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BACHABELCOLU MN A bakward spring has soracwhit re tarded tradc with as, though nothing üko as rauch as could reasonably bc expectcd. Our spring stock is completo in every department, and is the largest stock exposed for retail in this city orany other city in this pirt of' the State. Strangers are invited to visit the store, though their only errand be to see. Having reccently announced novelties in black dress goods to the exclusión of' staples, let us remark that in all the leading staple fabrics in Cashmeres, Tatuise, Camel'sIIair, Grenadine and Nun's Veilings we have been and are to-day exceedingly strong in all of our lines and justly confident in our prices. Our silk NVarp Henrietta at $1.50 "is a rare bargain." Combination suits are "en regie." The patterns piled on the counter in the southeistern part of the store you can multiply by about four, to get at the variety. Here are modest plaids and stripes, gray mixtures, melange effect., etc., etc.. prices $1.25, $1.35 and $1.75. You are quite sati,fied that "homaïnade underwear" is an unwise investment of time and toil. ('an't be otherwise, if' you have turned over carefully the masses of' delicate drapery and tried the tucks and trimmings, to see if we have really been sucaessful imitators of your home-made work. If we have, it won't take long to figure the difference in cost, if your own tiuie is not cheaper than factory wages. Ladies' skirts afc $1.40, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 are worthy of inspection. The parasol season has oponed with a rush. It finds us prepared with everything desirable n coaching, Lace Trimed, Carriage, &c, &c. Lonk at our black brocades at $7.00 and $1U.OU, our eolored brocades at $15.00. Jerseys are still the popular thing, we have twenty styles for ladies. Some are plain as plain can be, and others are braided and beaded until they sparkle and dazzle. Prices begin at $2 00 and end at $20.00. Splendid presen ts they are for the girls, and not much bother to secure the proper fit. A recent purchase enables us to raake an exceptional oft'ering in Wouien's llosiery. To quote prices hardly scems useful, it tells so little, for instance, for us to say we have ladies' hose ful! regular made solid colors, the reader would naturally say, why, every store have such, but the fact remains, that no house but ours has Schopper's solid colors, unbleached heel and toe full regular made with Krench tëet at 30ts, it is a quality universally sold at 40 and öOcts. The motto in this department is quality first, al ways quality. Prices adj usted on that basis. "We incline to the opinión that most pcople follow the crowd, but who starts the crow ? BACH & ABEL. The above dcplcta a very pleasunt feature of bicycling as a sport. Tha club hayo ridden from their hcadquarters in the city, to a suburban village some twenty miles away, where thoy await the arrival of the raciug membcrs who were to tart just thirty minutes later. Five minutes more and the two forcmoít of the racing men - Fri, on bis " Harvard," and Yonson on hia " Yale," appear in ight. The pace is tremendous: the men are neck and neck, and Dodges, the captain of the club, whom you observe ia leaning on hi " Shadow "light roadster, in the foreground, declares the race a tie. " Where are the other men?" he asks. 11 Oh, behind, somewhere," is the reply. ' Are there any ' Harvard'u ' or '1 aie's ' or 1 Shadow's ' among thcm ! " " Not one." -¦ An : mat accounts ror t," gays tho captain. American bicyclera as a body will realize the force of the captain's last remark, but the thounands of new riders which the coming year will produce, should cach ooe of them realize that the only true wionomy in choosing a bieyele is to be content with nothing lesa than the very best that money will procure. Each ahould find out nll he can about bicycles before making hts cholee, and Ín order to asiist enquirer in their earch for inforraation, we wlllon receipt of a a three-cent fltamp, send to any address, a copy of our large ülustrated catalogue by return mail, THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, The Pioneer Bioyole House of America. " [Estoblishcd 1877.] ïmporting Manufactur'a of Bicyclea & Trirjrto. Odd Fiuuih' Hall, Bostok, Mass. CIIAKLES W. WAGIiER, Agent, 21 South Main St., Aun Albor, Micli. GOODYEAR'S! No. 5 S. Main Street, You eau always flnd the Best Stock of DRUGS! MEDICINES, PERFUMES And every tliins usually kept in a flrstII i SIME! -A-O1 LOWER PRICES Than ANY OTHER PLACE in the City. CALL ZIT And Look Over onr Stock or FancyGoods. A very poor city - Seurcity, enoagb to acare anv onc. - AVaterloo Observer. Ketter than Diamonds, aml uf greater valué than line gold is a great tonic and renovator like KidneyWort It expelí all poisonous humors from tlie blood, tonos up the system and by acting dlreetly on the mest important oígaiis ot' the body stimulates tliem to healtliy action and restorts lieal lli. It has elfected uiany niarveluus cures and for all Kiduey discases and otlier kinUrccl troubles it is an invaluable reincdj'. First AV reten - "How's your wife, cid man?" Second Wretch- "Splendid- bad cold- lost her voice.


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