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Compiled from Late Dispatches. CONGEESSIONAL. Mn. iNf.Ai.i.s tntrodueed a btll In the Sonato DntheSTth tor the sale ot litnds belonginsto the prairie band of l'ottawatomies. Mr. Lapbun Bubmttted the majority report on the, Danvüle (Va.) riot. claimitifr that it was nreooncerted by the Democrats lor hc purpose of intimidatlnjr the netrroes In the House a joint resolution, wi passed appropriatiriK au addiliónal $00.000 for the relief of suflercrs by the overflow of fhe MisalMlppl Rner and ita ¦ !,¦¦ 'm iès. l!v R vote ol IS to 108 the House deolared Mr. MoKinlcy (Kep) not entitled to the seat for the BUrhteeath ohio Distnut, and Mr. Wallaec (Dein.) was sworn in. Thk Mexiean War Penalon bill was considered in the Sonate on the 2th, and the proposed aniendment to restrict lts benctits to. those dependent on their labor or the aid of others was stricken out.... In the House a, bill was reDorted to forfeit the nnearned land. trant of the Atlantic & Pacific Hoad. Ihe LeiriBlative Appropriation bill. which reduces theintcrnal revenue eollrcüon dislricts fromi eifrhtv-four tosixtv :hn'c. wu conafflered for. the remainder Oí the dajr and at tlie eveninir flt fcRfiÍOTl II was voted n the Sonate on the 29th to appropriate the N0,000 remalning from the fand for the Ohio Htver stifferers for the' relief of citizens alongr the Lower Miasissippi. The District of Columbla Appropriation btll was nussod. Adjourned to June i. ... In the House billa were reponed to resíllate the exportation of imitation butter and eheese and to make 1,000.(K)0 Hip limit tortee oost of the public building " LouttrOle. Tho I cfrishitivc Approi'riation bill was amended toprovide Ihat tliere shail be but forly-throe iiitemal revenue districts and slrty-seven oustoms districts. Adjourned to the ::ist. DCMESTIC. Durixo a recent storm near Harrisburg, a, Clnra, daiighter of W. H. Snyder, was Btruck by ligntning and instantly killed.. Lulu, her sister, was seriously injured by; the sanie flash. At a meeting of the barbod-wire manu-, I ad uren of the West and Northwest in Chi-: cago a few days ago it was resolved to close the faetones during the months of Julyand Ausust in order to keep up prices. The Methodist General Conference in session at Philadelpuia on the 2Sth adopted a report by the Committee on the State of the Church that divorces shouli only be granted for adultery, and that the guüty party should not be married again by any minister of the church. lx a quarrel recently abouta horse-trade near Dublin, Ga., Stephen L. Fadgett shot hls brother Joe dead. D. L. Wheelkr, statistical agent of Nebraska, estimated on the 2Sth the yield of wheat in bil State this year at 31,750,000 l.ushels. The acreage sown to corn and oaís has been largely increased. A old feud between John G. Garrett and John Turner, of Richmond, Ky., e'ided the other day in the latter meeting the formar in the road and shooting him dead. Miss Clara Barton was on the 2Sth closing the season's work of the Red Cross Society by distributing a steamboat-load of household goods and building material to the flood suffers at the upper end of the Ohio River. Issane at the loss of a bank-book Mrs. Caroline Schreifer killed flye of her children at Albany, N. Y., on the 29th, and, with another child in her arms, threw herself before a train. She was killed, while the little one's leg and arm were crushed. DüRiKGthe seven days ended on the 20tli $1,GG--',000 worth of dry -goods were imported iuto the United States. The Methodist Protestant Convention, in session at Baltimore on the 29fch, declared in favor of total abstinence and passed a resolution insisting that the divoree laws be so framed as to forbid eitber aivorcea party 10 marry uunug iuo life of the other. Ixcexdiaries burned the court-house at Florosville, Tex., on the 20th, the records, deeds, mortgages and all valuable papers being consuui d. A heavy frost in Southern Wisconsin, Northern Illinois, Northern Ohio and portions of Pennsylvania and Michigan seriously injured fruit-lnu i Hw ciions ju the nlgüt of the 2Sth. While standing at his door in Pittsburgh the other night Robert Sloan was shot dead by Joseph Dickenbaugh, who said in extenuation that he was shooting at a mark. Thirty-eicht million barrels of petroleum were on the 29th stored in tanks in tlie Fennsylvania oil región- enough to make a lake one inile square and ten feet deep. Reports recently received by S. W. Tallmadge, of Milwaukee, indicated that tlie total yield of wheat in the country this year wou'ld reach 504,820,000 bushels- an inerease of 10(5,000,000 over the erop of 1883. I. a shooting affray near Granby, Mo., a few erenings