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Thk Aarieultural Appropriation bilí anda bilí for the construct ion of a public building at Detroit a! a bost ol' $900,000, were pagsert in ilic Seáata on the 3Oth In the House the Indiana contested seat ae of BngUsh vs. l"ee Ie was debatel for aoine time without aetiou. Ili the Senateon the 2!st tUrteen billa wer passcd tor tlia erection oC public buildings. tlic aniount appropriated beiiitf $1,442,51)0 lntho House a rcsolulion was accept ed contirminü' tbe rltrht of Mr. Poelle (Republloun) OTer Mr. Knjilish to the oootedted (est tor Indjann. by n vote of 121 to in. Mr. Bprlmrer moved u rrennsidcratiou. pending walota a motion to adjouru was eiirried- 119 to 118. A Bi Li. was introducid ii the Senate on the 2'd providinf tor the payment ol' fcmnle nurses for services during the war. The bill prohibiting the mailing: of newspapers conaiuiiiif loltery advertisements was placed at llie toot ol' the calendar. The Labor Statistici bil was debate! Iti the House the aoiioii givinflr Úw oonteated Miat in hm ot F.nifli-ili vs. Pee le, ot' Indiana, to Mr. Peellewaa rcoonsidered. and, by a vote oC l30tól2T, Mr. Eng-lish was rlvon the srat. A eharsre that tbe father of the newly-admitted meniber had abtisrd the privileges of the House, byattemptiiifr to InflueBO votes n the case, wat ordered to le investigrated. ly the Senateon thc23d a bill was passod to ¦-t.iiiii-h lu the Interior Department a rturi'au ot' Labor, at an expense nol exceodfaff f.",00U per aunuin. The Coinmissioner is tö eollect Information on the subject oi' lalior and its rolation to capital, the hours ol labor. and all other labor Matistics. The Pension Appropriation bill wah also passed. .. .In the House a biil whs pasaed approprintinc $¦ OO.OfH) to pay certain uuartermaster claims, one-hall' of whieh is duo to citiens ot Tennessee. At the eveninsr session forty-two pension bilis wer6 pasM'd, incluiiic one piin Hfty dotlAri per ntonth to the widow of General Ord. DCMESTia Fjre a few days ago swept away Woodward'a planiug-inill at Cbattanooga,Toun., yalued at J70,(KX). Thk I'enn State Bank of Pittsburh, Pa., closed its doors on tbe 21st, a steody "run" haTiiig largely diminished the funds. The l'rosidsnt, Mr. Kiddle, said the bank was able to pay dollar for dollar. The liabilities vrere said to be about $1,500,000, with assets greatly in exeoss of these figures. Llotd L. Majoiís, ono of the trio who nmrdered Archibald Mclntyre and W, P. lteuowden in Santa Clara Couuty, Cal., was executed on the 21st. The annual convention ot the brewers of the United States was held at Buffalo on the 21st. The attendance was large. The Sundayschool scholars of Brooklyn, N. Y., observed children's dny on the 21st. In the grand line of march there were Bo',SSS children from Kil' schools. The suspension bridge across the Scioto River at Portsmoutli, O., was crushed bj' a lrove of cattle on the 21st, and two children of the name ol Fullweiler were drowned. Anotheb beavy rainfall occurred in Northeastern Texas on the 21st, making the fourth since May 1. Immense tracts of country were flooded, and great daniage to crops had resulted. In soiue sections crops had been planted tw ice, and would have to be planted again. At Ileinpstead n house was blown over and a child was killed. The steamer Faraday landed the sliore end of the Beunett-Mackey cable at Rockport, Mass., on 22d, and sailod away to make a splice at a buoy 250 miles to the northeast. She would next pay out 1,000 miles in the deep-sea section. : Hewrt Hays, a farmer of Davies County, Ky., was found dead nearhis resideneo a few days ago with three pistol -shots in bis body. Hays was a despernte man, and had engaged in several shooting affrays. The street-car stables and eight horses were burned at Portland, Me., the other night. Engineer Skilling was fatally injnred. It was announced on the 22d tbat there ¦'as fully twenty thousand people be tween Natchez and Vicksburg who were destitute, and had no prospects that they could raise a decent erop until nxt yr. Secretary Foloer on the 22d issued a cali for the redemption of $10,000,000 of three per cent. bonds maturing the 30th ol June. ¦ Jat Gould cabled Vanderbilt at LondoD en the 22d that a better feeling prevailed on the stock-market, that no further failures were expected, that the crops were in an excellent condition, and that the new trunk-Iine pools had been completed and signed. Vanderbilt replied that his views were in accordance with those held by Mr. Gould. A well of natural gas, of eight thousand horse-power, was struck in Pittsburgh recently at a depth of fifteen bundred feet. : In Elk Township, Ta., the other night Mr. and Mrs. Greist lay quietly