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Compiled from Late Dispatches. CONGRESSIONAL. Mr. LOSAR presentad a memorial in the Senateonth lOth trom a Cincinnati massmeetlng demamlingr B quarter-section of land tor eaeh soldier, sailor or marine who geired in the T'nion army. Tho Consular Appropriiitiini i)i'i was debaied in secret session for Bome hours In the House a concurrent rcsolution was adopte'! for final luljonrnment on June ISO. The Kiver nnd Harbor bilt was further oonsldered. An evenlnpr Rossion was held lor tho eonslderataon of Indian mr. lx the Sonate on the llth Mr. Voorhees offered a resotution oallinf for information a3 to tlie supply of boel' to Indiana. Mr. Hutier presentad resolutlon for a special c-ommitlee toexamlne into the condilion of the Nalional lianks of New York ( ity. ... In the House the Kiver and Harbor hill was further considerad, and a inotion to strike out the clauae for the eonstruotlon of the Henuepm ('anal wafl lost. The Benato on the lSth passed the Consular i.nd Diplomatic Appropriation 1)111 and ln.lulgedina lively discussion of the Mexican Pension measure In tho House the liiver and Harbor blll was passed- 187 to 104- a f ter ¦itriking out- Hó to 1IK- the Hennepin Canal -¦lause. In the Sonate on the 13th a tioaty for an International copyrijtht and patent system B lürli had alroady been ratitied tby twenty four Govornmcnts was rejectud. A long delüite look place on a bilí to pay the State of Oeorjria $35,555 for inoncy expended in the common defense in 1777, hut no.action was taken. Adjournod to the 16!h In the House the SenAte ainendmonts to the Postollice Appropriation blll as to the Kom for letter-carriers and railway triinsiortation wore rlisafrreed to. At the e'ening 8668ÍOU seventy¦-.I billa were passed. DCMESTIC. Bt the recent death oL an uncle iu Aus tralia, an estáte valued at $,000,000 reverta to John and Charles Kennedy, laborers in Louisville, Ky. At the session on the llth of tho International Suuday-School Convention at Louisville, Ky., the report of the statistical secretary showed that there ivere in the United States and provinces 103,516 Bunday-schools. with8,0."H,799 scholars and ],0S9,229 teachers. Thomas W. Bicknell, of Massachusetts, was elected President of the association. Isaac Stanley, paying teller of the National Bank of Commerce, at Cleveland, was on the llth lodged in jail for embezzling $100,000. He made a confession to the directors and turned over his personal property. Fob. the murder of Willie Osborne, a white boy aged eight yeara, a colored lad aged fourteen jTears was lynched by a mob at Castlewood, Va., a few days ago. ADVICKS of the llth announced that r„nl ..„i,, ,„ -m; -- bu greatly benefited the crops in that State. Reportsfrom various points indieated that the farmers were well satisñed with the outlook. At Chicago on the llth Justice Harían conflrmed the decisión of Judge Blodgett in the case of Fred Erby, who was fined .f500 for sending lottery letters through the mails. The explosión of a barrel of beer a few days ago in a brewery at Newburgh, N. Y., killed James Quinlan and made a nianiac of his wife. Fermission was on the llth given to the National Bank of Commerce, of Miuneapolis, to begin business; capital stock, $4CO,000. A freight train was déS-ailed recently on the Memphis & Charleston Road near Paint Rock, Ala., and Wagner and Henry Patterson were fatally hurt and ten cars were demolished. T The State Bank of West Virginia, at Charleston, with liabilities of $119,000, cïosed its doors on the 12th. Near Loveland, O., on the night of the 12th some cars of a Cincinnati, Washington & Baltimore train were wrecked by a rail having been removed. A negro named AVilliam Scott had been arrested. A cloud-buest in the Allegheny Valley on the 12th cause d the loss of $70,000 worth of lumber at Brookville, Pa., besides three dams and two bridges. Durinq a quarrel a few days ago near Minto, D. T., Wellington Larkins shot and killed his brother Alfred, and tuen put a ball through his "„ I- Mei o wuii-to-do farmers. The report that flfteen hundred United States troops were to be concentratel ._i „ u. 1' ¦ --nn tr ooiofc Ii.ooident Diazin suppressing any revolutionary movements led by General Cortinas and other rebel Mexican Generáis was denied on the 12th. At New Albanj', Miss., Mayor J. R. Beeves and Lloyd Ford, a desperado, firod live times at each other recently, Ford bting fatally shot. During a matinee at a Minneapolis theater on the 12ih lightning struck one corner of the building, which caused a slight flre. The audience made