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iiiiiiniiwmmiiiiiiiiHiHiimmuu It is :i fm-t tbat temedies almos withnrt mimin-r iilri-iuly contení the eUim to cqre ill [the ¦ f!,;,,! iii.-m".im-iTi.-H to mak u en lor LL¦L tfo diseases have so baffied all attempts ï-ïa AlOTUt èuooSalOT óf aiBammlntmenta hiw made fbeu-ïir m-d rfpSau deBpaii pi tbe ptwrtbilityol un' For -uturiiw tli.y have bêe3 cotiBidered beyoud the power of uiouUal t-kdl to cure. nd vet we say lioth can be cured, and tha't AthÍ.ophoros wlU do the Immniw. The bent jiooi' tliat it culi do it ia that it bas doue lt. Rev. a R. Pennen, T.T., pastor Tliinl Kot WilllMO Co. Pas,to rr.ori.-cSt M F. Chiirch. New Uavcn. Conn.. wanhiul c"irt'i liliuTand ho believc it to Ue uilaUlbla ] [ B. ChaiKllcr, of the N. Y. " InclepenrtPT t " nin Athlophouos cured Mm of RUeiiniatam Iróm 1 Ue bad uftr.-l f r a year aud a half. Rev W B. Kvans, Washington I). C., to !¦ siTi-ad throillihout the land. Thejïreatqntioiii8,'Willitcuremef AVe bUveitwtlL te ItwórthtrytarJ Voii mnirt decide. 11 v-.ii amOOl 8HI tiu.oi-ii.ii...b of VOiir iruiririBt, wi'iviu Bend il BTl'rew raiil. on m-eipt of reiriilor .;„, oíeXlítjbSda Wepreferthatyoutw ! trom vonr driAortet, bnt if bn h:wn't it. (Imiot be irHtiadt'd to try soaietWuif cle,but ordr at once mWHOWKCO., "12 WALL ST., NEW VORK. ¦iüll'J'ff'ü"""" " R '"" "I1UJ The lime when the aeeker of n new liome ín the lar West urn! hls wearled t'aimly were requlred to suflfer the fetigue and .lisoomfort of alonp; jouniey In a resalar 'day coiich. witli no beda bul. tUe seáts, has lona since pnssed bj : a greal niajcniy ol such niiggenifers being anable to provkw their fcirnilies with the luxiirlea of Pullman Pal-ice gleeplBg cars, 011 accountof iiuepense. The Atchlop, TopeVa & S.uiiu Fe R R. Co., besan, several feara ugo, to oquip U Ujm with Ui-epii.g CaH hicli wouid arïord comfortable Bltting room tor its piisssngers by day, una agreeable Bleeping apaitmeU at night, and to open these accommodatioiis without extra cbárge to all persons travellng, even un the low tares uniformly iurnislied to Kekers of homes to the new countiy now opening along the line of the road, as well as to tíie Pacüic coast. These Bleeping carsarenot upbolgtered.bnt are flnlsned on the interior in hard wooda, and after each trip are tliorou;hl.v wnihed, and made as clean as when they tlrst canie (toni the builder's hands. These cars are ,lso well lilfhted and eiitilated, prorided with etaet and lavatories. and areliberally BUpplied wiili water and Foei, bo as to niake tliem eouiforxable at all seasons of the year. The agent of the Co:npany at Kansas City will take especial pains to lócate passengers of tlie sanie natlonallty together, and clHSsify passengeri with some consideration of itcomuiodation and congeniHlity, so as to make their trip as coinpanionable ind enjoyable as posslble. The train men aie also ïnstrueted to look otrefully after the comfort of these passengere. Aa signments of berths are mode at Kansas City, bywhlch passengere may beaasüred of retaíninír their places tlirough to thr Pacitic coast il desin-d. These cars form a part of tlie exprePS trains botwecn Kansas City and The Needie?, and Kansas City and Demillg, and passengeisthus have all tlie privilegea of these eomfortable cars at the extreme low lates of fare, and arrive at tlieir deslination as promptly s il' traveling in Pullman Palace Bleeping ( !ars. l'arties desiring any fiirther Information will, by addressing-t-he un.dersigned, ,,.. Oelve prompt and COlirteOUS atlention. J. O. 1'IIII.T.II'I'I, "VV. General Aaent, HOü-1200. 51 Clark st., 0bfoago. RINSEY &SEABOLT'S iiiltífiisi AND riuur ana i-eea store. We keep constamly od h:md, HREA1), CRACKERS, CAKKS, ETC., Por W hcK'SHle and Betali Trude. We slm'.l also keep a eupply of SWIFT & DEUBÊL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Kyc Tloiir, Buck%lie:it Flour, torn Mtcal, Fcecl, Klc, At Wholesale and Uctail. A general stock of &R0CERIES ani PROTISIÜKS Constantiy on hand, which will be snkl on as rcasonahle tcrma aa at any other bonte tn the city. flash raul for BUTTER, E(iC-i, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally, (ioods delivered to any part of the ciiy without extra charge. KIXSEY & SEABOLT.


Ann Arbor Courier
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