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Eviïrt Scott,from jumping over a fenee, lias a sprained foot. Tlie'city pólice foroe appeared 'm new unifornis tuis morolng. J-.icob BlrtiWi J''- 's tne census enumeritor for Briilacwatur. Ooodyear rejoicea over tlie new stoue walk In front of Uis store. Twenty-fire of the forty electric lijhts liave heen subscribed for. -- The Knights of Maceabees meet toniorrowevening at Cropsey's Hall, at the U9ual honr. Rpv. Ilobertus, of Chelsea, preached Snndny eyening at the Germán Bethlehem clnirch. Next Saturdty, atSchuh ft jSIueblis's, Invers of coöeo can have a cup free made by a one-minute cofi'ee pot. Tlie ratna of the last ten days, it is thonght, have bettered the progpects of tlie wheat erop by 13 per cent. White or not white is th'i cliief ciuestion about a coaple of elephants in this country we happen to know of. New píate glass will be put in the store front of the room on South Main formerly occupied by C. E. Wagner. J. C. Stevens, formerly with Bhtz & Lingsdorf, thinks oL entering the dental department of the University next fait. Justice McMahon last week sent James Hall to Ionia for four months on the charge of being a " ehronic drunkard." A class of tifty boys and girls was conllrmed by Bishop Borjress, at the Catholic chureb, on the occasion of his recent rislt Le re. _ L. S. Anderson, ot" South Ingalls street, was down town yesterday for the flrst time since bis recovery from a flve months sickness. Xearly fifty pairs of roller skates, inostly tlie "Yineyard," have been sold by one of our hardware firma within a few ¦weeks past. The stone steps on the four sldes of the court house evidentlv needed more support pretty baöly. They are being repaired tliis week. HE ft Ttntsr n-a mJ O1 Bamr1 Bearer of the State Commandery of Knlght Templan at their annnal meeting ia Detroit last wpek A number of the Forepaugh men who lwve been here sevenil days billnitr the country and neighborinjr towns left in their cir yesterday morninp. The marriage of a Boston gentleman and Miss Alice Bent, granddaughter of Mrs. Tomiinson, of this city, is announced for June 2d, next. On complaint of Mr. Haye?, four fellows found Saturday morning secreted in a Central freight car, were bound over by Justice Frueauff, to the Circuit Court. Aladywith the name Inez Face y, of Jackson, ag-ed twenty-six years, died in this city last Friday of ovarian tumor. Her remains were sent to Jackson on Friday. To-morrow mornin?, Ascensión Day, at 10.30 o'clock, services, consisting of morninp: prayer, with sermón by Dr. Pitkin, will be held at St. Andrcw's church. Miss Amelia Gerner, ased twenty-five, died last Thursday, of cousumption, in this city. Her funeral was largely attended from the Zion's church, Sabbath afternoon. The 24th animal convention of the Michigan State Sunday School Association will be held in Ionia, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 17tli, 18th andlOth. Welch Post of G A R, this city, have conveyed lo writinsr the thanks of the Post to Capt. J. F. Schuh and compaiiy A. for their services at tbe recent GAK entertainment. Mr. Win, K Childs, who has iust purchased of Mis. Martha W. Culver, for 1800., a lot on Maynard street, broke ground Monday for a $2500 ïesidence. Geo. Scotthas the contract. Some one last week bored holes in flve barrels of oil belonging to Mr. Dufty.and let out all of their contents on the ground. The reward of fifty dollars oflered would be gladly paid to oatoh tbe rascal. In the Polo game at the rink Saturday night, bctween Ypsilanti and Ann Albor teams, the goals stood two for Ann Arbor ted one for tbe visiting team. The game is tobefinished at some future time. Delegates, with certiticates, to the an"ual State Sunflay-scbool convention, of Oliio, June 2-5, will be given one and a tUrd faro to Toledo over the T. & A. A. RH. Tickets good to return until June 6th. Wenoticedacard attached to the safe f one of our merchante with the follow'ig upon it: " No money in safe. ComWnalion is 00-27-68 and 37. 5 turns to 'eft, 4 turns to right, 4 turns to left, 2 turnstoiïght." Next. The Piesbyterians have now adopted "'e plan of the congregatiun joining au('ibly in the Lord's Prayer at the invocat'0. a Methodistic innovatton biglily commcndable and said to be well approvecí by tbe pastor, Dr. Steele. The city banka wero well prepared for ay cxcitement which might have ocirred and coaltl have stood strong runs. lUpeaks well for the general confldence 'o them that the demanda oL depositors ave not been beyond the ordinnry. A. P. Hangsterfer has rented for flve years for the use of his motherand family the brick residence just being completo] by Mr. Hoflstettcr on AVashington strcet, betwecn Fifth aiul División. They will not move into the same unül aftcr comuiencemenl. Mr. Brearley, of theleuing Kews does not conduct the excursions from Detroit to the White mountains and the sea shore this season ; they are in cliai e of the Grand Trunk raihvay for wlio"n Gilbert Bliss of our city acts as agent. The dates are June 26, July 10 and 24. Archibald Wriglit, in the employ of Martin Clark, in this city, some eight years since, died on the 16th inst. at Richmond, Macomb county, of dropsy. Deceased