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p' ROYALISCÜoiJ J) 3 POWDER Absoíute.y Pure. Thls pnwder never varias. A marvel of purtty, strenglh and whoiesomeness. Alore eeonornlcal than tbe otdlnáry klnds, aodoanoot bf snl in eoropetltlon with tbe nmliitmle ol iow tosí, sho t WelghL alum or pliospliate powders. Sulii only ín can Roïal Bakiso PowDKit Co., 10(i Wall St. N. Y. Disfiguring fHUiviQRs, Itching and Burning Tortures, Humiliating Eruptions, such as SAT.T EHRÜM or Kczom. IorianK Scald Heid, [nf'innlü or liinli IJumnif, and evory fonn of Itcltifitf, 8caly, Plmply, Scrofltlonfl, ínheriied. Coutauiou, and ,Copper Colored Diaeaaes ot the Blood, Skln, and Scalp, with Loss of Hair, tire poaitively cured by tíie Cuticura ííkmedikp, Glltfdirri Re$o] Tent, tbe iiew blood pnriflcr, ttleanses the bload aad perpiration el' i:pnrities and pülsouout etemeotp] and thui removes the canee. Quticura, the ereal Skin Cure, loetantly Haya [tchlnjg and íi fl imnitttion, ch-urn tlie líln und Scalp, heals Ulcera and Sores, and reetori-a thu Unir. ClttlCtira S(ap, BDezqnisiteSklnBeAntiflerand Potíei Heq ilrfte, prep red rt'Om Cutlcnra, is iudispensahle ín ireatlüi.' Skin Dlswes, I3aty Humort, Skin Buinishes, Koagh, Ci appcd, or Oiy Skin. Codeara Rengedles are abrolotely pare, and the oiiiy real Ulood Puriflera ntiú kin Beantifierp, freí Irom mereury, araenlc luud, y.''v.c, or any other mineral t vtfítah4e poln wh 8 ever. It WOirtl reqnire this entire paper tn l jn-tioc to a aNMcrípttou ui' ihc eurefc pwfoiui'ïd ty the Outicuia tiesolveot Internally, and Calleara and Cutteara Soap extena11y. EcZtMIlil of the palma of tbe banda and of theends of tbe fiasen, very dlffloalt to treit und u&ually considerad tncarable; smali patches oí títíerand salt rhí.'uni on the ar, noae, t.nd aldea of the face. Scalletf Heatls wlth loss of hiir without number, hrads covered wlth dandruil' and scaly erupttooe, eepocially of children aud intanlS] many oí' whicii sii ce birtit had been a masa uf aoahs ; Helling', tinrolng, and pcly tortures that bffled even relief fiom oidiuary remedies, eoutttcd and bealed as by tnaglc ; Psoriasis, leproay, and other frighful formn of ckiD diseases, scrofuious ulcera, ohl f oree, and diacharííinií ffoondsi eah und all of wliich have been eiteedijy, pennanently, and tconomicaliy cuied by the Catlcura lleniedies. Sold eveiywhere. Prfce: Cutictira, Í30 cent?; Resolvent, SI.O'; Soup, 2-) cents. Potter Druíí and Chemical (o., Boeion, Maca. tiend fr " How to Cure Skin Diseñes.' CATARRH CompleteTreaíment, S 1 .00. A single dose of Saxi'Okb's UahicalCvrk insiantly relieves the most violent Bneezüig or Head Colds, clrara tlic 11, -ui as by Huidlo, stops watery díeohírges fnmi the Noe and Eyes, prevent lünglnK Hoiiea Ín ih'1 llead, onrea Nervoua Headache, and subdues Cbtlla and Fever. In Chronlc catnrrli lt cleaoseethi nas'U Dasaase8 of fonl mneus, restores the senses of snu'll taste, and hearlnK when nffected. free ti liead tliroat and hronetital tubes ofoíTensivo matter, aweeti'ns and puriñes the Ijreatli. stops tile COUgh aud arresta the progresa of Catanh tow&ros Conatimptlon. One Itotlle Radical tjnre, one box catarrhal Solvent mu! Sonford's Inhaler. all Inone paokage, f alldrugKists for íl Ask for Sanfchid's ICakk i. Ci i:k. Pottkk Dhl'u a.nd Ciieii. Co., Boston. rfc M ¦ Bl C0SLIV8 VOLTATC ELBCTRtr Wt fifi ¦ HR 1'i.wíii Instantly atTeets thi ¦ n ¦ ¦¦¦ Nervous System and baniahes BtCJB 1 IW Pain. perfeel Kli'Ctrlc Kat Vfllol tery comblned illi a Porous ts ctop pnv PlasterforSScent. itnnnihiIb Tllh UI i.,,,.s ('„in, vitallzes Weakand or A Wdrn Ont Parts, strengthens other'ph" le' "n the world. Sold everywhere. SH950 [N CASH GIVEN ÁWAY ATTENTION, SWOKERS! mm Tobacco (o., must observe the following mmsam Iioston. Herald; New ! ¦' ''Á '¦'j,.,.,.,, i'luntt"nï,Ïi'cKffi.-H? TOBACCO CO., See our next announcement. -ñTTTrJwF XJ EÏ ! = EtíAN'S IMPERIAL THUSS LV.I In Unlvmity Ho.piuli. SOANS IMPERIAL TIIUSS CO., Box 22B8, An Arbor, re. Office, Hamilton Block. Ann Arbor. gwiíBÍYFconRil


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