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Sam Lingsüorf went uto Detroit this morning. Oeo. G. Jaycox is In the city. He cume yesterday. Mr. and Mis A O. Bliss go to Chicago next Monday. C. E. Holmes, of Toledo, spent Sunday In Ann Arbor. Miss Lena Qidley, of this city, spent the latter part of last week in Diïndee. Mr?. Wltherby lus recently returned froui a several weeks' visit outof the citv. Joe T. Jacobs, Washtenaw's delégate to Chloagn, leaves tor that city Sanday nlght. James J. Jaycox, who bas been conflned to the house several weeks by sicknesg, is able ti be out. Jessi; Bootlí, from Missouri, is in the city. His house on Wtlliam street is not y et completed. Mi. Ronine, father of F. N. Bonine, the fleet-t'ooted fresliman rnedic, was in the city Satuiilay. E. II. Aldriuh, of Saline, was in the city Monday. He starts Saturday tor the Chieagij convention. M. Hadsou, of Lansiug, father of E. H., of the Cook House, spent Siindiy in the city with his son. Mrs. Dr. R:ind, of Charlotte, is visitiiif; ïer paients, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore, on Moith Inifalls street. L. V. Hascall, a New York publisher, was In town Monday looking ifter thu agency of "Errors' Chains." Dr. Edward Roers, of Chicago, who las been visitinfr his brother Aloses since he lith iust., kft for Chicago Monday, John Keek was called home from the vest Monday by a telegram announcing Mrs. Kcck's rnotlier'a sevcre sickuess. Mis. H. J. Brown leaves for Rochester, N. Y., this evening. She s called east by he severe illness of her snter, Mrs. Perking. Rev. Stalkcr and wlfe on Friday attended the 45th anniversary of the wedding of Mrs. S.'i paren ts, Alexander Kerr, of Lodi.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News