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The Cincitinati flood oame neargettinjr as high aá the piice of spring bonnet.- Breaktast Table. The civil service reform has nol yel reachpcl tlie liircd girl - sho is as uncivil as ever. - Chicago Eje. " Women," it is said, "jump at conclusions." Vie never heavd mioe called by tliat name before. - Boston Star. Qneen Victoria's last book sliould be cdlhd "A Brown Stuily."- Boston Budget. The sweetcst rose - Shad-roes, Same old joke, but we're flrst tliisseason. - The Hatchet. "Motlier Swnn's Worm Svrup." Infal I ible, tastelesp, harmlesa, cathartic, for feverishncss, reatlensiiesg, wornis, constipation. 25c. The Jndge: To say tliat a man witli a bad cold In li ís head is like a muslcian because Ie blows tlie nasal organ and sounds tlie loud catarrh may bc a bats joke, but its tenor is certainly funny. Woiild Yo üelieve It. Xature's great remedy, Kldney-Wort, lias eured many obstinate cases of piles. Th!s most dielressinj; malaily generally arises from constipation and a bad condition of the bowels. Kldney-Wort acts at the same time í.s a catbartic and a lieulins; tonie, removes the cause, cures the disease and promotes a liealthy state of tlie afl'ected organs. James F. Moyer, carriage manufacturar, of Myerstown, Pa., testifles to the great bealingpowera of KldneyWort, baring been cured by it of :i vcry bad case of piles wliich for years liad refused to yield to any otlier remedy. "There goes a man of reflned taste," piéí.- N. Y. Journal. "Koiiffh on Rais." Cleara out rats, rnice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chlpmunks I CAÍN Health andJHappiness. Pg. JM9 DO AS OTHERS CnÍ HAVE DONE. Duroit. m. w. Beveraui, Meclianic, lonia, Miei. ici-ryour nerves weak? Goodwin, Jid. ChrMian Monitor] CluvelaiTü, O.' ¦ñlty0 Brighfs Disease? intonsa asfamsw "¦ wm just frank Wilson, Teabody, Mass. SSSf f rom Diabetes ? Cr. Philüp c. BuUuu, Munkbm, Vt. ¦kíT0 ,u iver Complaint? Henry Ward, iate Col. 69th Nat. Guard, N. Y. i,uur BacK lame and aching? O. M. Tolliugge, Milwaukee, TVIa. youKidney Disease? aftír vóT SS mado me aouni1 IniiTer anl kidni-vs lUalIi " ''¦i!'8,'!"',''83'"' s orih siu u uux. - sm 1 Uodges, WilUamstvwn, Vost Va. „„.Are you Constipated? Kelaon Faü-child, Ut. Albaas, Vt. _. Have you Malaria? Dr. UK. Clark, South llero, Vt. .,„.. Are you Bilious? Mrs. J. T. UaUaway, Elk Flat, Ongan. Ak yu 'tormented with Piles? Oou. U. Uort, C'aahierM. hauk, Myontown, Pa. Aie, you Rheumatism racked ? tlbndijojllalcolm, Wi-st ljatli, Maine. Ladies are you suffering? " H. Lamoreaui, Me La Hotte, V t. If you would Banish Disease j and gain Health, Take Thb Blood Cleanser. tlSlSrZiiir'iLiZJl'iTiriiiiii'r.'.iir'.i I j L-lB B A 1 Í 1 ¦ i lp i, 35ÉBbkMWw]ií ji wij Isifants and Chüdren Without MorriMno or Narcotinn. vii.a giveeourCWldrenrcwyo] Ia n bal curoa thelr (evers, m ikea them sleep'Tis 'iisloiia. ' When Bables rret, and or by toni, w bat ouroB their .lic, kuis thelr wórms. ltut rastotiii. What nulcklv ourm Gonstlpatkni Bour Stomach, Coldg, Indlgcutlon : lïlll, 'ilstor{;. ravrwrM 11,.,, „ M, „.,,,,:,„, s Castor OH and Paregoric, and ll:11C:ist..ri.-i. ümanaaijm-rajj jt, ritiiwm lian ! aniüur LJniment.-AT. nT.Mlato oara for Rhonmatism, Bpraina, Ijuraj. Galls, &c, and au mstaiitaaoous Poiu-roliever.


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