ago, resulting frem an old grudge, John G. Koontze, ex-postraaster, inri f!rrsr Tahor. a merchant, were killed, and George Hudson, a desperado, was seriously injured. By the f all of a scaffolding on the L9th in a railway tuunel near Ligonier, Fa., nine Italian laborers were killed and eleven others were seriously injured. Wesley Johnson' was hanged on the 29th at Napoleon, O., for the murder of George W. Williams and wife. Plunder was hl sole object In committing the crime, and he secured twenty-six dollars in curreney and a silver watch. Frank H. Cushman', second teller of the Merchant's National Bank of Providence, R. I., after embezzlin $3,000 abseonded on the 29th. The Union Deposit Bank of Greensburg, Pa., closed its doors on the 29th. The liabilities would reach $100,000, and the resources were less than half that ainount. Hardie Hakdisox and wife, of Columbns, Tenn., an aged couple, were fatally assaulted by Waltc Daniels, a nephew, a few evenings ago, the object being robbery. K. D. Hall was convicted at Christiansburg, Va., a few da3's ago of the murder of C. A. Boyer, and senteneed to death. The crime was committed fourteen years ago, but Hall had boen in parts unknown, and returned to visit his father rccently, when he was arrested. A COTTON warehouse at Bilumore, collapsed from the weight of its contents on the.SOth uit., crushing eight persons to death and badly injurine several others. A VIOLKNT sno-storm passed over the towns south of Buffalo, N. Y., on the moming of the 30th uit., trains arrivins at Buffal being covered with snow. A give-in undor the tracks of tbe Reading Road at Turkey Run, Pa., cr.iised a nuspenrion of work in the collieries on the SOth uit. The ground for a considerable distance was eradually sinking. Thomas Bürraoe murdered J. C. McAdee, his brottaer-in-law, in Karns County, 'f ex., a few days ago, and soon a f ter ;i mub touk Burrage from jail and hangad him to a tree. William Brown and James Tucker, murderers, both negroes, were hanged on the GOtli uit., respectively at Belleville, EU.,' and Paris, Ark. At Conyerse Station, Ter., three little sons of Edward Halrig, uged five, seven and nine years, were drowned whileswim. ining a few days ago. They were found by the father, locked in each other's arms. At Minneapolis a few days ago Charles E. Erickson and Charles Holraerts, Swedes, just arrived from the old country, walked in front of a train and were killed. The Harmony (Fa.) Savings Bank Las olosed its doors because its money was1 "tied up in the Penn Bank." The liabilities were not believed to be large. 1 An nn own horse-thief was hanged by yigüanlcj near Pendleton, Ore., the other day. It was announced on the 30th uit. that the recent accident in tho Krupp Tunnel' near Pittsburgh, Pa., by which nine men were killed, was caused by quicksand. i The Coroner's Jury exoneratcd the contractors from blame. During the memorial exercises at Loulaville, Ky.,on the 30th uit. the speakers' stand c-ollapsodj tifty _persons beinL. pre-. Bipltated ïöihc grouniT, nrifTr-omn rrcivêcl serious injuries. A heavy frost in New EngUnd on the nigbt of the 2Oth uit. (lid great daniago to the fruit crops. Durinc; tbe seven days encled on tn SOtta nlt. there were 16J failures in tb Unitod 8tate3 and Canada against 203 the previous scven days, distributed as follows: Middle State, 23; New England, ; SI; Southern, 29; Western, 60; Paclflo States and Territorios, IS; Canada, UPERSONAL AND POLITICAL. A mortgagk from General Grant to William Vanderbilt of an uiidivided quarter of one hundred and thirty-five acres of land near Chicago was placed on record in New York on the 27th. The mortgage was given to secure payment of a oheck for $150,000 given by Vanderbilt to Grant & Ward. Frederick D. Grant and Jesse R. Grant filed schedules in their assignmeiits at New York on the 27th. F. D. Grant owed $2,215,066, with assets oL $1,990,013. J. R. Grant's liabilities were placed at $95,249, bis assets being $131,150. The case oL Neil McKcague, on trial in Chicago for the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Willeem, at Winnetka, was given to the jury at 5:20 o'clock on tho afternoon of the 27th. At ton o'clock, no verdict having been agreed upon, the court was adjourned to ten o'clock a. m. on the 28th, w-hen the jury rarae into court, rid the flork read the verdict, as follows: "We, ;he jury, find the defendant, iSeil JVlcKeague, not Ruilty, as charged in the indictment." Thk Kansas Democratie State Convention was beid at Topeka on the 28th. Delegates-at-large were eleeted to the National Convention with preferences for Tilden f nr President, but they were tininstrncted. Hesolutions were adopted favoring a tarifT for revenue only, and indorsing the tariff-reform views oL Hnn. John G. Carlisle and the administration oL Governor Click. J. B., of Minneapolis, has been nominated for Congruss by the Re' publícaos of the Fourth Minnesota Dli trirl. Thk Greenback National Conventitv m r. at Indianapolis on the 28th nnd o i by electing James B. Wcaver, ol , 'a, permanent Chairman. A telegram was sent to General Kut Ier, asking him if he would accept the Presidontial nomlnation, and Butler replied by asktng why such a question was put to a örtenbaoker oL twenly years' standing. The coiiventioii thsn adjourned until the 2!