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To'edo, Ann Albor & G. T. R. K. I.OCAT, TIME TABI.E. Into effect Bunday, Peb. 10, 1884. h Traint run hy (Vntr.-il Tinii', -„ïmTnöktii. "N BO' I 1 N-l -1 "-S I STATIOÜS. o. S 1 r. R.S L "i ' ns - T1S " A.p.. 5'ï 7 05 Toledo ' :; 5 45 7 14 ManhattenJunction 48 5 63 7 28 Alexis .1 mui. on 1J8S 6 ()2 7 83 Hawthorne 1U4 30 6 K, 7 ie, Bamari g 2"; fi 30 X 15 Monroe Junction s 42 8 ... 6 4.'! 8 801 DoDdee 80 8 ¦ 8 SB 8 S Azulia 8 Su . 7 08 K M) MUan Jnnctlon W 7 10 9 03 M11ii 8 08 8 22 7 ib g 00 Nora 7 " ¦ " 7 22 9 22 Urania . J ' '; 7 12 !) 32 PitBstitkl Juixtion j 27 ; "3 7 45 i 50 Ann Arhor u .',¦ s 08 1 15 Lelainl ÍcmÍ „- 8 11 10 22 Worden ' "" - - ¦ j , 10 R6 Sonih Lyon w.2j Connecóons: At Toledo, wlth foJj!l?5 Manhattan Jimction, wil li WIiücIiiik ¦ I ,V! Erté K, R.;at Alexl.uncllon, wlth M.C. H li L.8 & M 8. Ry. nd V. 1 ¦ M. K. U.; at Monroe Jnnctloi wl3 L. B. & M. 8. Ky.; ai DuiiL s. & M. S. Ry., M.&O. Ry.; al MUan Jmiction. with Wabash, St. Louis & Pnciflc Ry.; at Plttsflêld, wlth L.S. & M. 8. Ry.; at Anu Arbor „ithMichlanCeníraÍ K K aml it South Lyon with Detroit, Lantlng & Northcru B. B.i una Grand TrunkRy.H w_ AsnLKY, Generttl Supt. V. 11. HENNETT, Gun'l. Pass. Agent. THE MHE SELECTEB BY TH-E TT. S. OOVT COITVO WEST. ONLY LINE KUNNING TWO THKOÜGH TRAINS DAILY FROM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOOS, Throuzh the Heart of the Continent b way of Pacltic Junctlon or Ornaba to DENVER, orvla K anuas City and AtchlsM to Deoyer, conneciliiKin Union Depota at Kansas Cliy, Atchlson, Oinaha aud Denver wlth through trains for SAN FRANCISCO, and all polnis in the Far West. bhortest Llueto KANSAS CITY, And all polnts in the West. TOURISTS AND HEALTH SEEKER3 Bhoold not ftTget the factthat Eound Trip tickets at r iüi! .-J rátes eau be purenased via tlus Greot 'lhr7iíl Hiñe, to all tüe Health and Pleasur Vü3emUe CITY OF MEXICO, and all polnts In the Mexican Ecpubllc HOME-SEEKERS Should also remember that this line lends direct to the lieart of the (Jovtrnmeut and Itallroad i.ands in Nebiwka, Kausas, Texas, Colorado and %Vashiug'"itKúmíoVí thegreat THROUGH CAK WOT et America, and Is universally admltteü to be the Finest Liuipped Railroad in the World for all classes of Travel. ThrouKh Tickets via this line for sale at all Rallroai Coupou Ticket Oilices iu Üie Uulted States aud Canada. ï. J. POTTKR, Vinei. OOMff; LOWEH.. Oen. Pas. Ag't Chicago. J2ÍÜ. Q. A. BEAN.Oen. Eaatern Ag't, ,17 BroaJway, New York, aud 'tSM W'iuUïugtuU Umi iiOHlUU. .A.T TECE POST-OMCE NEWS. -DEPOT. A Pull Uu Of Cheap Libraries! AJ9D STATIONEBT A complete assortmenl oï common and Fancy Nota and Letter Paper. Envelopes, Invïtatlon, and Reqnes) cardi. v;'i..,r Packets. Fine Box l'.-ipor-, suitable tor presenta and ;ill klndi of Sintioncrs' BUpp'les. BLAÏIK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum Books, Seratcb Iioks, Studente Note Books, Rerums, Legal and Medical Indexes, Bill Books, and :ill grades of common Note Books. WILLIS HU, Propristor, Aml Agent tor all Nftwspaper, Magazines aml periodiealF.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News