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School And Church

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- A colored Salratioa Armv has been organized in Charlotte, S. ('. - A lady lias prosonted the New York Presbytery withOH,000 foi noody churches. - The largest hall in San Francisco.1 built by the Baotists and ürst occupied by Rev. Mr. Kalloch, of that denomination, has passed to tho Spiritualist, who are very nanicrous ia that city. - Chicago Journal. - Dr. Thomas, in his looturo, "T11 There bo a New Religión?" says that any religión discovered in the future wouldsiniply bo a modilication of the faith, creed'and forrns of the religión of the present day. - Chicago lnterOcean. - At the last meeting of the Newark (N. J.) Methodist Episcopal Conference, a committee submitted a report proposing that a centennial endowment fund of 100,000, to be known as the Francis Ashbury Fund, be raised for educational purposes. - X. Y. Examincr. - Statistics show a gain of sotne 300,000 to the Roman Catholic population of the United States for the last year. The number of priests among them is reported at 6,835, with seventy bishops and archbishops. Ecclesiastical seminaries havo decreased by nine. - A prïtition, signed by Bishop Clark, Protestant Episcopal, and Bishop Henderson, Roman Catholio, was presented to the Rhode island Sonate at its receni. Eession, praying that all prisoners in State Prisons be allowed lo worship according to the dictates of their own conpciences, but no action wasjtaken. - Xhe Watch Tower sap: "Out of the blO Baptist churches 'in Ohio, it is Btated that only eight pay a salary to their pastor of $1,800 or more, and but twenty a salary of $1,200 or more, though there are $2,000,000 of churoh property, and millions of private property in the churches. From salaiios of $1,000 the decline is said to be $J00, and that, too, where businesss is good and the churches can pay more. - Yale Collego has abandoned the pystem of marking to determine the standing of studeñts. Instructiou is given cntirely by lectures, and no quizzing is allowed. Thcre will bo no 6yping on examination. If the student wishes to use any unfair means no effort will be made to detect him, nor willanypunishment f olio w opon wrongdoing except the loss of tho student's lown self-respect and his instructor's confidence. - Hartford Post. - Philadelphia appears to be fully ro'iscd totUenecessity oL Industrial edncation. Pvpaident Steel, of the Board W'iniTition, ju lm iiuuiKil address the other day said niat h industrial m h..,i is now one of the greatest neëds of that city. Thero should bo sueh a school, he thought, capable of accommodatino; 2,000 students. The work-rooms sliould be ampie, aud provided with machiaery for the manipulation of metal, wond aud textile fabrics. All the sciences that apply to the manipulation of these materials into articles of use in our daily life should be tanght in connection with their imtnediate practical application, from the genoratiou of steam to the mhdng of dyes.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News