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Burglars In Chelsea last Thursday night enterad the store of Parker & Rabcock md lecured $38.30 trom the safe. Frklay night Mr. Tiiidall, living three miles west of Chelsea, had stolen f rom his barn two horees, buggy. etc. From the Herald Miss Nina Wriglit, now a pupil n Miss Mutseheli's department, has riot been absent or tardy iu tlnee years. Herbert MeKone, littleson of Tim McKone, had the misfortuin a few daya ago to fall and break hN lefl arm aboye tlie wrist. In response to a telephoue message, Mis. Emmert lelt last Friday for Saline to wait upon hermothcr who the day before feil and fraetured aknee pan. The fracture is quite bad, and it will be some time before slie will be able to be about again. One of Mis. Cooper's hens hftvlng read of the big egg stories in the Aun Arbor and Ypsilaiili papers, decided to do betler so it layed an egg7J x Dut not being satistied with tliis, it placed inside two perfect yolks and the white, and one perfect egg besides. We have the inside egg and largo shell at our office, and thisfact can be Bubetan tlated by A. Steger and his egg buyer, Frank Nelsou. DEXTKK. Ffom the Dexicr Leader. A line Italian marble monument has been erected in our cemetery to the memory of the late Jesse O. Hoyt. TheM. E. Sunday school hasjtistadded about forty dollars worth of new books to its library with which the children are well pleased. The Rev Mr. Merriam, of Minnesota, a brother of Mrs. O M. Smith, filled the pulpit of the B iptist chuich in this vlllajre liiSCSonday morning. Mr. Merriam being iu attendance upon the Baptist anniversaries in Detroit, took the occasion to pay a vlsit to his sister. MANCHESTER. The Southern Waslitenaw Farmer's Club hold a meeting Friday next, 1 p. m., at tlie residence of L. D. Watkins. It is expected that the Iforvell club will meet with them. From the Enterprise. Cut worms are doin; considerable damage to the corn. The currnnt worm and potato bug have made their appearince. II rs. Goodrich Conklin feil and sprained her toot yesieidnj moi-ní. „.ui 8 unable to walk. It is ren"1'0'1 tlmt ¦ Ejsom Uillod 18 rattlesnakes while planting a piece of marsh laud tocorn. Luther Merriman, of Grass Lake, came over here yesterday and bought a lot of TomFarrell, iust east of Mrs. Kief's, on which to build a skating rink, 40x100, to be opened July 4th. Tho?. Woods' little tbree-year-old girl had a leg brokeu on Tuesday eveuiwg. Mr. Wuods was at work in the cemetery, and the little one in playing around pulled a marble slab over, whicn struck her leg breaking it at the ankle. Wilbur Short met with au accident last Friday which carne near being a serious one. He was drawing saud with an ox cart, and in some manner he feil from the cart and struck the ground on his back. One wheel of the loaded cart passed over his body, but as the ground was soft he escaped with but slight injury. Charles Younghans, who wentto loma last weck to see his brother Albert, says thiit lie found Al. Ín a bad sliape, his right side beíng partially paralyzed by the accldent recelved. The company have offered hira $5.000 to settle, but his physician thinks that he will never be any better, and that he can by waitmg get $10,000 at least. Charley says that they will try and bring Al. here. SALINE. From the Observer, Nissly shipped 4,000 dozen of eggs this week. Beat that you who can. Mary, wife of .lacob C. Hathaway, died at her home, near Mooreville, on the löth inst., aged (50 years. The fuñera was yery larjrely attended by friends and relativos on Sunday. In this vicinity peach blossoms are very few and weak looking, some trees having fcarcely half :i dozen buds. Uut Oherry and apple trees are laden witli blooni and promlse abuudautly. Milton Reynolds, in shelling an ear of corn for BOedlDg purposes, had the curiosily to know how many kernels were ou the ear, and by BCtOal eount he found the number to be 1245. The cob was bat a% Inchee 0113. Who has got corn that cm beat this f Tuesday contractor Ford and his able lot of mechanica ratoed the frame for Jacob Lutz's new grain barn, size 34x53. Mr Luuisone ot öaline's inost índustrio'us, honest and worthy citizeriS, and we are nleascd to note his prospenty. This is the iourth barn lie has built since 1875 and we learn he contemplates erecting á model horse baru another year. A little over two monthfl ago a cow belonging to Alfred Miller, of tliis village, .rave birth to an exceedingly small and weak calf, and on Monday last delivered herself of another one, or the second calt, withinabout two months. Both ciUves are living and turning out nicely. W No. 1. is said to have been no larger than ü eood sized lamb, and was so weak it had tobe held in one's lap and fed, ,bnj ite ft stout and friiky now as any. Mr. Miller saya he now has four cows and six calves another cow haviug lately produced twius. YPSILANTI. Frora the Commercial. Gapt. Allen gocs next week to look after his lndiaus. Absent a couple ot weeks. How now for tomatoes? Jack frost bas cleaned out over 5000 plants tor Col. Childs and over 15000 for John anCleve. Look out for the back door. George Fuller, at the depot, left his open and a sneak thief entered, pried open the desk and took $15. McCullough's foundry came near burning Tuesday night. Caught fire from the molds near midnight, was discovered and extin"uisicd without mueh dam age. MiD L Quirk has been elccted pres ident of the Fust National Bank in place of I N. Conklin, deceased. Mr. L. A. Barnes succeeds Mr. Quirk as vice-president. Mr Henrv Martin, Hurón street, has inven'ted the'completest lawn uiower we ¦ ave ever seen. It is a cui lowty, sunple n lonstruction, but does efficiënt work, even in grass from six to cight inclics high. 'l'he frost Wednesday night was ver}' severe. Gnrden sauce unprotected has gone. Potatoes ind beans are laiil flat. ötrawberriesare badiy injnred and the expected heavy erop of apples pul back. A larjJB area of corn is not up yet. Prom the Ypsilantian. It is expeoted that Paul Boynton, the swhnmer, will cometo Tpsilanti thUsumïner and give an exhibitiun of liis hkill. A kind-liearted tJiief left ?.'!.") out of $50 that was n Geo. Fullr & Son's tlü Saturilay evening. The $15 lie took while the ollice was teinpoiarUy vacant. The farmers of Superior have onranized a protective aecooiation, whose object isto glièrd agaiust and punish wbeat, wool and stock thieves. Tbeofficers are : Ira Ciippen. President; Win. Geer,vice-president, P. P. Galpin, secretary; J. G. Kooke, treasurer.