(th. The International Lodge of Good Tem plars, in session at Washington on the, 28th, eleoted Hon. James B. Finch, of Nebraska, Right Worthy Cirand Chief Templar. The Wisconsin Democrats met In State Convention at Madison on the 28th and! elected W. F. Vilas, J. G. Jenkins, E. SJ Bragg and J. M. Morrow as delegates-atlarge to the National Convention. Reso-: lutions were adopted denounclng the present tariff as a masterpiece of injustioe and' false preteuse, and demandins that all enstom-house taxation shaü be only for revenue. The Comptroller of the Currency at Washington stated on the 28th that he thought tho flnancial situation had decidodly improved. If Congress would pass the MePherson bill, which had already gone through the Senate and been favorably reported by the House Committee on Banking and Currency, he said it would increase the eirculation of the country more tlian iï!0,00ü,000 and afford innncd.ato and permanent relief. The Minnesota Democratie Convention mtt nf, Kt. Paul on the 2Uth and elected lelegates-at-large to the National ion. Kesolutions were adopted denounc. j ng extravagance, demanding economy in ;he management of National afïairs, and rigorously condemning tho protective ! ;ariff system as the souree of many eviliand as fostering corruption, jobbery and iishonesty, while degrading American ;ommorce. The Greenback National Convention, in i ?ession at Indlanapolis on the '2'.Kh, nomnated General B. F. Butler for Preside t, and General A. M. West, of Mississipi, for Viee-President. A platform nas adoütsd .icmaiiQing the subslitution of greenbacks for national bank notes; condeming the ! withdrawal of fractional currency, and sisting that the money in the treasury j should be applied to the payment of the National debt; denouncing the two great ; parties for creating monopolies, and favoring the submission to the people of an amendment to the Conttitution providing for universal suff rage. A BILL to abolish the prison-labor contract in Massachusetts bas been deteated in the Legislatura of that State. Colon-el J. O. P. Burnside, disbursing oflicer of the Post-offlce Department nt Washington, was arrested on the 29th on the charge of embezzlement. The amount, as stated by himself, would exeee 1 !40,000. It was discovered on the 20th (hat John C. Eno, President OÍ the Metropolitan Bank of New York, had fled to Europe, notw -itty standing a guard of six officers bad been watching his residenee for six days. Dcring the flrst day's session o" the Greenback National Conventinn n apolis the following teleeram tweon Governor Te ;o!e n' d Co;; Butler: IbxhanapowS, My 28. - GovBRNon Bbs Butlgh: WW yon accept the nomlnatlon o i a satisfactory platformï No other quMtlon ncrc. i. W. Bküiii.k. liosTov, May 28.- J. W. Bïoolh, ladianwolis: Thiinksfor your consldertion, tmt wt Bliould l ba asked a questloo which. under likc circuiiistancc, wuw ncver put to ajiy othor man? Is not mv record as n Urrenbackcr for twenty years Riiflicicnt without a formal pli-ilife lo yon, whicli would cause me to te pointcd at as a man who bids for a notuluation? bKNjAMiN F. Buti.i:r. George O. Jones, Chairman of the New York Greenback State Committee, isbiied an address on the .".Oth uit. to the Greenbackers of the State in which he expressed doubtsas to General Butler's soundness aa flnancial questions from the standpoint of the National Greenback party, and hoped the Greenbackers of his State would awaft further developments before taking dsfluite action. At the session of the Grand Lodge of Good Templars at Washington on the 3)ih uit. John B. Finch, of Nebraska, was chosen Grand Worthy Chief Templar aad Uriah Cobb, Jr., of Illinois, Treasurer. Toronto was chosen as the next place ol meeting;. Five thousand people visited Lincoln's tombat Springfield, 111., on the 30th uit. FOREIGN. Advices of the 27th from Madrid, Spain, state that the vineyords in the district of Carthagena had been destroyed by hurri canes and many families ruined. Therülages of Orihuela, Molins, Larca and Burgos were inundated, much property had been swept away, and the people