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Oeo. Jaycox leales to-day f,,r Cincinnati, Ohio. Mis. Jnlia Erarts, of Detroit, is vlalting Mis. B. K. Watts. Mrs. k. II Hudwii and daugbtw were in Detroit Monday. Mrs. R. K. Fellowp, of Klkhatt, hul., is vlsitlng fiicnds In the city. Miss ürr, visiting at J. M. Wlwelert returned to Deiroit Monday. J. Win. Hangsterfer la in Detroit, e.xpecting to remaln until Saturday. Mre. Tuomey, of Ottawa, Kan., fo.merly of Dexter, is vialtinr her sou in tuis city. Mr. Ë. li. Kinbier, an attornev of flow11 IV":. .1. ; . _ .t .. ui,jarao.,iB in uie city on the Dexter clrain case. Albert J. Roblson, of Bharon, brother of ourcounty clerk, as n the city Vesterday. " Foruian 8. Hendrickson spent Sunday at home and went to Chicago Moiiüay morning. Mrs. C. E. Lyman, nee Fanny Keilogoof Bay City, is the guest of Mis. Otis, west Hurón street. Miss Paulina Kaichen, of Detroit s visitmg her sister, Mrs 8. 8. Blltz, on Huron street west. J. Emmett Roblaon, deputy county clerk, went lato Detroit yesterday. He returns this eyening. Mr. and Mra. Geo. Hammond, of South I-yon, spent üecoration Diy with Mr and Mrs. J. P. Sclnili. Mrs. A. E. Warden, of División street, uas been contined to the house several days tlirough sickness. Judge Hairi man leaves the latterpart ofthemontb for his animal visit to his oíd home in Peachara, Vermont. .r.. Tt _ lur. isray, ot tlie Detroit Times, was in the city Saturclay and took iu 4-Paw ia ndvance of his appearanoe in Detroit. Mrs. G. P, WiUtams, of Huron street east, left Monday for a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Duanc Do tv, of Pullman, Hls. Mrs. Long, motlier of Mrs. C. A. O. McUlellan, south University avenue, left Monday for a prolonged visit with relatives m Virginia. Mr., of San Francisco, Cal., fathcr ofC. G. Bush, dent. '85, visited his son for several d;ys recantly before leaving for the Chicago convcntioii. .lohn McOlarken, superintendent of scliools at Ithaca, N. Y., stopped off for a short visit with Messrs. Bulkley and Goodyear, Monday, on his way to Chicago. Acquaintancesand friends of Mrs. Perkins, of Rochester, N. Y., sister of Mrs. II. J. Brown, of this city, will be pleased to learn that slie s somewhat iuiproved m tn.auii. Mis. C. II. Riciimond is attendlng, as 1 a delégate trom Ana Arbor, the sessions at Plint of theWoman's Auxilliary of the Missionary Society of the Episcopal Charca of the state. A. 0. Balduin and family moved last Thursday to Charlevoix couiHy, where the doctor intends practicing medicine. Mr. Baldwin is a biother-in-law of Miss J. V. Van Deventer, of this city. Chas. N Gilbert, of Glen Falls, X. Y., ot E. X., stopped off Satuiday un bis way east trom Chicago. Mr. Gilbert took in order from a single firni in Chicago for 2,200 dozen shirts. He represents au east e in establishment. .Mr. J. X. VVestcott, wlio has been stoppinar witli hia son-in-law, W. G. Doty, for the past year, left for Trinidad, Col. last Saturday, to spend the sumineivvith a d.uightcr liviusr there. ¦-' Doiy accompariled her father as far asCiiicago. Kev. Enianuel Selimid, professor of Greek In Capital llniversity, Columbus, Ohlo, since 1358, expectsto visit his brother Fred Sclimid, of our city, this slimmer. Kev. Schniid is a gradúate of the class of '55 in the University. Win. Dowd, the well known banker of New York City and a member of the committee of 100 business men appointrd to attend tlie Chicago convention in the Interest of Arthur, stnppedover Saturday and SniKluy as a guest of Mr. Chauncy Millen. Mrs. Joseph Berry, in compaiiy with Mrs. Cooper and sou Norman, left yesterday for New York to sail for England. Mrs. Berry eoes to Yorkshire, and Mrs. Cooper and son toLondon. After an absence of about tlirefc nionths they return together. C. E. Cook, brotlier of A. P. Cook, private secretary of auditor-general Stevens, at Lansing, and himself a clerk in the auditor-general's office, was in the city yesterday as a witness in theDexter drain case before the circuit court. Mr. Cook surveyed the drain, we believe. E. Packard, of Brooklyn, N. Y., owner of the Cook House and of the Millen property opposite the fair grounds, stop pe:i over Friday with his wifeand daughter, being on his way t attend the Chicago convention asa delégate. He belongs to the independent branch of N. Y. Kcpublican voters, and favors Ed munds or Hawley for president. He remarked upon Ann Albor not haring a street railway, and thought one would pay well if run from the post office to the University or beyond.


Ann Arbor Courier
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