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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. A backward spring has soinewhat relardcd trade with us, thougli nothing Hko as niuch as could reasonably be expected. Our spring stock is complete in evcry department, and is the largest stock exposed for retail in this city orany other city in this part of the State. Strangers are invited to viait the store, though their only errand be to see. Having reccently announced novelties in black dress goods to the exclusión oi staples, let us retnark that in all the leading staplo fdbrics in Cashmere.'!, ïamise, Cauael'sIIair, Grenadine and Nun's Veilings we have been and are to-day exceedingly strong in all of our lines and justly conti Jent in our prices. Our silk Warp Henrietta at $1 .50 "is a rare bargain." Combination suits are "en regie." The patterns piled on the counter in thesouthe ;stern part of the store you can multiply by about four, to get at the variety. Here are modest plaids and stripes, gray mixtures, ninlange effects., etc, etc, prices $1.25, $1.35 and $1.75. You are quite sati-fied that "homemade underwear" is an unwise investnient of time and toil. Can't be otherwise, if' you have turned over carefully the masses of delicate drapery and tried the tucks and trimmings, to see if we have really been suecessful imitators of your home-made work. If we have, it won't take long to figure the difference in cost, if your own time is not cheaper than factory wages. Ladies' skirts at $1.40, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 are worthy of inspection. The parasol season has opened with & rush. It finds us prepared with everything desirable in coaching, Lace Trimed, ('arriage, &c, &c. Look at our black brocade8 at $7.00 and $10.00, our colored brocades at $15.00. Jerseys are stilt the popular thing, we have twenty styles for ladies. Some are plain as plain can be, and others are braided and beadüd until they sparkle and dazzle. Prices begin at $2 00 and end at $20 00. Splendid presents they are for the girls, and not much bother to secure the proper fit. A recent purchase enablus us to inake an exceptioual oflering in Women's Hosiery. To quote prices hard'y seems usefül, it tellg so little, for instance, for us to say we have ladies' hose full regular made solid colors, the reader would naturally say, why, every store have sucb, but the fact remains, that no house but ours has Schopper's solid colors, unbleached heel and toe full regular made with French feet at 30ots, it is a quality universally sold at 40 and 50cts. The motto in this department is quality first, always quality. Prices adj usted on that basis. "We incline to the opinión that most people follow the crowd, but who starts the crow ? BACH & ABKL. Tho above deplcta a very pleanant feature of bicycling as a sport. The club have ridden from their licadquarters in the city, to a auburban vülage some twenty milea away, where they await the arrlval of the racing members who were to ¦tíirt jnst thírty minutes later. Fivc minutes more and the two foremost of tha racing men - Fri, on hls " Harvard1 and Yonson on his"Yale," appear in sight. The pace in tremendous : the men are neck and neck, and Dodges, the captain of the club, whom you observe is leaning on hi " Shadow "light ruadstt r, in the foreground, declares the race a tíe. " Where are tbe other men ? " he aeks. " Oh, bchind, somewhere," is the reply. "Are there any 'Harvard.'' or 'i'ale'a'or ' phadow'a ' among them 't " "iiot one." " Ah I that accounta for It," y the Captain. American bierders as a body will realize the force of the captain'a last remark, but the thou. aands of new riders which the ooming year will produce, ahould each on of them realize that the only true economy in choosing a bieyele is to be content with nothing lesa than the very best that money will procure. Each ahould flnd out nll he can about bicycles before making bis choice, and in order to aaaist enquirera in their nearch for information, we will,'on receipt of a a tbreecent stamp, aend to any addreas, a copy of our large illustrated catalogue by return mail. THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, The Pioneer Bicyolo House of America. [Established 1877.] Importing Manufactur's of Bicycles & Tricdafj Ood Fgixows' Hall, Boston, Mass. CHARLES W. WAGNER, Agent, 21 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. ADVEKT1SING CHEATS ! ! ! " It has become so common to write the beginning of an article, in an elegant, interesting raanner, "Then run it into sotne advertisenient that we avoid all such, "And simply cali attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, honest terms as possible, "To induce people " To give them one trial, whicli so proves their value that they will never use anything else." "Thk Remedy so favorably noticed in all the papers, " Religious and secular, is " Having a large sale, and is supplanting all other medicines. " There is no denying the virtucs of tho Hop plant, and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewdnesa "And ability "In compounding a medicine whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation. I l She Die I " Xo ! "Shelingeredaudsuftered along,pining away all the time for years," "The doctor doing her no good;" "And at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the papers sji.v so much about." "Indeed! Indeed!" " How thankful we sliould be for that medicine.'1 A Daugliter's Misery. "Eleven years our daughter sufl'eied on a bed of misery, "From a coinplication of kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility, Under the care of the best physieians, " Who gave her disease various names, "IUit no relief, "And now she is restored to us in good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had shunned for years before using it." - The Parents. Father is Uettiug Well. "My daughters sy: "How rauch better father Is since he usíd Hop Bitters." " He is getting well after hls long suffering from a disease declared Incurable" "And we are so glad that he used your Bitters." A J.adï of Utica. N. Y. A bent pin on achair is an indicationof an early spring. - Texas Siftings. If Catarrh has destroyed your soiue of gmell and hearing. Hali's Catanh Cuie will cure yon. 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Wlusky s coming down. Uuf.ntunately it is gotng down also. - X. Y. Journal. Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Kenewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility. $1. Dr. Carver is the shootlng-star of the murksmen's firmament.- Yonkers Gazette.


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