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Joledii, Aun Albor & . 1'. It. H. LOC! AL TIME TABLR. Goirijf luto effeoí Biihüay, Fb. 10, 1884. 'l'r run b Central Time. OOIvQ M'iKTH. QUIÑO SOÏ'TH. a "S STATIONS. -!.- r-iS al F.M. .M A v p,d. 16 40 7 (16 Toledo D 80 I 55 i - 7 11 Manhattttii Jnnctioi ! tfi4 48 6 ¦ 'ïl AlexiH jQndlun a i]j 3 02 "3, Haw h'Tiie 1) lu 1 3U lo 7 4 Samarla i uü j 22 25 8 06 Lulu 8 il 4 04 H 30 15 Monroe Juiíction 4 jü 3 50 8 43 8 :ín Dnndee S aOiX 50 'i V) s 6 zalla üu8 m 7 08 W Alilan .lunction s U 8 26 I 101 9 M Milán m, -j 2 ¦ U '.I Uíl Nora ; oUjS 17 7 22 9 22 Vr mía ' í 10 7 S2 fl 82 PhsstU'lil Janctlon - ¦- 3 (tt 7 15 !i SO un Arbur fli2 W 8 03 10 15 Loland T li -i o II 10 2- Uor.lea 7 00 2 2j 8 S6 ](i v, L-on B 50 2 lo ConnttioD8: ÁtTtl do, witD ruilro i s i vtTKln(t; ut vanh'ittan J mu ti id, with Wheelirig & Erlo K. 1{.; at AVxIs Jnnciion, wiih M. C. i . K., U s. & M 8 Ry. ,md V. & P. M K. R.; nt Mmiroe Juiicli.'ii. ith L. 8. & V. S. al Dui. dee, with L. (. & M. . Ry., M. , o. K) .; ai Milu Jiinctiuii. witb Wabaoti, St. Louih & Pucific liy.: ai PittKfleld, wiih L. . & M. 8. Hy.; at A.m Arbm wiih Michigan CeutnÜ K. K., and at South Lymi ith Ueiruit, IjiLtlug & Northern K. 1(., and tirand 1 runk l(y. II. vV. ASHLEY, General Supt. W. B. RNNE IT, Geu'l. Pass. Agent. TH2 LINE SELECTED BY THE V. S. GOVT T0 CAREY THE FA3T MAIL GOING WEST. 0ULY LINE EUNNIHG TWO THE0UGH TBAI1ÍS DAILY FS0M CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Tbrough the neart or the Continent '¦ wy of Pnciüc Junctlonor OluabH to DENVER, or via Kanna City and Atchlr).i to lieuver, eoniiecllngin Union Deiiots at Kanaas t'lty, AlcUlsou, Omaha aud Deuver with throjgh trama íor SAN FRANCISCO, and all poluta In the Far West, bborteat Uaeto KANSAS CITY, And all polnts Ín tbe Bouth-West. TOURISTS AND HEALTH-SEEKERS Should not forget tbe faot that Kound Trlp Urk-t.s at redu i-e ratís caá be iiurchaaed vía thlH (irpnt 'l'íi fíiiiuli lAtiGf to all tbe Health and Plettsurt Keaorts of the West and Bouth-West, lrcludmR tlieuluuntalnsor COLORADO, the Valk-y ur tlie Yosemlte, Uie CITY OF MEXICO, umi all poluta lu the Mexlcan Bepubllc. HOME-SEEKERS Should alno remember tbat tlils llue lcids direct to the heart oí the üovernmeut and KAliroad Lauds i ti Is'rbraska, Kaiisaa, Texas, Colol'ado and Washington Terrltory. Jila knownas the great THROUGH CAR LINE ; ef America, :vi i' I Ís universally admltled to be the Mui-m Eqnlpped Knilioa.l in i World for all t-lii nsi'h of Travel. Throngh Tickets vía this Une for sale at all RrIIroad Coupou Ticket Ollioes lu Uie UulwU ötaiea aud Canada. T. J. POTTKR, Vico l'reá. and Gen. Manager. l'KKCKVAL LOWKLI-. Gen. Pasa. Agí Chicago. JNO. ti. A. BKAN, üen. Kastern Ag't, J7 Broadway, New S'ork, aud JUü Waabluglun Wt., Iiuatou. i RtNSEY &SLABOLT'S SitílWKlil AND Flour and Peed Store. k"ep lonctimtly on h md, BIIEAD, CRArKIMíS, CAKES, ETC., For Wholesale and Retnil Tride. Wc shall alto keep a Mipply of 8W1PT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! J Illii Flour, Ityc I'lour, Iiii-li u !i:il Flour, Corn ITIchI, Feed, lile, A t Wholesale and Retan, A mitra] stork of GROCERIES anft PROVíSIuNS Coustaiitly on hand, wliich wlH be sold on as reauiuible tf'rms an Bt noy other honse n the city. Cnnli na.i Ibr BU'ITKR, (SG(i-, and COUNTHY PRODüOK generalij Goona d'llvertd to uny part r Ihe eny wllhuat extni charol'. liINSKY ft SEA HOLT. Extreme Tired Fecling. A lady tells us "thc Urst bottle hastíeme niy ditughter a gieftt deal of good, her food does not distress her now. nor does !he stillVr l'rnin that extreme tired teelinjr wliich she dld belore takinj: üood's ÖarBnparllla" A seond bottle effecteü al cure. No other prepamtioii ooiituluosuch ' ii coneentrutloi) of vttttlllinj?, euiicliing, Mirlfyini and invigojatiug propertieö as Hood's Sarsnparlllii.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News