for the doors, and in the rush many were seriously injured. A five-story building in New York, oecupied principally by Stree & Sniith, publishers of the New York "Weekly, was damaged by fire on the 12th to the extent of $100,000. While workmen were eirgaged upon a gas main at Wheeling, V. Va., recently the gas, which had been let on to test the joints, became ignited by a pluraber's lamp and blazod up, severely burning six men, two fatally. The publishinff house of Cushing, Thomas & Co., of Chicago, was closed by the Sheriff on the I2th. A fire on the 12th in a building occupied by two jubber companies, in Boston, caused a loss of 3400,000. Sixteen firemen were injured by an explosión in the third story. An insane woman, Maria Buckland, who had refnsed to eat anything for more than threo week, died at the county infirmary at Urbana, O., on the 12th, from starvation. In a saloon row at Lake Charles, La., a few evenings ago John Poweü stabbed and killed Otto Berwiald and Herman Sigler, (Jerman sailors. He then fled. A portion of a band of thieyes that had been operaties in the Choctaw Nation, Indian Territofywas captured by the militia a few days ago. wo of the robbers were killed in the strngglB. Upon examination at ,Pittsburgh on the 13th it was shown that Praaident Riddle, Cashier Beiber and Thomas J. Watson, an oil broker, were partners in the oil speculations which wrecked the Penn üank and. had overdrawn HOO.OOO. The assignee thougtt the bank would be able to pay4wenty-five per cent. Mjïs. G-koiigk Wilson, whoso hushand killed an offfcer-in Detroit recently, died a fewdays.agooí:a broken heart. Il vas aanotmeed on the 13th that th h6aYÍes-fwos, known for thirty years had revirlledCíorseveral davs in oortions of California, doing great damage to the growing crops. Lewkllks (Kobixson (colored) was hanged at Seale, Ala., on the 13th for the niurder of Troy Adams (colored). Loomis' mili, near Little Rock, Ark., was wrecked by an explosión a few days ago, two men-being killed and two otuers seriously wounded. Turee Deputy Sheriffs at Salt Lake, armed with Winchester rifles, on the 13th xecuted Fred Hoyt, who had been three times tried for murder. He sat upon bis coflin blindfolded, and the ofllcers fired írom a poiut ten paces distant. AT Baltimo-re early on the morning of tho liith Lewi Stanger mistook Marión Deerns, a boarder, for a burglar and shot hiin dead. By the spilling of molten metal at the Cincinnati & Newport Iron and Pipe Works in Newport, Ky., at noon the other day an employé nained Van Ansdal was burned to death, and two others were probably fatally injured. The imports at the port of New York during Muy were valuod at $37, 775,620, agaiust $30,1181,051 in May last year. At Corsicana, Tex., on the 13th a cyclone and heavy rain prevailed, during which two business buildings were unroofed, some residonces were damaged, and a mimhar rf ta avh l.liivn i1..iüi-. For $1,000,000 cash the Lehigh Vulley Railroad Company has purchased 50,000 acres of bituininous land in Clearüeld County, Pa. In Gilmore County, W. Va., recently sorae luiuberinen diseovered the bodies oL William and John Haddock, brothers, mashed to a pulp by au immense log, which had rolled over them while sawing it. Recia, a Cuban, was hanged on the 13th in the jail-yard at Key West for the murder of a companion. Durino the seven days ended on the 13th the business failures in the United States and Canada numbered 228, on increase of thirteen over tho previous seven days. Cashieb Shepabd, of the New York Central Freight Department at Buffalo, disap.o.m,i nn Uut lüth. and it was discovered that he was a defaultor to Mi -rfamt-af $20,000. Officia i. reports on the 13th of the condition of the crops in Michigan indicated that the harvest would be nearly up to the average as far as wheat, corn, clover and grsss were concerned. Some of the sufferers by the collapse of Middleton & Co., baukers in Washington, were on the 13th eudeavoring to secure their indictmeut for obtaining monoy under false pretensos. It was stated that cluxrity funds and speculators' margins were swept away withthe ordinary funds, until nothing was left In the way of assets. PERSONAL AND POLITICA!. The Democrats of California met in State Convention at Stockton on the lOtli ind elected delégate to the National Con. rention instructed for Tilden and HenIricks. John R. Glasscockwas nominated tor Congressman in the Third District and EL P. Hastings in the Fourth. Delegates frora the various revenue re'orra organizations of the State met in Sew York on the lOth and organized tbe