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Jf? _nOYAL"Wfl Jl 8 I POWDER Absolutely Pure. This pnwder never varíes. A marvel of purity. strength and wholesomenesa. Moreeconomical tbau tbeordloary kinds, andcaunol be bo13 in eoiupetitlon witli the multUmle ol low test, shot welghl, alum or pliosphate piiwaerg. Boid only tn cans Royal Baking Potdrh Co., 1013 Wall St. N. Y. Disfiguring f hu mors, Itchmg and Burning Tortures, Humiliating Eruptions, such as SAT.T RHKDM or Eczem, Psoriasis, Scald Head, Infiniile or Iiinh Hninors, and ev;ry fonn iif Iti'iiiiiL1, Sciily, Pimpli, SoioluloHs, Inhcriu'd. CoiUnL.'iouj, aini Copper Colured Diseases ol the Blond, Skin. and Sol, wllh Loss of Huir, are poeitively cured hy theCuncuftA Remedies. Cntlcura Resol rent, the new Wood pnMfier, cli-anM-s the blo d n t persptration of iinpurith-p and uoisoi.ous elemeuls, aud thus n-movus the eins Cutlctira, ih; eroal Skin Cure, Instantly allays Itciiiníí tiid h 11 nninrttioti, clean the hkin and Scnlp, heols Ulcera aDd Sores, and restori.8 tlie Hair. Ciiticiirn Soap, anexaiiisiteSktnBeantlflerand Poltet Uequielti prep rmi frdm Cuticnra, is indis pei.s.thlc in rn-atini; Skin DHH-es, Baby Humors, Skin Bi-.'iiiirhee, Kouali. (' nipod, orOiiySkln. Cntietira Hemedics ara üimuiiiiiiij ¦¦ ló"" me oniy real Blüod rurifiera and km Beautmers, iiee Irom nn'rcr.ry, arsenic lead, z'iiC, oraLy oiher miici ;il nr Li' :iilc poiron wlia b ever. It WOU Kl reqnire this entire paper to do jnstice to a description ol' the cnies periormed hy the CiuIcaia Kegolvenl mti-rnaüy, ai.d Cuneara aud Cutli;urn Soap exte-ually. Eczema of the palras of ihe hands and of the ends ui Ihe flngeru, very dillicult to treit and usually considefed incurable; smal! patchi8 ot tetter and sall rheum "n the ¦ ars, iiose, und sities of the lace. Scillleil Heflds wltti loss ofhiir without numbur, heads cuvared wltb dandrufl' and scaly cruptione, especially of children ond iniants, many of wliicti sii ce birtli had been a raaes of scabs ; biuDing, and fCfily tortures that haffled even relief trom ordlnary rumudies, soothed and tieated as by magie Psoriasis, leprO9y, aud other frighiful forms of skin diseases, ecrofiijuits nlctrs, old sores, aud disctiaririn' wounds, ea'-h and all ol whlch have heen PDeedily, permanently, and ccouoiuically cuied by the Cuticura Remedies. Sold everywhere. Trice : Cuticura, S0 cents: Resolvent, $1.0 1; Soap, 2-i cents. Potter Drug ann Chemical t'o.. Boston, Mas. Send for " flow to Cure Skin Dise-ises." CATARRH CompleteTreatment, S I .OO. A single dose of Saxfoiïd's Radical CrREinstantv relieves i he most violent Sneezing or Head Colds, H-ars the Hcad as by magie, stops watcry discharges rom the Nose and Kyrs, preyentt Hinging Noises in Head curea Nervous Headache. and subdues Ihllla and Fever. In Chronic Catarrh it cleanses the wal passages of f onl mucus, restores the cuses of moll tate, and Hearing hen alTccted. frees the , il tlii'imt and hiimchial tubes of offenslve matter. ven lens and purifica the lireath, stops the cough and fresl ¦ the progresa of Catarrh towards Conênmptlon. Onebottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal so vent nd Sanford'B Inhalcr. all in one package, of all drugL'ists for al. Ak for Sam-ord's Radical core. gisiBiui Po.JTER Uruü axd Ciiem. Co., Boston. ÏK 0 ¦ ¦¦ COLLIXS' VOI.TAIC F.I.KCTKIC % H p BI I'i.astkr Instantly affects the HU ¦ U Xcrvous System and banishes EB BS B ¦¦ I.'" A perfect Electric BatyniB tery comblned wlth a I'orous tc rnv Piaster for 56 cents. It annlhlIS THE CEY ateg ],alni vitallzos Weak and or A Wom Out Parts, strenKtlif-ns 'UIFFERINB ÏERÏE TIred MuSCleS, prevenís Dl, ,u,,i "-."'¦ in one-half the time than any uH,eri)?"lcrlniï,"world. Sold everywherc. I Whon you cr.-ne t Lhink of it, it i not Odd tbot literary pcoplo piefer im to a ctear It is handler to ranoke whm tln-j are writinu-, and ever o much cleaucr. A,l then It give thfflB tho true csseace aiil flavor of the tobáceo. The moht fastidio wiioker amnnir .J nations and Bil .-lamesof men airree th..t SfXooo ïro on the Gold Ttobacco 7olt of Nortii Carolina Ib öe mom aemSwSSSrsas Ses d the na ¦ flfiniiitel ""'¦¦ ¦¦r?iV' "I ñ 5re"BDurham Tobacco Oa.ttd !& TViirhnm HmoMng Tobacco. 1 W known U world "ver. ] nt .... .ThBul ¦¦ I trade-mírk.tbenyoñwill - J I be sure of haring abso "WmlA 2L_IJ EÏÏAN'S IMPERIA!. TBUSSr-„Am.. t't.""s'önl jl TrtoltEÜcW.Si..l f' !3rartíSMt'VíIsS CO. ft 2ÍSS. ¦"" ¦rl""'' " rmwjliimilton Block. AnnjVrb SUBSCRIBE for the COURIER.


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