Additional University Items
The Palladium wlien it appears is to be a "daisy" everybody a vers who has got a gliinpseof the advance sheets. C. W. Bel.ser, Sí. A. '83, brother of depnty eounty treasurer Belser, is expectud home from Mt. Morris, 111., next week. The dcath of Mrs. Nagele, wife of the jatiitor of the medical building, occurred last Th.irsday. Tlie funeral was held Sunday 2 p. ie., at the house. Dr. Joh Chase, lit '70, returnedto Detroit last night froni a three uionths' trip to Europe. Most of his time was spent in the hospitals making a study of the diseases of the eye. A fine crowd of spectators in attendance Saturday last at the g.tme between the Cass club, of Detroit, and the Unlversities was much disappointed in the resul t of the game. The home teani's playing is liardly to be accounted for in some particu'ars. Score 4 to 13 in favor of the visiting team. The receptionist seniors hold a reception at the St. James Tuesday evening of Commencement week from 9:30 to 11 p. m., and will dance at the roller skating rink afterwards. The St. James has orders to provide for 300 for the evening, refreshments being served at the rink from 12 to 2 o'clock. A fine time is anticipated. The recent field-day prizes we re donated ly the following:- elay pigeon snoot, J. C. Knowlton; fencing, medal, The Chroolcle; boxing, Winans & Stafford; 100 yards" dash, Cook House; baseball tlirow, J. J. Goodyear; furlong race, Goodrich & Guiñan; hop, skip and jump, A. A. Terry; lawn tennis, A. L. Noble and Henry Krause ; tug-of-war, Charles Durheim. During the coming week the following persons will be examined at the University for higher degrees. The reading and defense of thesis is public. Edward R. Wagner, for degree A. M., June 12, room A; thesis, "The Therapentical Effects of the Induction Current," 4 p. m. ; Charles S. Fowell, A. B., Vanderbilt University, for degree A. AI., June 13, room L.; thesis, "The 'Arraf Atyóina of Shakespeare," 11:30 a. m.; Frank V. Broadbent, B. S., Kesdue University, for degree M. S., June 13, room A, : thesis, "Organlc Matter in Boils," 4 p. m.; Geo. Barnes, A. B., for degree A. M., June 14, room F.: thesis, "The Religious Policy of Queen Elizabeth," 11:30 a. m. ; Edwin N. Brown, A. B.' for degree A. M., June 14, room F.: thesis. "Tn-ratinn in the TT„u„a States during the Rebellion," 4 p. m.j Augusta J. Chapín, for degree A. M., June 16, room L.: thesis, "The Ethical Character of Wordsworth's Poetry," 11:30 a. m.; George W. Knight, A. M., for degree Ph. D., June 10, room F. thesis, "Land Grants for Education in the Northwest Territory,'1 4 p. m.; Chas: J. Scroggs, for degree A. M., June 17, room F.: thesis, "Federal Aid for Interna] Departments," 4 p. m.