposing protection and advocating free trade. Jcdge Hagxeiï, of 'Washington, on the 9th asked Hallett Kilbourn to consent to s reduction of the judgment ($87,500) against ex-Sergeant-at-Arms Thompson to $2,030; otherwise a new trial would be grauted. General Stanley has assumed command of the Department of Texas, with headquarters at San Antonio. . George Jones, of the New York Ternes, stated on the 9th that the General ürant fund of $2541,000 was absolutely safe, and that hereafter the interest ($15,140) would be paid quarterly, as the General did not possess a dollar other thau the fund. The Legislaturo of California on tho Oth adopted a resolution requosting its represeutatives at Washington to urge the passage of a bilí to organizo tho Torritory of Alaska. President Arthur's Administration was indorsed and his renomination recommended at a meeting of the Colored Republicans' Central Committee of New York on the 9th. FOEEIGN. Vhe trial of eleven Fenians, charged with numerous murdcrs and with ljMn Invincibles, was commonceü at Ehiblin. Ireland, on the (ith. Hichael Davitt denied on the (!th the rumor that he had quarrelud wil li Pamell', and said be was going to Australia to lili a course of leclure engagemeuts, in the hope of restoring his health. The steamship Titania arrived at Further Point, Can., on the Ttli, hoving os board twonty-four of the crew of the steailiship State of Florida. The latter oolltdsd with the bark Ponema in mid-ocean on tho l.Sth of April, and went right down. Out of 1U7 soula only forty-four were saved. The hark also went down witli twelve soul, maleing the total loss löö. By an explosión on the 8th of dynamite in a factory in Ayrshiie, Eiu;., ten woiueu ware blown to pioces and twó others wr wounded. A Mohvojí niiisionary who attempted to secure converts at Vienna, Austria, was recenUy condenined to a month's imprisonment. Papers founil uu the 8th on the body of au insurgent officer at Badajos, Spain, revealed tbe existenceof a deep, well-plotted and extensivo conspiracy against Mie Spanish monarchy. üflicers of the Spanish array iu all of Spain's dependencias were implioated in the plot. Two British gun-boats on the Oth took three hundred " assisted " emigrants from Westport, Ireland, to meet a passenger steamer bouud to Boston. Neab Queretaro wreckers on the 9th i threw the baggage-car of a Mexican Cen! tral train from the track but were frightI ened off by military, who shot and killed ! three of the banditti. The train carried $GO,000 in silver. LATER' NEWS. ïr was announced on the lOth that before starting for Europa William H. Vanderbilt returned to General and Mrs. Grant the deeds lor their property, wbich they had transferred to him iu paytnent of the $130,000 check he gave the General recently, receiving a worthless check of (irant Sc Ward in return. He said Grant could pay ihe anuiunt of the check at his leisure. Br a supposed earthquake on the llth at Zanesville, O., about three acres of round sank several feet, carrying a number oí houses, wllich were badly damayed. No lives were lost. IiAWBICKCB Spuixek, of Pötersbur-g, V. Va., enruged over the clandestino mail iage of bis step-daughter to Edward Taylor, followed them on the nisrht of the 12th, and after they had retirad entere 1 their room and fatally shot them lioth. Sp'dler was nrrested. J. Casima, a. Catholic priest, en route to California, was robbod on the lOth of ü-l.'Ï.OOO by three uuknown men on a train mar Dallns, Tex. J'n .-cvci.iï milci nt ulllm .'.!(t ¦ of Shrereport, La., the Red Kiver had overflown its banks on the LOth, Inundating plantatious on botli banks of tlie river. fSeveral hou-ies had lieen Bwept aivay, and the damage done was very great. The river was still rieing. The Alert, the last ship of the Greely Expedition, left New York on the iOth. Four musked robben enterad tlie house of a plauter named Kite, near Red Fjrk, Ark., the other day, ftred six charges from a revolver into his boily, and escaped with $840 they found adder the floor. Keports to the department at Washington on the IOth indicatel a winter yieïd of wheat tliis harvest of about a")O,(KX),OlK) bushels. AUV1CK8 wort) received at Cairo on tbo ]Hh which showed that EI Mehdi had sent euvoys to Osmaii Digna directlng him to capturo Dongola and theu maroh into Upper Egypf. Tuk Nortliwestern Manufacturing and Car Coinpauy, nt' Stillwater, Mimi., of which United States Senator Sabin is President, failed on the IOth, with liabilitiee of about $1,000,000 and assets that would aggrogate f4,000,00), J. H. Townseud & Co., mil Iers, also suspended, their llabflities boin: estimattd at JSOO.fl 0. The paintand varnlsh workj of Sherwin, Williams fc Co., Cleveland, were dainaged to che extent of ,80,000 by fire a few days ago. Afth: a short and untmportant session on the IOth tlie United States Sonate attendod the ceremonies in conneetion witU uuM-iiing a Btatue of Chief-Justioe Marshall, au addiess Leing delivered by Chief. Juatice ;iifi. The House was not in sesslon.


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