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However good a cigar mav ho, some time or otbei1 it mcetsits match. - Oil City Derrick. How can you remaiii a sufferer froiii dyspepsia, when worse crises thau yonrs are being cnred by Hond's Sars.ipai lln? Try t. it will soon be warm enough fon the front gates to bc QftClipfed. - Spnii_s-f:c-ld. (111.) Mino. _ CnreU my Wifc's Wtaknesa. Krom Evansville, lm!., the home l our correspondent, -Mr. Jno. 1!. Patterson, comes the following: "Scttnarilan Xervínícured my fe ora case of female weakness." It's an extract trom Mr. l'attcrson's lelter." f 1.50. Our present Congress is viitually a gang of counteifeiteii. At lenst they have been passing bad billa all winter. - Seissors. Lots of Pcople get billlous, Uaye heavy headaehc?, inouth foul, j-ellow cyes, etc, all the direct resul t of impnre blood which can be thbroughly clfonsed, rnewedandenriehed with Kidney-Woit. It acts at the same time on the Kidtieys, Liver and Bowels and has more real virtue in a package than can be found in any othcr remcdy for the same clas8 of diseases RINSEY & SEABOLT'S UKBIJÉlif AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep confitfmtly on band, BREAI), CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retall TrHdc. We sball also keep a eupply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Kyc Flour, ICiuKw iKiit Flour, C'orn II :il. Feed, Etc, At Wholesale and Retail. A general stock of GROCERIES ana PROVISIÜNS Constantlyon hand, which will lie sold on as reasonahle torras as at any other house n the city. Cash uaid for BIJTTER, EGO, and COUNTliY PRODUCE generally. (ioods delivered to iiny part of the cuy without exira charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. COMFORT, ECONOMÏ AM) Sl'EEl). The time when the seeker of a ncw home in tbc far West and his wearied tamily IM reqnired to sulït'r the fatigue and discomfoit of a long journey in a regular day coach, with no beds but the seat.s, has long since pi8sed by: great majorily ot' such pnsseiifiers bt'inu; iinable lo pravlde their families with the luxnries of Pnllnian Palaoe Sleeping cars, on account of the expense. The Atchison, Topeka iV' Santa Fu li R. Oo., bcKiin, several years ago, to equip its lines with Ueping cars uhich would iifford comfortable sitlinr room for its ])asssngers by day, and agreOable sleeping upaitments at niglit, and to open these accommodations without extra charge to all persons traveling, even on the low fares uniformly fiirnished to seekers of homes in the newcountiy now opening along the line of the road, as well as to the Pacilic coast. These sleeping cars Hrenot upholstered.but are linished on the interior in hard woods, and after each trip are thoroughly washed, and made as clean as when they lirst carne l'rotn the builder's hands. These cars are also well lighted and ventilated, provided with closets and lavatories, and areliberally supplied with water and fuel, so as to make them comlortaltle at all seasons of the ycar. The agent of the Company at Knnsas (,'ity will take especial pains to lócate passengers of the same nationality togetnW, and classify passengers with Bome consideration of accommodation and congeninlity, so as to make their tripas couipanionable and enjoyableas possible. Tlie train men are also instructed to look carefnlly after the comfort of these pasgengers. Assignments of berths are nnvde at Kansas City, by which passengers inay beassured of retaining their places tlirough to the Pacitic coast if desired. These cars form a part of the expres trains botween Kansas City and The Needies, and Kansas City and Deining, and passengers thus have all the privileges of these comfortable cars at the extreme low ratesof fare, and arrive at their destination as promptly as if travellng in Pullman Palace Sleeping ( '.irs. Parties desiring any further Infórmatlor) will, by addrtssing the undersiiiiied, receive prompt and courteous attentiun. J. O. PiiillU'pi, V. General Agent, 1105-1200. 51 Clark st., Chicho.


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