Revenue-Roform League of the State of New York. The object is to bring prominontly beter tho pouplö during the Presiiential canvass the question of the taiiff, and encourage healthy discussious upon :he much-neeiled refoims in it. Prof. Anierson, of Rochester University, was ïlectod President. The Nevada Democratie State Convention mot at Austin on the lOth and elected ielegates to the National Conveution. Resolutions were passed dernanding the nomination of Tilden and Hendricks, the romoval of all restrictions on silver coinsge, the absolute exclusión of the Chinese from the United States, and the enactment of laws preventing the acquisition of public lands by aliens. Ox the recommendatioa of the Judge-Advocate-General of the army the President on the lOth decided I to order a courtmartial for " -:"1 oi General Swaim for alleged irregular finaucial transaclions. The Kepublieans of the Fourteenth Ohio District have nominated General Charles H. Grosvenor for Congressman. At the annual meeting i" Brooklyn, N. Y., on the evening of the Uth of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, General Grant was elected President for the ensuingjear. The California Democrats on the lltb made the following Congressional nominations: First District, Barclay Henley; Second, J. H. Budd; Fifth, F. J. Sullivan; Sixth, K. F. Delvalle. O.v the llth Samuel J. Tilden, in a letter to Daniel Manning, Chairman, of the Democratie State Committee of New York, positively declinad to accept a nomination for the Presidency. By a party vote of six to three the Hous Committee on Appropriations at Washington on the llth passed a resoluion, offered by Mr. Randall, wliich makes political contributions of any kind from any perron in the service of the Government in any capacity whatever a misdemeanor, to which attaches a penalty of a fine not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment not exceeding three years, or both. The Michigan Democratie State Committee met at Jackson on the llth and elected delegates-at-large to the Naticual Convention. Resolutions were adopted declaring for Tilden and Hendricks. A resolution favoiing a tarifli for revenue was lost. Rev. Dh. Geokge Worthixöton', of Deïisïbp'öiNJbras'ka,'' which was recently tendered him by the Episcopal Convention. The Texas Democrats met in State Convention at Fort Worth on the llth and elecied delegates-at-large to the National Conveution. Resolutions were adopted declaring for tariff reform; denouncingthe present revenue system, and declaring the Educational bill now pending in Congress unconstitutional and a dangerous encroachinent upon the rights of States. Mabesso, Secretary of the Cuban Revolutionary Committae, was arrested on the 12th at Key West, Fla. He was about shipping explosiva material. Letters addressed to revolutionary leaders were found in his possession. The Democrats of the Twentieth Illinois District have nominated F. E. Albright, of Murphysboro, for Congress. Major Jared A. Smith, of the United States Corps of Engineers, has been or dered to report for duty as "Engineer of the Fiflh and Sixth Lighthause District, vico Genenü O. E. Babcock, deeeased. Heister Clymer, who died on the 12th per bad craimedüIiatwhïIëTSrrTïïaea was in no sense a candidate, he would nevertheless not refuse to lead the Democracy. Mr. Tilden turned the Gkronicle dtspatch over to the Democratie State Committee ol New York, and at uoon on the 13th the folio wihü wo rftceived: E. W, Scrippn. Priirieurr of th Jcvnind Chnmicle: Mr. Tllden's letter means what It says. His deelination is absolute. Under no cireumstances will he be a candidato. Danfel ÏIa-snixo, Chairman of the Democratie State Committee ot New Vork. FOREIGK. The schooner Six Brothers was on the lOth reported to have been wreeked off the coast of Newtoundland,-and the Captain and thirteen men were drowned.' The ealfishing brie Confedératelas" alsolwrecked north of the island and forty-five of the crew were saved and twenty-nine perished. Diplomatic relations between Servia and Bulgaria were severedon the lOth, and war was imminent. Reports had reached Cairo on the lOth that the Egyptian rebels had massacred the garrison and all the European traders at Berber. A fire on the lOth at AVinnipeg, Man., swept away ono square of business buildings. Loss, $100,000. Madrid adviees of the lOth state that a tunnel in course of construction on the new Austrian R.ailway line caved in, and twelve workmen were killed. Cuban adviees of tbe lllh stflte thatïth t Reading, Pa-, served foï yeara In the State Senate and in Congress, and was