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]VIGH I GAN PÍENTR AL The Niágara, Faüs (Route. Ontral Standard Time. M.iy IS, 1SSI. EiSTV.AIID. " i M A.K. P.M. P.M. P.M. P. H.II.B. I ri-irni'O Iv (145 866 4 'r' ;! 4() b 4U H5rl Tw'tv"e St' 6 57 9 07 4 Í5 862 S 5110(17 Uanir.ioud.... 7 47 s ' 'rtoI IS ötó:" SSiottu::::: Mtehtoïciti 8 101 6Ó5 4810JW New Bnffalo. 20 127 " 12 35 Ouemo H52 a"m a'm k'Sñtisóa'.lun i 4.-,!'s'io iöKJ Aioó sii 45 '& Sfl 1 40. 7 88 Marshall '-.- Vim 5f Vo 4S T 00 Albion i 2 15 325 -?L 2 3.5 4 57 8 27 Hnrma ?......._:L.,- 616 8 5ü i ar h -i ¦ 1 1 o v-j i wj iv w - - - - - - liickn'nJiiuc. 309 "O.i Vi. -Vi IrawUke.... 8 80 7Ï .... 60, 9 4o Dexier 4:0 7o. 6410M Wayne 817 JB ¦_¦¦__ sSriSite.-: BMP6U6Ú 980 '48" Detrol Ar. ti 0 ti 25 1 1 59 10 00 5 820114.) Detroit Lv 7 80 IS 15 6 15 11 R!. 8t.Thoma [ll 15 8 25 II 1005 320 Welanrt 2 03 8 OH 6 So lili 558 Fallí ílew 8 88 1 5 tL. ... NiafíHP.FalU 2 :!1 tí 3 15 6 28 Kui. liridge 2 45 8 50 2 15 6 40 Biff.ilo :t 40 7 5QJ6 4.-, 3 1 JLfe-Lir: VF.í-TVAHl. _¦ ë. "3 a4 i : ; 1.LIÍL.LLÜ l'.M. I'.M. V.M M Buffalo 840 130 fi 35 8 IB 1 3l . .. Sup. Urldítc 940125 7 30 122. Niainra Falle 950 1236 7 41 123'J Palto Vlew 74e '2 44 Weiland 10121259 805 -,25 105 Bt.Thomaf.... 125 3 50 1045 1140 4 10 Detroit... Ar. 530 755 260P.M. P.M. 30 Detroit l.v !Aiob' 9Ö0 400 '600 "s'ÓÓ 'é'Ófi '.'.".'. BurlDgwëlll.. 0 10 9 10 4 10 6 12 8 10 9 10 Dearborn „I! 627 424 27 825 Wavne 6 41 B42 WaVli.'Jul.c. ti 43 88 488 (i 44 8 40 9 40 Yne'ilanii ....! 7 15 9 57 4 58 7 07 9 03 10 02 AuoArhor... 78010 ÍS 5 12 7 a3 9 20 10 18 Delhl Mills. 742 937 D.'Xt.r 755.... 5 30 7 43 9 50 Chelsi-a 84il.... 5 42 8 00 Francisco.... S 45 8 16 10 10 (iiac? Lakc. 8 33 P.M. 6 07 8 25 Jacks'u .Iuüc. 8 53 8 45 10 82 A. M Jacksoí 90.11130 650 8 50 1036 1165 Paima .. 9 25.... 7 15 o 1100 Aiblon 'J47 1205 788 g 11221241 Marshall.. [ L in 13 12 45 07 E 11 48 i 8B '..'.!'. Hnttle Creek.. 18 43 10;8 47 121:. 14..... Qaleebarg.... lllfi 9vOM 12 42 Kiilamazuo. .. 11 SS 14. a 40 4 45 1 07 2 27 Ma'tuwán'"! 1207 .'.'.."! '.'.'..'. 5 ió ti 85 '.'.'.'.'. LftWtoo 12 15 5 18 145 Dowaglac... 125. 5 58 32 Nilos 140 3 10 640 8WJ 4 U lluctiínian. ... 1 íit 6 51 3 1;" XhreeOaks.. 2 21 7 2 34-. N.-w liillialo.. 287 J40 7 35 4 12 Mlc.taiau(Jilï 303 4 27 803 4 3 618 Lako 3 45 5 25.... 8 50 5 37 6 0 Tollexton.... 357 905t555 ....1 Hammond... 4 15 &S7 46JW.. .1 Keneiiiutoii.. 4 3, 6 00 9 45 li 4U 705!.... Tw'ty-sec.St. 5 13 6 38 10 23 7 18 7 43. .. ! cli1caai...Ar 525 B50I.... 10 3: 73'r 7 55 t Stops only to let off passengen. X Stops otily on signáis. O. W. RUGÓLES, n.W. HAYES, . U. P. &T. AKllt A_t.. Alm Artmr. Chicago. Detroit, Mackinac & HarquettP r. R, Januarv 3, 1S!S4. Pioneer Enst and West Line through the Upper Pcninsuliir of Mieliinan. KAST. STATION8 W KST. Á. [. !' ' 8 80 F,v. Marqucttc. Ar. 5 50 1'. M. 1 Ui Seney 1 86 2 60 Newberry 1 16 A. M. 6 15' Ar. Rt. Ignace. Lv. 8 50 via M. O. K. ft. P. M. 8X8 ...MaeklnawCHy... s "" A. M. 10 15 Jnclison TM :i ,n I Detroit S 45 ""Tralns run by Central Standard Time. D. MOCQOL, 1'. M1LLIGAN. Oen'lSup't. Oen'l Krt & Pass. Agt. JMarquctte, Micli. Marquettc, Mlcli. An Oidinaiicc Holativc to Ball I'laj ing. BE IT ORDAINKD hy tlie Mayor, IiocordiT and Aldci'mt-n of the l'ity of Ann Arbor. Skction 1. That it ?hall uot bc lawtul Tor nnj porwn or peraona berwkftu to play the Kaines o hmv hall, loot ball or nuy similar Ramp, or ihrim balls of any kimi in or on any of the public streeu of the said mtj of Aun Albor. And uny panos oi persons offlindlng agtlnit the proviaions of thh ordinance fhnll, upon cunviction tliereof, be finec DOt H"88 thnn live dollars uor more than twcnty-flvi dollars, with ci'sts of prosecution, and in Ilie lmpo nltion of any tuch line und coste, the justlce of Ihi iieace imposiun xnch Itne, may mnke afurtbur son ti-nce, that in dflault of payment theivot, wlihli the time flxed on such m'iitcncc, the oflVndi'r b coinmitted to lliu couuty Jail of the connty of Wash tenaw, fora period uot exceeding ninety days. Section 1. This ordinance shall take effect afte duepublicuUou. wm d HAKR1MANi Mayor, CnAni.Fs ,T. Dubhkih, Recordar.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News