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Ceimsn-portTürill probtbiy be in next ¦weck. Banqmts wllboul uuniber almost, this week. Professor Batte, óf Oicüard Lake Acadeiny. ia tlic cily. The coiuity medical meeting convenes next Mondity In Vpsil.inti. Fred Cocfirane lins gone to take a place a a Philadeljiliia drug store. Gretton Bros. liave dissolved partnerAlp, and Mr. Walter Gretton continúes. Miss Lou Gott entertaloed a party of lady fftonds Monday evenlrijr, on Division street. .____ Alfred Anderson, wlio ha been prostrated with a low type of f'ever, is convalescing. #_#_ The number of visitora in town this week la quite large, as usual Commenceinent week. Miss Lois T. Angell gave a lunch party to the Ladies' Amphion Club yesterday at President Angell's. Considerable petty thieving about the city is reported. Out citi.ens would do well to be on the look-out. This is the last week that the skating rink wlVi be open for this season. Saturdiiy nlght is the last nijrht. In last Wednesihiy's storm Christian M;ick's house on Williain street was struek by liglitning, btit escapee! serious dainage. TJie HC.itlier Snnday, Mouday and a portion of yesterday was exceedingly wur.n. We had hard rains yesterday and last n iLh t. __JJ___ Teachers of the city schools can obtain kir contracts for the coming year at IC. Whedon's oilice on and after Thursday morning. A special session of the county stiperIntendenta of the poor is held at the county house to-day. Their regular ses¦ion ia on July 1. The census enumerator of Pittslield, Mr. W allace, bas flnlghed his work and says nothing but uniform courtesy lias been accorded him. Frank M. Cutchcon, who has a clerksliip ia the treasury department at Washington, la off for a vacation. He is attending commencement. The baby girl left on the steps of the county house one evenini; last week, thongli veiy ieeble, is still living. It is said to be a very pretty clrild. Two colored persons were arrested yesterday for burglarizing a grocery store in Lower Town. ïhey ure having their trial to-day before Jusüce McMahon. J. Wm. Hangsterfer has rented two stores in Detroit where he will move liis Wholesale business after July 4. He will continue IjU retail business on Huron street. We heard a farmer remark recently that tliis j-ear, for the first time i;i twenty-one years, hesoltl liis wool for 17c. He bas never receiveil less than 21c. at any time lieretofore. On commiltecre coimnenüationa diploma fee of $1.00 is now eliarged members of the graduating class, bijch school, the proceeds to be applied to the expenses of the alumni assoeiation. Thesum of $225 lias been appropriatcd for the parchase of anparatue for the liigh school physlcal laborator?, to be expended by Prof. Chute, under the direction of Superintendent Periy. Frank Sessions, high school '84 has gone home with Ed. W. Bowen, a 'classmate, to make a short rtalt. Mr. Bowen's home is at Delphi. IQd. The b are driving thiough wit!, hom and carnage. T. Jacobs ias purchased a half ntórestltfairac „f nlne acres of land in he city of Detroit with Q. W. Snover, fnrmerly of AnnArbor. It vvill be subVlded and clled Jacobs' and Snover's flb-divislon of the city of Detroit. Otseningo lodge I. O. O. F., No. 205, m n.ght elected the following offloera 'the entolog six monthsr-N, G. Geo. 1 Alexander; V. G. Edward Pate; R. S. UM.Gro8ïman; P. S. Geo. Grossman; 'rurer, Ci,as. J. Durheim. Instalh.tion luesday, July 1. In 1S83 the rank of Michigan in relation 'o the other statea in cereal production, MthIrd in buckwheat, seventh in wheat, ll'ntli n oatg anj barley, fifteenth in corn Wd elghteenth in rye. Illinois is first in ". wheat and oats, New York in btick. Ponnsylranla In rye and Califor"ia lu barley. Volumes of "Michigan in the War" ftbe followlng persons may be obtained " Register Gilbert's office: John P. lremmg, Michiel Breining, Charles Klev"sw, George B. Sherwood, Bandall T. at Valkcnburgh, Francia Trainer, "¦"nces M. Depuy, Joseph Todcl, Henrv Bmith and Mr. Fanny Eno. Tucsilay being St. Jolm's day, Ann Aror Commandcry of Knights Templar te ' iUe! ll ' fie usual marnier bg at"JSevenino; service at St. Andrews' ujch where an able address was dellv TbL T' f Ypsilanti. was a g00tj representation, and with ,.Services ''"e company assembled iB fl'ie'UlS fM a ban(iuct at The fint cargo of strawberries was sent in to Detroit Saturday by Mr. Evart H. Scott, whose vincs loaded with the ripcniiifr fruit promise many more to fol low. He has about the linest strawberry patch oiic eau imngitic lor au ideal ouc and the erop this year is a large one. His raspberry vines also are brinjrin? for ward s large supply of benies. Wltta his enthusiastn In horticultuie he is making a good suceess with fruits of all kinds. The class-day exercises of the medical class were held in University Hall, Monday anemoon, at 2L p. M., 0 the presence of a small body of listeners. The class oration, entitled. "A Poütical Problem," was delivered by Woods Hutchinson, who sustained the reputation he has of being au able speaker. The class history, by Jarnes A. Bach.was well wiilten. The class prophecy by John Madden was good throughout. The closing exercise was a fine address by the class president, T. Linn Iddings. Last Sunday marks the date of death of two persons who may be recognized as old residents of our city, although one August Wiedenmann. has not lived In Ann Albor for the past seven years, lus residence during that time being in Northfield. Mr. Widenmann's funeral was held at the Episcopal church, this morning. Mrs. Lucy B. Ide, whose death occurred on the same day, was the wife of the late Sheldon Ide. She has lived in the city about thirty years. The funeral was held yesterday ofternoon at the house, south Main street. At the concert of Mr. C. Shaeberle's pupils last Friday evening, in Fireman's Hall, the following persons participated : Mis. C. F. Finley, and Messrs. George Haller and Walter Allen, violin; Willie Neumann, Green and Frank Clay, Mlsses M. Otto, M. Davis, B. B. Bliss, M. Neumann, and C. Wilmot, piano, assisted by Prof. Orin Cady, baritone, and Miss Amanda Mack, soprano. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by those in attendance. Ainong otlier reports of thieves' work this last week is that of one who entered a lady's sleeping room through a secondstory window one nignt the latter part of last week. The thief 's presence awakened the sleeper, who, on finding some one in the room screamed and frightened tlie Intruder away before he had taken anytliing. It is tliought he was after money tlie young lady was understood to have brought from home for her brother, who graduates from one of the departme'.its tomorrow. A fair house listened to the last musical treat of the season on Monday evening. The Amphion surpassed their former eflbrts, and every appearance was greeted witu enthusiasm. Misses Wood and Caruthers, Mr. Luderer and the Beethoven Quintette Club did their part well. The program was in every way excellent, and was well rece ved. It is to be hoped that the Amphion Club will continue to tnprove as it has for the past year. It already ranks high among amateur orgatizations, and we understand that two similar clubs, by reison of the fame achieved by the Ann Arbor club, have recently been established elsewhere. lts presence has lent a peculiar ehann to many concerts during the past year, and all who have heard its chorus work will trust that it may be even more prominent next season.