sleepiug, when a man entered at the window, and struck the woman on the head with an ax, killing her. The husband followed, but the assassin escaped. Burolars penetrated the twenty-incli brick wall of the vault in the City Clerk's office at East St. Louis the other night, and carried off about {2,000 in money and nearly 520,000 in city scrip. The wholesale diy-goods firm of Elliott, Dewey & Co., of Richmond, Va., bas made an assigninent, with liabilities of $200.000. A freigüt train on the Parker & Kanis City Railroail went through a trestle near Karns City, Pa., a few days ago, and was badly wrecked. Two men, named Thompson and Cook, were killed. fcTHE house of famuel Ackerman, near Portsmouth, O., was destroyed by Ure a few nights ago, and Mr. Ackerman, his wife and a daughter aged sixteen years perished in the flamas. The other six children were snved. A CATTLE-raiser of Texas, who had just made a tour of the stock región, estimated on the 22d that the drive for the season would be half a million head. The following executions for murder took place on the 38d: Loban Stevens, at Waverly, O. ; Lloyd L. Majors, at Oakland, Cal.; Leónidas Johnson, at McDonough, Ga.; John McKietben, at Way Cross, Ga., and Charles B. Clark, at Ijittle Yalley, N. Y. Nicholas Pauley's house in Clyde, Mieh., was destroyed by firo on the 23d, and two childreu, aged eleven and eight yeftr, perished in ths Sames. Tbem were 203 failures in the United States and Canada doping the sevn day9 onded ttthe 23d, against 222 the previons seven days, dUtributed as follows: Midftle Stat63; New Bngland, 28; Southern, '2; AVestern, Ki; Pacific States and Terrilories lö; Canada, 20. Keports on the Ï3d of the condition of the grain crops in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota continued to bn vvry favorable. The failure 3 announced of Jo;epli B. McDonald, a lumber-dealer of Woburn, Mass., with liabilities of $125,000. The Penn Bank of Pittsburgh, Pa., resunied business on the 23d, and kept te iloors open until five p. m., during which time $50,000 were deposited in excess of the amount withdrawn. Four men were drowned on the 23 1 at Rayre, N. Y., by the upsetting of a boat in the river. A freight train on the Burlington Road, eaeh car of which was supplied with airbrakes, passed through Nebraska on the üd at the rate of twentyseven miles an hour, and the officials pronouuced the experiment a successful one. Charles A. Hinckley, paying teller of the West Side Bank of New York, was on, the 23d discovered to hare embezzled $90,000. He had disappeared. Just before midnight on the 22d a collision occurred between New York Central trains at Brighton Station, N. Y. Twenty persons were injured, araong them the Japanese Prince aud eleven meinbers oL hls suite. The Railway Mail Bureau at Washingi ton on the 23d completed ii schedule fon Sifljb' service betweeu N_e_vc Y.orJi. Jind the1 Uity of Mexico, 8,739 miles, tho average time I)iii2i soven days. John CoKMINOS, b clork of the Standard Oil Compaiiy at Long Islaud City, disappemvd a few dnys ago with (,"00 whlcfa he drow to pay employés. Asyndicate on tlie 2"d purchaasd trom Fiak & Hntch, of New York, all the : ernment boiuls tlie finu hold, which placed them in a positiou to settle their affairs. Lioutnino on the 2'd struck au oil tank of thB Atlantic Refitting Company in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The flames ¦ spread rapidly and in a short time a loss of 8150,000 was caused,H. C. Blaschard, a colfee merrhant ab j Riehmond, Va., bas failed for $223,00U. The Dakota Supremo Court decided on the 2i!d that the Capital Commission wal ' validly organizad, rcversing Judge [ tou's decisión in the Supreme Court. An : appeal was taken to the United Statos Supreme Court, and un il the latter's decree. is enterad tlie Capital wil! remain at Yanltton. PERSONAL AND POLITICA!. Thk business men of New York gathered on the evening of the 20th at Cooper Union in vast uumbers to indorse the Administration of president Arthur. The chief speakers were B. H. Bristow and Rev. ! Henry Ward Beecher. The Ohio Democratie State Convention will be held at Columbus Jun 24 and 25. The House Committee on Military j fairs at Washington agreed on the 20th to report a bilí providing that honorably dis-, charged soldiers and t-aücrs shall be given lreference lu appoltttmeuts to civil ornees. The Republicans on the 20th nominated General James S. Negley for Congressmaii in the Twenty-seoond District of Pennsylvania and T. M. Buyne in tneTwenty-third District. The Missouri Prohibition Home-Protection party niet in State C'onvention at St. Louis on the 20tb, elected thirty-two delegates to tlie National Convention at Pittsburgh, and nominated an