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No cullege Dccoration Day. Prof, Patengtll visited the Detroit high scliool last Friday. Tuesday evening. June 24tb, the senior pharmics banquet. An excursión to Orchard Lake is Ín mind for an carly date next month. "The Rcjíistcr" was repeated last Satn'day niglit to a good audieucc ín Alpha Nu hall. Prof. Olney's friends will bc glad to hear that hU health is somewhi.t on the i m prove. The professors' monument was moved to a point just west of the laboiatory. yesterday. The appeaiance of the Pulladinm may at li'St be mnounced wltll snme certainty for June lOth 1'. S. Puncher, '85, left the latter part of last weck for a short visit with fiieuds n Three Rivera. Tlie freshmen and gnuhomores are havinga litlle spurt nou-, in the way of exclianglng class h Us by forcé. Webster Couk, '7tí, superintendent nf scliools at Mauietee, was in the city Monilay. He hft tlie anie evening. One tuousand uil filïy palients are said to have been registered in tiie allopathic hospital up to the clo.-e of last week. Quite a iinmlier went down to Toledo last SamiiUy to see the ba-e ball frame between the ToleUos and (..'iuciiiiiatis. T. L Iüdingd, medie '84, went up-t Lansiiigiast ets to altend the maniate of a fdend itt tlie capital. He rvtarned Monduy. Proís. Dorrance and Greene are both iniüii bc rs of the G. A. H. Pust novv, the tonner having been initiated one evenlng last week. Dr. L. L. VunSlyke and faniily leave ior tlie east next Monday, the doetor's classes in the laboiatory elosing up their work this week. Thursday evenlng lust, at her home on Washtenaw Avenue, Mis. Piof. D'üuge entertained a nuiuber of friends in hoi'or of a visiting neici'. L)r. T. J. Wi'.iinpelineier, for sometime in titrasshurg, Qurniuny, returns in tlie ia 11 to resume his fbrmer position in tlie chemieal laboiatory. Two ball games next Frklay: - One ín the forenoon witli tlte Cadet nine frjin Orcliard Lake, and the afteraoon vvitU tiie Detroit Amateun, Mrs. Dr. Palmer entertained the lady raeciical studente, about forty in all, at lier home on Ann streut last Saturday afternoon, froiu three to six o'oloek. 1). E. Osbor:e, of tlie senior medical class expects toleavc here with bis family the latter part ot' August lor S in Francisco to sail soun thereafter for China. Prof. M. E. Cooley spent last week in Pittsburg in attendance upon the animal meeting of the American Society of Meclianical Eiijrineers, of wllicb society be lias the honor of a membei ship. The Detroit Free Press gets gome pretty good hits in last Saüuday's Cbronicle, on the sportiug editor's attempted facetious report of the recent games in Detioit between the Cass aud Uuiversity clubs. The new drinking fountain is iu pos tion, and persons using the two metal cups chained to the fountain may Indulge In a little bellriiiging as tbey drop them against the iron casting afler drinlung, the eups giving out a different tone. Prof. Demmon's Shakespeare seminarr bas two meetings more for the discu.-sion of playa. " King Lear " wlll be considered next, and "Coriolanus '' the following, week. The course is an especlally line one, and attraets many visitón?. '85's Chionicle board organized Monday evening as follows: Managing Editor George B. Sheehy; Various Topics, T. II. McNeil ; General Literature, D. K. Cochrane; Things Chronlcled, E. E. Posvell; ICxcbanges, Don C. Corbetl ; Personáis, F. VV. Job; Literary Notes, 11. 8 Davrson; Secietary and Treasurer, A. U. Robeson. Officer8of the Students' Locture Association tor the ensuing year as follows were elected Saturday forenoon last: President, R. F. Eldridge; vice president, F. A. Ainsworth; cor. sec, T. II. McNeil; ree. sec, .'.E. Bmchard; treas., D. K. Cochrane ; asst. treas., II. A. Reynolds; senior coinmitteeman, S. E. Higgins; junior coinmitteeman, W. VV. Chapin; sopiioinore commliteeman, C. V. Dixon. The sudden and unexpected death. of tonsilitis, of a member of the freshuiau medical class, J. A. Jenning, occuirjd last Wednesday evening, on Maynard streef. Mr. JennlngS ttended collere work iip to and inckiding Friday the lOtb, being taken sick on the followlng Saturday; he was not considered dangerous until Wednesday afternoou last, dyIng that evening, as stated. Ilis class la Thursday adopted resolutions on hls death. The remalns were fonvardcd liorae to Dccatur, Mich., where the funeral services were held on Friday. The Field Day contest last Saturday begau at two o'ciock. Allineiidinger won tlie base ball throw, 340 feet, 8 inches; the lawu tennis, doubles, was won by L. M. Dennia and E. N. Smith; standing broad jump, by F. N. Bonine, 11 feet 6 inches; mile run, by A. I. Moore, 6 min. 20 sec; clay pigeon shoot, by C. Byrnes, 4 out of 5; 100 yards' dash, by Bonine 10} sec; b'xing, by II. H. Haiues; quarter-mlle run, by Mooie, 44} sec.; feucing, by C E Bond; hop, skfp and jump, by Bonine, 45 feet 10 inches The match shoot between tlie Ypsilanti and University shooting clubs was won by thefonner. The teams exdect to shoot again at an c-aily date, in Ypsilauti. The turlong dasli s to be competed for on Decoration Day by Bonine and Moore. The enfries ín pohit of numbeis wpre noticeably few. Alxmt $50 wil] be cleared by the Base Ball Associiition.


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