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Miles Under The Sea

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Many cuvious fomis of fiflhes liavo recently been found in the deep sea. One lish, dvedgecl from a deptli of nearly three miles from the surface, shows a complete modification of structure. At thia distance from the surface the preasure can hardly be realized. It is estimated tliat this íish has to contemí against a pressureequal totwoand onelialf tons tueverv square inch of anriana. A sealed glass tube, inclosed in :v perforated copper oovering has at two miles been reduccd to fine powder. while tlie metal was twisted out of shape. Yet, the fishes are so oonstructed that they withstand the pressure. Thelr borly and muscular systemsare not fully developcd; the bones are permeated with pores and fissures. The caleareous matter is at a minimum, and the bones of the vertébrate are joined together so looaely that in liftins: the larger lishes out of the water thèy often iall apart. The muscles are all thin, and the connective tissue seems almost wanting. Yet, these fishes are able to dart about and capture prey. Sunlight penetrates only about 1,200 feet below the surface of the sea. At 3,000 feet the temperatura lowers to 40" ,Falir., and from about a mile from the surface to the bottom, four orfive miles, -the temperature is about the same (the world over - just above freezing. How do the flshes and other forms that ;live here see? . ïheir eyes are modified as well as their other parts. The fishes that live ,500 feet from the surface have larger leyes than those in the zone above them, 'so that they can absorb the faint rays ¦that reach them. In a zone below this .many forms with small eyes begin to have curious tentacles, feclers, or organs of touch. Many of these dcep sen fishes have .special organs upon their sides and lieads that are known to possess a laminóos quality. üther organs are considered accessory eyes, so_ that the lishes have rows of eyes upon their ventral surfaces looking downward, while near are luminous spots that provide them with light. One of the largest of these deep sea torch bearers is a fish six feet long, with a tall dorsal fin extending nearly the entire length of the body. The tips of tliis fin are luminous, and also a broad patch upon its head. Along the ,sides of the body are a doublé row of Juminous spots. One of the most ferocious of these deep sea forms is the Chanliodus. lts inouth is fairly overllowing with teetb that protrude in a most forbiddiugmanaier. The lins are all tipped with llaming spots, while along the dorsal surfce extends a row of spots that appear Jike so many windows in the flah, through which light is shining. The little fishes called liombay ducks are luminous over their entire surface, and when mimbers are collected ;togethcr they present an astonishing ispcctacle. One of the most interesting of these light givers is tlie C'hiasmodus, a lish that attaina a length of only thirteen loches. TIn; top of its head is the principal light-givingorgan, and its line gleam with phoaphorescent light It is; not alone remarkable a-s a light-givcr. It has a jaw so arranged that it can seize lish tsvice its size and casily swallow them. lts stomaeh has the elastic quality of India rubber. It stretches to ünormous proporlions, and a]pears 'likc agreattransparentballoon hanging itinder the lish and containing its prey. The last expcdition sent out byFrance brought to light some remarkablo forma. The dredge, ort'Morocco brought p from a depth of over onc and a half miles a lish Ihat appeared to bc all head or mouth. It was of small size, and the length of the mouth was about fourfifths of the entire body; so that, if the body had been severod behind the head, it and two or three likc it could have been slowed away in the capacious pouch. Jt probably moves vcry slowly, scooping mud and ooze luto its mouth, sifting out the animal parís and rejecting the rest. - N. Y. Sun. Wby is a cliüd whnse father and mother have neither brother or sisters like nn tui-olviible conunclriini? Tlccniise i' lins


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