were obliged to flee to save their lives. The Canadian Government has decided to try the experiment of reduciug tolls on the canals for the season. Moscow and the rogion thereabout were on the 27th liberally placarded with a manifestó throatening the Czar with death because he had failed to concede a , tutional form of Oovernment. Tue steamship Furnesia sailed from Liverpool on tho 2"th for New York vvitli üve hundred "assisted" emitfrants. Twelve Irishmen accused of murder ¦were placed in jail at Tubbercurry, lreland, on the 27tu. A band of fanatics, under the leadership of a 8O-called prophet, appeared on the Philippino lslands recently, but were dispersed with a loss of thirty-eight killed and wounded. Lossks in the Netherlands on American securities, principallythe bonds of flniihed or partly finished railroads, were on the 28th reported to have rouched the enormous total of iJO,000,OOU. Twknty Indians raidetl the anttlemeiit of Maple Creek, Manitoba, on the 28tb, killing a citizen and rtampedlng liis horses. Mounted pólice had gone in pursuit of the mnrdorers. Claims for service rendored during the rebellion against the United States Government were being made on the 28th by persons residing near Ottawa, Ont. It was announced on the 28th tlint 4 19 ,, oiwngi In Bouttwn bpain n "n " i troi ¦ l and BH Injarod by floodi. Durino nu encounter recenüy lastween KoBsuth and ÖOTBrnment partios near Erlane, Hungary, five persons were killed andmanyotherswere-wounded. Bbbat exciteraent prevalled In I.midon „n the nighi of the 8Oth uit. over the work of dynamitew. Au explotion ot .lynamite tok place in the vi.inity of the detective office, Scotland Yard, the cornw of the l.uiWingbeing completely blown off. A homb was also thrown into the basement oftheCobden Club House, doing munh damage and soverely iBJuilng tour témale ""ïmTentlre town of Phream Pauk, the capítol of Cambodia, In Asia, was destroyed by flre a few days ago. Three persons were burned to deafh. Among the buildings burnod were 105 hoiues beloning to the King. LATER NEW& A cloud-burst at Visalia, Cal., a few nights ago broke with such fury as to sweep away the house oL Fe er Stewart , and all the inmates, consistine of hiinself, bis wife, mother, two children and R. I Weisner, a sneep-herder were drowne i. D. W. Middleton & Co., bankers at Washington, D. C made an assignment on the Sist uit., owiug to heavy withdrawals , of deposits. The capital was 5400,000 and the liabilities about $500,000. William Cook, Kdward Lover and Vi ïlliam Debus were drowned near New leans on the lst by the owturnlng of a sail-boat. ... . Keil McKeagüe, who was aequitted of the raurder of James L. Willson at Winnetka, was on the 31st uit. released I trom the jail In Cbicago, States Attorney Mills having enleied a nolle prosequi on the remaining indictment charging hira with the murder of Mis. Willson. The West Side Bank, at New York, has resumed business a f ter a short suspension. , , „,. A ÍT.OOD swept over a camp of stockmen Frenchinan Cieek, Col., the oiher day, and eleven cowboys were drowned. ïlie flood was caused by a cloud-burst. Barkley & Hasson, cufïee dealers at Baltlmore, Md., have iailed for '250,000. A KiiiE at Paducah, Ky., the other night dcstroyed the Knlghts Templars' hall and a large store, the talling walls demolishing tliree small structures. Loss, $100,000. C. Exo, late President of the Second National Bank of NewYork,was captured at Queboc on the lst, on board a steamship about to sail for Liverpool. The statement of the New York banks for the week ended on the Olst uit, showed a decrease" in deposits of fr8,2U,0O0, .and that they held tl,09T,626 less than their legal requirements. It was discovered on the ."ilst uit. at Millerstown, Pa., that J. F. Hoyt, cashier of the Butler County Savings Bank, was $22,000 short in his accounts. At Lille, Franco, on the lst the "car of a balloon containing twelve persons feil forly metres. Tbree were killed and ths remaindor wverely injured. The recent dynamlta explosiona 'm London injured thirteen persons, five ot whoni were womon. The detectives found on the Sist uit. eighteen packages of explosivos. A detective f use alone prevented ih demolition of the Nelson monument, wher a large amount of dynamita was discovered. The United States Senate was not in session on the olst uit. In the House billa were passed granting right of way I through Indian Territory to the Southern Kansas and the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Roads. A resolution was adopted authorizing the Committea on Indian Affairs to investig-ate the leasing and fem-iiii; OÍ landa Ín Ín. lian Territorv.


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