Electoral ticket, hut postponed tbe nomiuation oL a Stat ticket until August 10. Resolutions wero adopled indorsing tho platform of the party, passed in Chicago in 1SS2, declaring In favor of cqual suffrage and wages for j women with men, anti donouneing the üquor-license laws as co-partnership wi;h crime. The Demócrata of New Hampshirj held their State Conventiou at Concord on the 21st and elected delegates-at-large to the National Convention. The platform adopted domands a reduction of the war tariff, j and insists that the Democratie majority in the House continue their efforts to I tablish tho revenuo system on an houest basis. Tilden and HsndrieKi received u'iauimous indorsement. Ex-Speaker Rakdall stated on the 21st that he thought Congress would be ready to adjourn July 15. , The New York Democratie State Conven tion has been called for June 1S at Saratoga. A statue of Martin Luther was, unveiled j ia front of the Memorial Lutheran Churuh et Washington, D. C, on the 21st. About 2,000 porsons witnessed the ceremonies. The following Congressional renominations werO made on the 21st: Kansas, First District, E. N. Morrilla Republican; ¦ Fifth District, John A. Anderson, Republican; Indiana, Fifth District, C. C. Watson, Democrat. Ferdixand Ward, of the firra of Grant & Ward, was arrestad in New York on the; 21st, on a suit by the City Chamberlain,! bail being fixed at L50,000. Ward, not ; having secured bondsmen, was in custody of the Sheriff. A large delegation from the African Í M. E. Conference, in session at Baltimore, visited Washington on the 21st and paid their respects to the President. An Industrial Congress, representingthe sugar, wool, rite and other industrial interests of the country, met in Chicago on the21st in mass convention. A platform was adopted claiming protection as the truo policy of the U.ited States until other iiations shall pay equally high wages to i workmen as we do. Horace F. Taylor, Past Grand Master of ! the Masons of New York State and a leading bauker of New York City, dropped dead in his office a few days ago. A mortgage on General Grant's farm, south nf Bè l-i., ui mo vanaerbilt loan of $15,000, was recordad at St. Louis on the 22d. The Democrats of Nebraska met in State ¦ Convention at Lincoln on tho 221 and elected delegates to the National Convntion favoring Tilden for President. The platform declares that the administrative ; reforms needei by the country are impo-sible so long as the Government is io Ihe ! hands of the Republicaus ; advocates such i a revisión of the tarift' as will prevent as far as possible unequal burdens, and the heaviest taxes to be placed on luxuries. The West Virginia Greenbackers asembled in State C'onvention at Buekhaiinon on the 22d and nominated Judge K 1win C. Maxwell for Governor. The Fourfli Indiana District Deiuocrais on the22d renomiqated Williamti. Hulmau for Coiigres, and Congrossman Thomas A. Ryan was renominated by the Republicans of the Fourth Kansas District. TüENobraska Ripóblicad StatR Convention for the nomiuation of State offleora I vill be held at Omaha A-ijjnst 27. Ex-.lUDfiK W. R. Bkebe. th nl.leil practitioner in the United States District Court, was kille! by the cars at Evona Station, N. J., on the 22d. He was seventyfive Tears of age. Isaac M. Veitch, an old citizen of St. Louis uud (me of the most prominent OddFellows in the United títates, died auddenly on the 22d. (íexerai. Butler bas formally accepted the Anti-Monopoly nominatiou for President of the United States. The following is the letter of acceptance: I.owr.r.i., lis., May 21, 1SS4.- Gontloinon: 1 ha'e the honor to recoive your courteous note Kivinjf me the action of the couvention at Chicairo on the Hth instant of tho reproeentatives of Anti-Monopoly. The honor ol' the dpsirnatlon by suen a body as their candidato lor the Presidency of the Kepublic can not be too hiïrhly appreciated. Concurring wlth each measure of public policy eet forth in the refiolutions, I nood only to add that If the votes of the electors hall intrust me wlth tho executive powers of that high office, each of them will be fully, justly and cnergetically used to make every measurc of relief to the people and reform in the Government pointed out in your platform tho principies and iharactcr of the Adralnistration. Accept lor yourselves personally my most crateful contidfiation. Benjamin F. Ü The Nebraska Diocese of the P. E. Church bas elected Dr. Worthington, of Detroit, Mich., Bishop, as successor to Dr. Clarkson. FOSEIGN. Londox advices of the 20th state that widespread destitution and nearly a score of suicides had followed tho failure of the Oriental Bank. No failure since the suspension of tho City Bank of Glasgow bad caused