once the Democratie candidate for Goyernor. The' Texas Democratie State Convention to nomínate State offleers will be held at Austin August 39. Durincj the present session of Congress the House has passed bilis deelaring the forfeiture of nearly seventy acres of land granted to railroads. Theiaud is in üregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Indian Territory, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana. Judok Edgerton, of Dakota, on the ISth granted the motion made to quash the indictment against Governor ürdway, ol that Territory, on the ground that the Grand Jury had no jurisdiction over the ollicial acts of the Governor. William H. Vanderbilt arrived in New York from Europe on tbe 13lh. A JiEETiNO of theMassachusetts Independents, ovar which Charles W.;adman presidod, condemned at Boston on the 13th the Republican Presideatial nomtnations, and trusted the Demócrata would name men suitable to tbeir views. The St. Louis Evening Chronide sent a telegram to Samuel J. Tilden on tbèl2jfh, asking if he would indorse the interni-etution put upon his letter of decliiiutiwi. bj the Miggmiri TfumMltuin. wUcU Lalter pa-. „agar ïnarfcet was utiefly nemoraiveu, and in many places the artille was selling at two cents a pound. ÜPtothe llth thirty-two suicides bad heen committed at Monaco this year on account of losses t the gambling-Ubl. The last suicide was a Swiss physician. Enolish oflicers, commissioned and noncommissioued, among the Egyptian garrison at Suakin, have resigned on account of the cowardice ef the native soliery. The report of the capture of Berber by the Mehdi's followers was confirmed oa the 12th. The Soudanese General, Aboull, liad 100,000 men under bis control in the captured town. Ten thousand men, wotnen and children were put to death by the sonquerors. A WATBR-SPOUT a few days ago in Akulsig, Russian Turkestan, destroyed seventy homes and drowned forty perons. I. .. HoiïiM' throo oom papions, names unknown, were drowued in Toronto Bay a few nights ago by tb espsüüng of a boat. LATEE, NEW3. ' By a colHsion on the 14th betwwn a church excursión train and an accommoiation train on tho Camelen Koad, near Ashland, Pa., eight employés wore killed and a number of other persons were badly wounded. ïhe disaster oceunod at a sharp curve, and was caused by the nonreception of a telegraphio dispatch. Both locomotives were destroyed. At Butler, Fa., on the lStb the boiler at oil well No. 13 exploded, killiug the engineer, Richard Walker, and fatally injurLng his son. The Post-offlce Department at Washington on the 4th issued a bulletin announcing thatthe new law reducing the rate on newspapers and periodicals, muiled by persons other than publishei-s, had gone iuto effect. The law provides that the rate shall be one cent for each four ounces or fractional part, to be fully prepaid. Alex, a notorious crook, was fou nd hanging to a tree a íew days ago near Sturges, D. T. The lynchers were uuknown. At a monstor meeting of Orangemen held in Belfast, Ireland, on the 15th, tlnvatening resolutions were adopted against the Lord-Lieuteuant of Ireland sliould be carry out his intention to visit that city. A heavy frost visited various parts of New England on the night of the 14th, causing considerable dainage to growing crops. At Jerez, Spain, seven members of tho Black Hand Society were executed the other day for a Socialistic outrage, and five others were sentenced to imprisonment for life. A sail-boat was struck by a squall near Calais, Me., on the 15th, and two of the occuDants, James Chester and Dennis Cnsev. were drowned. Gidiere, Day & Co., cotton factors of New Orleans, with liabiiitios of $2S'-),000, liave suspended payment. John Flemmixu, lio was couvicted in Chicago of using the mails to defraud, come from Dakota on the 14th and surrendeied himself to serva a year in A fire on the 15th ainong tha great oil relinenes at Green Point, L. I., dostroyed forty thousand barrels of oil, causing a loss of over $70,000. The steamer Arizona, which sailed fiom Liverpool for Philadelphia on the 1+th, carried flve hundred recruits, bound tor Utah. The United States Senate was not in sesBion on the 14lh. In the House the sessiou was devoted to consideration of the amendmenta matle by the Senate to the Post-oflice bill. It was agreed to make the appropiiation for special mail facilities on the trimk Unes $250,000. A motion to increase to $4,.tO0,000 the item for railway post-office clerks was lost, and the House insisted on disagreement with the Sjnato.


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