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AKlH" POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thts powrter never varíes. A marvel of pnrlty.strengtli and Alore econpmical thau tlie ordiuary kluds, and oannot be sold Ín competitlon witli the niultitude ol low test, slio't weight, alum or phospliate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Pq-wdeb Co., 100 Wall St.. N. Y. Disfiguring fHUMORS, Itching and Burning Tortures, Humiliating Eruptions, such as SAI,T RHEUM or Eczema, Psoriasis, Scald Hcad, Infnntile or Binh Humors, and ev'ry form of Itchine, Scaly, Pimply, Scrofulous, Inberited. Contaeiouí, and .Copper Colored Diíeaees of tne Blpod, Skin, and Scali), with Losa of Hair, are positively cured by the Odticuba Kemkdies. Cllticura Resolveilt, the new blood puriller, cleanses the blood and perspiration of impnrities and poisonons elemente, and thus removfs the QOJUO. Cllticura, the ureat Skiu Cure, Instantly allnys ltchiiiíí and Ii 11 nnmatimi, clean the ÍSkin and Seal)), heals Uicers and Sores, and restores the Hair. Toilet Kequiite, prep ucu, o .1Upeneable in trentins Skiu Dlaeaves, Baby Hnmoi-s, Skin UlfDiifheg, Kongh, Cüapped, or OilySkin. ('llticiira Remedies are absolntely pure, and the only real Blood Pnriflers and skin Beautiflerp. free from mercury, arsenic. lead, zinc, or any other mineral or vegetable poison whatsoever. It would icqurre mis entire paper to do justice to a descriptiou of the cnrep performed ty the Cuticura Resolvent internally, and Ciuicura and Cuticura Soap externally. Eczema ofihe palrasof the hands and of the ends of the fingere, very difflcult to trest and usually considered incurable; small patchcs ot tetterana salt rheum on the eara, nose, and nides of the face. Scalled Heads wltn loss or hstt without number heads covered with daudrnfi" and scaly eruptions, ospeciallyof cbildren and inlunte, many of w h i ch aipce birth had heen a maijs of scaba ; Itcllinii, burning, and scaly tortures thst bafflod even relief from oidinary remedies, southed and healed as by magie ; Psoriasis, leprosy, and other frightful forma of skin disea8C3, scrofuious ulcera, oíd sores, and discharginj: wounds, each and all of whlch have been MDeedily, permanently, and ecouomically cured by the Cuticura Remedies. Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticnra, 50 cents: HeBolvent, 11.00; Soap, 25 cents. I'otter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Send for " How to Cure Skin Diseases.1' CATARRH CompleteTreatment, $ I „OO. A slnülc close of Sanforu's IIadioal Cvre Instant]v relieves tin' must violent Sneezlng or Head Colus. cli-ars the Head as by manie, stops watcry discharges from the Nose and Kycs, prevents Ringing Noises In the Head, eurfS Nirvous Hcadache, and subdues ('hllls and Fever. In Clironic Catarrh it cleansesthe nasHl nassaires of foul mucus, restores thesensesol snifll tast" and hearing when afTected. frees the head ' throat and hronchial tubes of offenslve mattiT, iweeten and purUM the breath, stops the eough and :irrcsts the progress of Catarrh towards Consmuptlon. One bOTtle RÍdlcal Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvenl and Sanford's Inhaler, all In one iMckane, Ol all dnige sts for 51. Ak for Oxford' Radical C;;kk. s POTTMB Dm-o a.d Cukm. Boston. rfc. ¦ ¦ ¦¦ COI.LISS' VOLTAIO ELBOTBIO B B E BI Plaster Instantly afTects the ¦ ¦¦ ¦ m Nerrous System and lianlahes ¦ ¦MIIV Pain. Aperfeel Electric Bal ¦¦¦¦¦ tcry comblncd wlth a Poreus icrapfllï Plasterfori-eents. ItannihlIS THE CKÏ latt,8 pain, vltallzosWcak and or A Worn Out Parts, strengtllfns JFBfBJSk ffstfflpas s%L iï oihêr piaste. In thtMTorld. Sold everywhere. $11950 IN CASH CIVEN AWAY r,„„i.m. Smokers of Blackwell's Genuino ssss 2d"T"222 $300 3d " $1,000 $275 22 other Premlnm as hereshown. $250 The 26 premiums will be awarded 225 December 22. 1884. Int Premium $200 SelvethelargestnTimberofouTempty $175 tobáceo b8P"r lo nee. 15 2.1 mil IRA ba frlven for the next lanrest number f ïo K Sa thus. in the order cf the numlx.r $125 f en ty blMf9 received from eaoh. $1OO to the twenty-flve enccessful con$9O tostantü. Kach baK nmrt bj-ar our rt orWnal Buil Dnrham abol r. . $St' Revenue tainp. and Cantion Notuv. 7O Baiffl must be done UP secui-cly In a pg SSsffflgss P imckaw han picture of Buil. $10 Meo ournextMnouucomcnt. ra TIPTTJ ï ! Univer.ily Hospilals. Tii rms co.. box 2M Office, Ilamilton Block, Ann Albor. SÜBSÉÏBElrircÜÏÏRiËR


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