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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlifs powder never varíes. A marvel of purHy,jtreogUiaDd wliolesotneness. Moreeconomlcnl than the orclinary kinds, and cannot ' sold In competitioo with the multitude oi ow test, shot weighl. alnm or phosphate %%SL co0,'iogn5. %"S Disfiguring fHUIVIORS, Itching and Burning Tortures, Humiliating Eruptions, such as QAI.T RHHI'M or Eczema, Psoriasis, Scald k5 Head, Inftntile or Binh Humor?, and every form oi Itchior, Scaly, Pimply, Scrofulous In,1' CuntKtriom, and ,Copper Colored Dlseases ot the Blond, Skin, and Scalp, willi Losa of Hair ure positively cnred by theCoricuu Kemedieb. ClltiClira Resol vent, the new blood pnrlfler cleanses the blind aud perspiration of impurities and ïiinsouoiis clemente, and thus removes the canse. ClltlCliril, ihe ïreüt Skin ('ure, instantly allays Helling ai:d Ir n immation, clean tlie Skin and Scalp, lifols Ulcere and Sores, and restores the Ilair. ClltiClim Soap, anexquisiteSkinBeautifierand loilet Kequisite, prep red fiom Cuticnra, is indispensable in Skin Disea.-es, Baby Humor, Skin Blemhes, Kou;l], Ci apped.orOiiy Skin. Cuticura Remedies ae ab-itu pure, and üw U0I) itai isioud Furiliers aud skin BeautiñerB, íiee Irom niercury, arsenic lead, zinc, or any other iniiifr;il vL'e'rtble pollón wha s ever. It ÏOU;1 reqnlre thia entire paper to do jnstice to a deecriptiou of the cures perloimed hy tbe Cuticu.a Kesolvent internally, and Cuticura and CuticuiM Soap extcnally. X.CZCIHÍI oí the palms of the hands and of theends of the flimers, very dirHciilt to treat and usually coni-idered incnrable ; small patches oi tetter and salt rheum on the cor-, ppge, iind sides of the face. Scalled Heads with loss of huir without number, heads covered with dandrufi' and scaly eruptioni, erjpechilly of children and inlants, many of wbicb siüce birtti hnd been a mass of sca))8 ; Ifi'Iliiiir, bnrnlDg, and scaly tortures that bffled even relief from oiüiuary remedies, eouthed and healed as by magie ; Psoriasis, leprony, and other frighiful forms of skin diseases, ecrofuious ulcera, olil sores, and discharini; wounds, each and all ol which have been sDcedily, permauently, and ccouomically cured by the Cutieura Kemedies. Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticura, 50 cent?; Ri'solvent, 81.01; Soap, 2-5 cents. Potter Drug and Chemical O, Buston, Mass. Send for "llow to Cure Skin Disensee." CATARRH CompletcTreatment, $ I .OO. A single dose of Saxforis IÍADiCAivCiiiEiniitantly relieves the most violent KneeziiiK or Head Colds, elears the Head as by magie, stops watery discharges froni the Nose and Kyes, prevonts Itiuging Nolses in the Head, cures Xervous Headachc, aud subducs Chllls and Fe ver. In Chronic Catarrh it cleanseatlie nasal passages of foul inucus, restores the senses of aini'll, tHte, and hearing when affected, frees the head, throat, and hronehial tubes of offensive matter, sweetens and purifies the byeatli, stops the cough and arrests the progress of Catarrh towards Consumptlon. One bottle Hadioal Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and Sannrd's Inhaler, all in one package, of all drugglsts for si. Ask for Sanfobd's Radical Cure. Potter Dbl'o a.d Chem. Cu., Boston. Ïfc M I BI C'OLLINS' VOLTAIC EX.KCTRIC N9t AQ fl flU I'lamtbr lnstantly affect b the 1 ¦B H Bm rvoua System and hanishc HU ¦ in '':i:; A perfect Electric Batr BVll lei-y eoinbfned wltli a Porous YC tui? rnv Plast ir for 2f cents. Itannihilh THÜ. tlSX llUt.s Faini vitfl]lzc8 vfv&k and or 'W'orix Out Parts, strengthens SUFFERINB MERÏE TIrwl Máseles, prevenís 1)1scase and does more in one-half the time thaii any uther piasier in the WOlttf. Sold everywhere. When you conie to thiuk of it, it is uot odd that literary peoiile prefer a pil to a ciifar. It is handier to Biuoke wben they re .writini?, and ever so much cleanor. And then it gives tUom the true essence and flavor of the tobáceo. The most faatidiouB smokere amonff all nations uud all classes of men agree that the tobáceo (rrown on the Golden Tobacco Belt of Nortb Carolina is the moet delic ious and roftued in the world. Lighter than Turkish. more frwrantthau Havana, freer from nitrates and nicotine thau ony other, it is Just what the counoisneur i)raiseB and the habitual sinokor deroandH. The very choicest tobáceo grown I ontbis Belt is bmwht by Blackm well's Durham Tobacco Co.. anl i Durbam Smoking Tobacco. It is g known the world over. i y H . Get the jfenuine.with Buil Ek trade-mark, tben you vill J " be siirc of . JLI lut-ly pure tobáceo. efl ¦T2L_ EGAN'S IMPEKIAL THUS8. CCAN'S IHMKIAL TRUSS CO.. Box 2288, An Arbor. MwK. QlRoe, Hamilton Block. Ann Arbor. subscribe! the coürier.


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