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Description Of Property For Sale In The Southwest, Suitable For Stock Ranches Ana For Colonization

Description Of Property For Sale In The Southwest, Suitable For Stock Ranches Ana For Colonization image
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No. 1- Ir a specially deslrable ranch property of 60,000 acres. It Is part of tlie Mora Qrant. It corners about oue mile (rom a station on the A. T. 4 3. F. B. R. It ts weü watered wlth about thirteen miles of rivr front and nurnerous sprlngs and lakes. ís well grassed with the nutrltlons gramma grass.the DGST grasS TOT CTtXTTW ttnirwn. ZnAtr o tlaüior and breaks for shelter during the winter. The improveraents couslst of the buildings at headquarters. wlthln a few miles of a station on the A. T. 4 S. F. B. E.; among them are a good flve-room frame house, lathed and plastered, wíth sorae adobe out-houses, a two story adobestable for eight or ten horses.with tlu roof, and a corral. There are several other buildings looated at convenlent places on the tract, for the accommodation of herders and asslstauts. A water dllch, which cost $3,000, carries water from the Mora rlver to a large lake. There are also dltches to water several hundred acres of rlch turmin; and meadow land. This is a very deslrable property, and belonging to a non-resident, It will be sold very low, for $1.25 per acre. No. - Is a deslrable water-rlght on the Picos river, which has been secured by locatlon and purchase of sixteen forty-acre tracts, so located as to command the most deslrable water-iights. The title Is United States patent for the land. These watcr-rights give control of a large area of choice grazing land. Wlll be sold for $6 0U0. No. 3- Is a very deslrable stnall tract of good bottom land, most of it under ditch aud cultiratlon. It has asmall grist mili, run by power, and several other buildings, located about slx miles from the A. T. & S. F. E. E. The tract Is admlrably adapted for a fruit, graln, vegetable and dalry farm, and commands a large range of unoccupled land adjacent to it. Will be sold eutlre lor $8,000 Area of tract, 574 31-100 acres. No. 4- Is a part of the Mora Grant contalning 25,919 acres ; 10,000 acres are cholee tillable land; 5,000 acres are uow under dttch: 10 miles of completed wire fence with cedar posts. Kuough fencing material on hand to complete a fence around the whole tract. A good three-story mlll newly flUed up, wlth two run of stones, capacity for grinding 30,000 bushels of wheat a year. A store wlth $3,000 worth of merchandise in It, doing a business of $10 000 per annurn, yleldlng M% por cent. proflt. This business can be very mueh increased wlth good management. There are about 50 buildings on the place, one-lialf of thera large and well-built, the remainder suitable for tenement houses for laborers and tenants ; 261 grade and thoroughbred shortJack. The stock, houses, furniture, implemsnts and improveinents of all kinds inventory $72,5lXi. The wnoie tract Is flnely watered, beautlfully located, anti Is au ciccptionaiiy desirable and valuable property. Will be sold wilh all stock, furniture, merchandise, iniplements and everything on the ranch for $125,000. We will take picasure in furnishing a full lnveutory of property upou applicatlon. No. 5- A patented Spanish, containing 578,537 50-100 acres, well located in the Territory, to Increase largcly in value with the growth and development of the country. Good grass, abundance of water, tlmber, and 6helter-spots well distributed over the tract. This very deslrable tract can be purchased entlre for $L an acre, making it one of the best investments offered in New Mexico of a large tract with clear title. No. 6- A patented Spanish grant of 90,000 acres, coming to the Eio Grande river- havlng raany desirable reatures, is offered lor sale at $135,000. No. 7- A patented Spanish grant, containing 160,000 acres. Very deslrably localed for future increase in value from the development of the Terrltory. Well watered, wlth ood grass. Price, $1.75 per acre. No. 8- Three thousand acres of very deslrable valley land od the Blo Grande rirer, partly onder ditch, with some buildings on it. A specially deslrable tract for a colony settlement. Price, $6 per acre. No. 9- A Spanish grant, conftrmcd but not yet patented. Title perfect ; has been so determined by the courts. Area, 32,000 acres. Has on it more thau enough commercial tlmber to pay for the land. Centrally located In the Territory. Well watered, with good grass. Price, $1.50 per acre. No. 10- A patented Spanish grant, contalnlng 81,037 67-100 acres. Close to railroad. Good water, grass and tirnber. Price, $1.50 per acre. The grants were located at an early day, when the whole country was open to select fïom, and they were selected specially with reference to good grass, water and slielter advantages for cattle and sheep ranges. They offer the only opportutiities in the West to obtain large tracts of land in a solid body. They can be bought now at from one dollar to one dollar and a half per acre„but are rapidl3' increasing in value, and this year, 1884, will probablysee all of them in the hands of strong cattle-men, who will appreciate and hold them. Persons desirous of securing 8uch tracts for cattle raising will find it to their interest to secure them at the earliest day possible. A new brklge aoross Niágara lüver has been opened within a few weeks wliich makes an important link in a great railroad line, and is itself rcckoned au engineering wonder. It is situated a few hundred feet south of the old suspension bridge, and wasbuilt to givethe Michigan Central railroad a complete line between the New York Central and Chicago. The connectlon is over the Canada Southern, now a part of the Michigan Central, between Niágara river and Detroit, and whole trains are now run through between the ends of Vanderbilt'sfamousfour tracks and the Garden City. The new route will prove specially attractive to passengers beeause of the opportunity t gives for seeing the great cataract. There is a line view of the falls from the brklge itsclf, and then trains run up by the river on the Canadian side and stop at a station cal led Falls View, where is a platform from whlch all eau take an observation. - Springüeld(Mass.) Jiepublican, April 11, 1884. " Young man," said an orator, impressively, "do you want togotoadrunkard's grave?" " Well," replied the young man, with the careless grace of a man who isn't accustomed to refusing, " I don't care if I do. Whereaboiits is your grave ?"


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News