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Michigan (Tentral TTw JJiagara Falls (Route. Central Standard Time. Miy H, 1884. KA8TWA!tn. ! I? i "? I ss STATIONS. Kft u ¦= . L líií!L!!?_il .M. A.1H. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M A. M. Chirago .Lv. 6 45 8 55 4 15 3 40 f 40 8 55 i Tw'ty bit StJ 657 fl 07 4 25 3 52 8 5i 10 07 Kensington.. 735 9 45 4 50 4 30 9 25:0 45 Hammond.... "47 5 01 Tolleston 80-2 5ÜÍ Lakc 8 13 10 23 5 5-1 10 OS 11 -27 Michigan Citj 85X1106 602 48 10 42 12 10 Newliufliiio... B20U27 7 12 12 35 ThreeOaks... 9 37 7 25 BuchHuan IOOAp.m 7 51 124 Niles 10 20 12 1:) ö 5!l 8 251140 1 4(1 Dowagiac 10 Ib 85 2 OS ' Lawtou 112; 92S... 2 43 Osiemo 1152 9 4 p. M A M A.M. Kalainzo. .. 12 03 145 8 10 10 00 100 3 17 45 OsK-shurK 122:. J 7 03 líattle Cruek_ 1 05 2 23 8 47 142 4 05 7 33 Marehall } LL , M , M "gj % "ü "fe "g oo -iihion 2 15 325 -?W 2 35 4 57 8 27 I'arma zvn . „ L IB Si mi Jirkxin 3 05 4 03 10 00 7 00 3 25 5 45 8 25 Jscke'uJuiic-. 309 705 ! UnMLakc... 3 30 7 22 6 07 9 45 Francisco 3 38 7 30 Chelsea 355 7 42 30 10(3 Dexter 4 10 7&5 ü 44 10 13 Delni Mills... 420 8 05 Ann Albor.... 4 32 5 12 10 54 8 17 4 35 7 00 10 33 Ypsilanti 4 50 5 25 U u" 8 38 4 52 7 10:0 47 vajne Jui.c. 5 ÍS 5 46 10 5 13 7 as 11 07 Wajno 5 17 9 12 Diaborn 5 ai 930.... 7 55 SpriDfrwells.. 5 55 6 'o 11 50 9 50 5 45 8 III 11 35 Detroi'....Ar. (05 625 1159Í1000 553 820 1145 Ueiroit Lv 7 80 19161 6 15 115!) St. Thomas 1115 3 25 1110 10 05 3 20 Weiland 2 03 6 09 5 25 1 5 5S Palto Vlaw 6 3;! 15) 03. ... NiagaraF.HllH 2 31 6 38 158 6 28 Sumí. Bridge 2 45 6 50 2 15 6 40 Bi.ffitlo 3 40 7 50 6 45 3 10 7 35 WEtTWAIt. ¦ - , í II i i. il f M s S_ ox_ "fifi:: l'.M. P.M. A.M A.M. A.M. ... Hiiffiilo I 8 40 11 30 bSi ti 15 1130 .. .. Su-j). Uri(tg I 9401125 730. 122' Niágara Kalls' 950 123U 7 41 12 39 Falle Vluw 7 4 i2 44 Weiland 10 12 12 59 8 05 -, 25 1 U5 Sr.ThomaH.... 125 3 50 1045 1140 4 10... Detroit... Ar. 5 30 7 55 2 50p. w. p.m. 8 30 A.M P M Detroit.. ..Lv. 00 900 400 6 00 800 9 00 Spriiiwelle.. 6 10 9 10 4 10 6 12 8 10 9 10. Dvarliorn .... 6 27 4 24 6 27 8 25. ... Wayne 6 41 42 WayneJunc. 43 9 38 4 38 6 44 8 40 9 4o Ypsilanti .... 7 15 9 57 4 58 7 07 9 03 10 02 .. .. AunArbor. .. 7 30 10 12 5 12 7 23 9 20 10 Ís . Delhi Mille.. 7 42 937 Dexter 7 55 5 30 7 43 9 50 Uhelael 84(1 542 800 Francisco.... 8 25 ... 8 15 1010 tíiassLake... 833f.m. 6 07 8 25 ¦. Jacke'u June. 8 53 8 45 10 32 A. M. . Jucksoii 8 03 U 30 650 8 60 1035 1155 Paima 9 25 7 15 o 1100 Albion 9471205 7 38 = 1122 1241 Marshnil ' I S 1US Marshall.. ( L 10 „ u 45 8 m g u , w ¦ Battle Creek.. 10 43 1 Oi 8 47 12 15 142 "" (ali'sbiirp; 1115 9 20 jj 12 42 Kalainuzim. .. 11 ;tó 145 a 40 4 45 107 2 27..... P.M Mattawau.. .. 12 07 5 10 1185 'Y.' Lawion 12 15 5 18 145 Dowagiac... 12 5; 5 58+2 32 "" Nilee 140 3 10 tí 40 3 oo 4 05 Bnchauaii.... 153 8 54 3 15 '. ThreeOlk.. 2 21 7 2-2 3 45Í NewBnfl'alo.. 2 :!7 }4 01 7 íñ 4 12 . MlcbigauClly 3 03 4 '27 8 03 41 5 18.. Lke 345 5'i5 8 50 5371607 Tolleston 3 ,"i7 9 00 W S5 ....-I Hammond... 4 15 927+620.. .L KriiMi'..liiii . 4 3.") 600 945 ti 40 7 Osl " ' Tw'tysuc. 8t. 5 13 6 38 10 1'3 7 ÍS! 7 43 Chicago... Ar. 525 B 50.; U033 7 3u7 55..1I. T Stops only to let off paseengerí. ' i Stops only on üffaau. O. W. KUGGLE8, H. W. nAYKS. (i. P. & T. Agent Aut.. Aun Albor. Chicago. Detroit, Mackiuac & Marquelto R. K. January 3, 18H4. Pioneer E;it;t and West Line througli the Upper of Michigan. KAST. STATIONS WEST. A. M. pTH 8 30 Lv. Marquette. Ar. 5 60 r. m. 1 l"i Seney 1 35 2 50 Newberry 1 15 Ai M. (! 15; Ar. St. Ignaoe. Lv. 8 5o vla M. O. H. R. I'. M. 8 25 ...Macklnaw City... 8 :i A. M. 10 15 Jackson 7 50 9 50 Detnilt S 45 ( Trains run by Ceutral Standard Time. D. McCÜOL, F. MILLIGAN. Uen'l Sup't. Uen'l frt & Pass. Agt. Marquelte, Micli. Marquette, Mlcli. '' Au Ordiniiiic'c Kolutive to Hall l'lni mlt. BE 1T ORDAINED by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldeimi'n ot the City of Ann Arbor. Skction 1. Thut it thall not be lawful for any j persou or pureons herealter to play the games of base ball, loot balj or any similar íjame, or throw balls of any kind in or on any of the public street of the said city of Ann Arbor. And any person or persons cftonding agalnst the provisions of this ordinance ehall, pon convictiou thereof, be üned not lees than tlve dollars nor more than twenty-flve . dollars, with cueta of prosecution, aud In the impoeition of any such line aud couts, tlie juetlce of the J peace imposlng such line, may mak. a further ncntence, that in deiAult of pnyment thereol, withln the time Üxed on such sentence, the oflender be ! committed tothecounty Jailof the couuty of Washtenaw, fora perlod uotexceedlng uinety days. , Skction2. This ordiiiauce hall take effect after fc duepublication. WM. D. HAKKIMAN, Major. J. Di'iiheim, Hecorder.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News