was about sixfy ycnrs of age. Hig remalns were brought here last Mouday over the Toledo road, and intened in Forest Hill cemetery. Hutzel & Herz have received frotn Frank Hangsterfer an order for five plateglass, 7ft x llft-10 inches in size, for his new front. Luick Bros. have the carpenter work, measurements for which were taken last wiek. The outside iron stairway, on the north sido of the building will probably be put up by Detroit parties. The lecture on "The Mairiage Tie," which Rev. J. G. Walshe, S. J., of Detroit, wasprevented bysickness from giving a few weeks ago, is now announced for Wednesday, May 28, at the Catholic church. Those attending will not fail to hear a good lecture and to get good ideas on the evils of our marriage and divorce laws. A large reception was given at Judge Cooley's residence on State street last Friday evening, some 250 or 300 being in attendance. A. F. Hnngsterfer & Co., were the caterers. Incidentally, we might refer to a cali upon Frank the otherday to act as the caterer for a swell wedding nexl September at Homer, Mich., some ten miles beyond Jackson . Superintendent Davis bas learned from Hm keeper of the Wayne county house, that the lad found on the railroad track in Chelsea was at the Wayne house not long since; he had come from Jackson, enticing away from home with him anotuer boy. Both were sent back to Jackson, and Schaffer rail away agaiu, being found at Chelsea, as spoken of above. At the residence of the bride's moUier, Mra. F. C. Myrick, Milwaukee, Wis., on the llth inst., occurred the marriage of Mr. Frank D. Mead and Miss Sara F. Myrick, both well known here. Mr. Mead's parents live in Ann Arbor township. Frank's residence is in Escanaba, Mich., where he is prosecuting attorney. Mr. and Mrs. Mead have the congratulations of thelr many Washtenaw friends. Last Wednesday night Messrs. IiPwis & Oibson and Mr. A. M. Doty were visIted by burglars. The rooms of the former were entered through an opening made by taking out a pane of glass. Nothing was missed from their stock. Mr. Doty's shoe store was entered by raising one of the back wiudowg, the catch of which was operated by breakinsr a pane of glass iiear the same. From his stock Mr. Doty inissed thirteen pairs of ladiea' fine shoes, twelve pairs being of the same make. Something over $20 in cash was taken from the safe, which seenis to have been left unlocked. When Mrs. Arthur Worden of Des Moines, Iowa, was hereona vislt lastsummer slie saw the crazy quilt which m;tted the Methodists $140 by autographs and auction sale at thcir May Festival, anil she retuined home with the idea of getting up a crazy quilt for the Des Moines M. E. chnrch. A fine one was made, and $300 cleared on it. As it was to he presented to some one, Mrs. W. worked for the pastor and he for her to have it. She gained the victory and it was given to Dr. Young. Then to get even with her the ladies of the chnrch made another, and recently presented her with it " in testimony of their appreciation of her excellent work in behalf of the one that paid for their piano.' It is a beautiful present and worthlly bestowed. We are glad of this new evidence of Mr?. Dr. W.'s popularity. Company A parades here on DecoratlonDayln accordance with the following order: Headquarters Fiest Regiment, ) Mxcuigaw State Tboops, V Lansing, May 8th, 1884. ( General Orders No. 2. The Corapanles composing the First Regiment will parade in uniform, under arras at their respective stations on the ¦iOtli instant, aslrequired by Faragraph 91, Uules and Kegulatlous. Series of, It being Memorial Day. Soldier, these oom rades of ours sleep in silence on the lillis and in the vul leys. from the Lakes to tbe Rio Grande. Their graves are a sacred trust tbatsbould be bonored and preserved. If no stately oolumn or monumental pile reare lts helght upon the spot where these héroes lie buried, It is meet and proper that their comrades In arnis, their friends, and the friends of loyalty should assemble, and on each returnlng anniversary strew with flowers the places that mark their last abode. To this they are entitled by their deeds of devotlon to their flag und country. By command of D. II. McComas, Col. Coramandtng Regiment. Wl I.I.IAM P. APPLEYARD, }st Lleut. and Adjutant. Last Saturday aftenioon Sheriff Wallace received word from Detroit, that the authorities there thought they had some stolen property of residents of this county. Mr. Wallace accordingly went into Detroit the same evening, and among fourteen horses brought to the Central stock yards late Friday night preceding, for shipment east Saturday morning, the same having been withheld by Detroit detectives as stolen, the horses of O. Lathrop and L. San ford were found. It will be remembered these gentlemen together lost two liorses on the niglit of April 28th. The sheriff of Oakland county ilentified eight of the horses as belonging to different parties in his county, and the Macomb county sheriñ claimed two. Three of the fourteen at last report remained in the hands of the Detroit offleers. The stranger in charge of the stolen property at the Central yards escaped. The horses seem to have been stabled at different barns in Detroit after being stolen.