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RINSEY & SEABOLT'S ÍIÍflÉ - - i All XJ Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on lnnd, HKEAJ), CRACKERS, CAKES, FIT., For Wlu,lcsule and Relnll Tr-dc. Wu ibtll also keep a cupply oí SWIFT & DEi:HKi:s BE8T White Wheat Flour! ¦ -! li i Flour, ltye Flnur. But'K wlical í liïiir. torn Ial, Feed-, liio., At WlioU'sale and Iíetail. A uem-nil ííock of GROCERIES ana PROYÍSIüKS Couslantly on hand, which w1] pe unid nn ae reanoiiahle term e uw ttt any ottitr house u the city. ('ah ia'd for BUTTER.EGC;-, and OOtNTHY PRO Dr CE tinerally. tiooris dfllvercd to aLj part of Uk; ciiy without exrra char; ¦, RISKF.Ï& SKA BOLT. lSSIISl3ltlIlllllaflïiLl83IBISLi)B3liilllf LI LorPAIN RiieVMAflMt and NjEUUAI.CIA lmve ka raousk lm Wol in the bañan Hystein. %ar fcirinpiited the human (omlly and ¦toaflCc lanJoa it fyii,::iip oijtof meuiory 00 tl;llL MdK Aa. lllUacllid lackcd fbe tanta Oh wii puüi. " .Htaptiotos " H tho ene.ny of RlieumatÉfim aiMl Wiiiualiii, repairs the r ua-iiLTs renewa WMi Ajm. easert the joiirti, calnis tin nérvea, s-i itli ¦ tb náiBcleo jjíves rost iml peace t' tho tnmlilod braiu, umi etisurtn deUbiful lei p. " amii jooo8 " is a ticw reme v . bul n lus 1hmu eMMlaiiH' iuied. Frnm f ar aiul uEarcmue t' rftmM)i)iö írtMlí WH'11-líIMiWll }M ll.llM luii loiltf ln'i II MlAkwerH. ]t liat::-i"l li-!-:iM"i OUt. It lias cuwd kiem. Tlmt te aM,- au ] that la ennngh. " ATin.fK'itOROs" :m do for yon trhnt it luis ikxie tic thoe suHferers. lt can drive ixityoiir Rbeuiniitisin and Neuralgia, and wilt ái no ilycjii giye it a Fair trial. "AmLOPOcmos" has4)y tlils tlinn hadsuch a piood trM 11V over tho country tbat iLs trne worlï is kiïowit ao!l Kr true cliaracför prove4. " AadLornovos " moaiiB "Prtze-3parer;" " Vilor ; " " Ciniiiiif'Mr " H r;u i ?.eaa Vioto over the attckB of tliese tol Ie . ¦ .: I IMÍ CotgK:ijK)ft bC tll" Iriirtltful Rjrouits lhr.rictiniB htne ímircii. i.t u ri ere t iuionir] but a i'ermaiK'iít, v:i:!'aiii:, aud triülíl] haúl cure. Il j"oucannnt,(t(t AiiíLoriii' Irigglal, vre wlll senil ltexpi'fssji ! 1. i i i'egularprlce-ODe dollar p"3rb ule ¦ ¦ tbat jou ljuy lt frorn your rti : ,, ' liMsn'i It, do ndt tw . i i i'ui'.f ¦¦¦,:. elbf, but order at once ü" ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 VKALI. ST., RE)4 ...n iiiiiinnummnj i). r. ymi.uMf-n COMFORT, 1 C'OXOMY AM) SI'Elil). Tlic time when i lic seekcr nf n ncw liome iu the far West iind lii.-! wcuitd t'nmily wt'ic rcquireii lo sullVr the futijjue nnd discoinff)vl of alnnjf jfuirney in u recular day concli. with no beau but tlfe 'ais, luis loiijt siiicc piissed by: :i grt'ftt insjority of siioh passcncrs bcing unnble io proVWe 1 1 1 1 1 - f;iiin!ios wil li l In liiMuics of l'üHman ice Slcüping ci, ni i bccouiiI of the ei - pense. The Atelrkon, Tnuckn & S'iiiUi Ke K i:. Co., licúan, icvernl ye.-irs ii'o, to eqnip ii. illi hli-eplng ais vvhiqh would alVurd coriifortable siuinjf lootu for pH8S8iigera hy ihiy, aun áxree able Blet'plnjf a)in tinenta it night, and Ui ('in-u acpoiuhiodatlona wiihoul txtni rhai'ge in all persone H'iivellng, even en the low lares unlt'orrnly furulliud toMwktiKof lniiiu's in tin; ncw cóuntiy now opening iilong ihe Ihie of the road, as wcll a lo ihe Pacific coast These üieéplng cai'siire pot npliolteredjbat are Hnlshéd on tli; Interior in hard woods, and Hfter cacli trip are thóroitjrhty WaslieO, and ina(ieaa clean as when tlicy rtrst ciiine froni Uic bullder'a handt. These c.ii's are also well Hsilited nhd ventilaled, ]inviilcd willi Closrts and lavatorio, and arelfberally supplletl wlth water and ftiél, so ns to inaKe tliiin comlbrlable at all st'asons of the year. 'J'he liieiil. of the ('onipany ut Kansas City wlll take especial pain? to lócate passengen of tho same uationality logetljor, and classif}r passeDgera wil h some conslderation uf accomrrjodation and congeolnjily, 80 as to muke thcir tri]) as eoinpanionable and cnjoyablcas poaslble. Tlietmin men are also instructed tolook cirefnlly iiflcr the comfort, ot' tlice pHStongers. A.IsigDmente of berthi are made ut Kansas City, by which passendere may beassured of retalning thelr places thruugh to tlie Piiciflc coast il destred. These cars lorm a part of tbc expreqs trains botween Kansas City and Tlie Needies, and Kansas City und Deining, and passengers thas hare all tlie privileges of these coinfortable cars at tlie extreme low ratea pi fare, and aliive ut tbeir destination as promptly as il' traveling in Pullman PalHceSfeepIng C.ii's. Partlea deelriog any further Infortpatioii will, by udditsïinf; the undersimied, receive prompt and conrtcous attention. J. O. l'iiiLuri'i, W. General Agent, 1105 1200. MClarkst., Cblopjio.


Ann Arbor Courier
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