such wholesale ruin. The King personally opened the Cortes at Madrid, Spain, on tho 20th with a speech from the throne. He said the Government had been reliably informad that the Spanish Anarchists were closely united with the Socialists of Germany, the Niuilists of Russia, the Anarchists of France, andeven the Fenians of Ireland and America, and ! ho said measures would be taken to rid Spain of such disturbers. At Lira ves, Me.v., a serious conflict was reported to have occurred on the 20th tween tho troops and the people, and fears ! were expressed that a revolution had gun, which would spread to all sections of the Republic. It was said that the present Government was so corrupt that nny chango would he dosirable. In a speech iu the Cauadian Pailiament i a few evenings ago Cartwright, tlie leader ! of the Opposition, said the present unrest of the Canadian people conld le don i away with in three ways - annezatlon to ihe United States, independence, and the federation of all the English people of tho world. A tkrrific cyclono passed through I Akyab, in British Burmah, a few days i ago, destroying thousands of housea and ! killing many people. Seveue shocks of earthtguaks wero feit on the ülst throughout the península of Cyzicus, Asia Minor. Several villages were damaged, many houses were destroyed and twenty persons were kjlleil. A has o! twelva bandita Tlaclmd a . party of Biercbanta near Nuevo León, Uex., tlio day, killed tbr of theuj, stole $l,00n ainl t!on escapad., tlio Canadlan oarsman, wou i the sculliiiï race at Sydney, Australia, on í thepad, defeating Layoock, ihe A.ustraUa.11 champlon, iy iialf a length, Thk Britlsh ihlp Syria, eu rout lroin Shanghai to tlio Fiji lslauds, was wrecked a fow days ago when noar her destination, oud seventy passensors, all coolies, wera reported as lost. Adviohs of the 2!d state that the Captiiin General of Cuba hail liberated som desperate crimínala upou condition that thoy join Aguero's band and assassinat him. Agüero was bnrning and pillagiig j on his mavch, and bis forcé was being ; daily augmented. The French brig Seaorine founderecl : cently off the great banks of '¦ land, the crew and passengors, numbering sixty-two, perishing. LATER NEWS. Mrs. Alkxan'Der Edmuxds, of St. Louis, Wbile laboring under a temporary fit of insanity, cut the throat of berthree littlj i children on the night of the 24th with a ' razor, and then deliborately drew the weapon across her own throat. The Northwestern warehouse of Hiram Sibley & Co., at Chicago, mi completely . deatroyed by fire on the 25lh, cansing a I loss of $175,000. Three persons were killed and iüio others were seriously injured by a cjlli.sion I on the AVest Shore Road uear Savannab, ! N. Y., on the 24th. Jambb D. Fish, er-Fresident "f ths Marine Bank of New York C'iiy, was arresled on the Sötb upon a warrant issued by United States Coinniissioner Shields, charyed with having misappropriated the : funds of the bauk to the eztent of 000. Theke were thirteen deaths from yellow fever nt Havana, Cuba, during the week eiuled on the 21th. One-half of the Mail Building at Toronto, Out., was burned on the S4th, and the t 'iflili'Mir .service of tiie city wn destroyeiL The loss was abost $100,000. One fireman , was fatally injurod. Duuino aquarrel on tue 'J4th near Zuinlirota, Mimi., a farmer ïiamed Kettleson killed his wiie with au ax and then feUled bimself. Theke was in the United States TreasUty at AVashington on the tth a surplus of $105,000,000 over liabilities, audthe Gov ernment reoelpta wero nearly l,0'K),000 daily. It was announcüd on the "Jöth that heavy rains in the river districts of Louisiana had baclly damagod the crops, and planters and business uien were greatly disoouraged. The box factory of the Erio Preserving Co. 's works at Long Island City was destroyed by fire a few days ago, the loss beiiiS'. f118,0111). The West-SIds Savings Bank of New York Cily i'losed its noors outhe 24lli after '. a 'iiin." The President announcod that ! depositors would be paid In full. Thu first cyclono ever known in Washington Toiritoi'y passed over a portion of Azotin C'ouuty on the 24th, doing great d image to property. No lives were lost. Thk 1ow by the reofnt lire in the tic crude-oll refinery at l'hiladelphia was i on the 25th placed at $600,000. The United States Senate was not in I ression on the 24th. In the House a ; ÍVrence Comniittee reported its concurreucfl in all the tëenate ninendnients to the bill to fstablish a Bureau of Animal i dustry, and the report was agreed to. A i bilí was passed to permit Lieutenant ] Reynolds, of the navy, to accept a tion from the Emperor oL Austria lor ; Baving Inven livos.


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