Real Estate Transfers
Alonzo Gretton to Oliver Gretton, Ann Arbor, lot Í2.500 Wm. P. Campbell to Philander Wlllard, Manchester, 40 acres 800 John Schoellhammer to Jacob Klein, Lima 3475 Sarah E. Conklln to Chas. H. Stowell, Ann Arbor 4,0 o Amelia DeWHtto Oeorge O'Neil, Sclo, 4 acres 600 Sylvlna 8. Cowles to Ilenry Cornwell , Add Arbor, lot 675 W. E. Dunning has been canvassing fo Ilon. James G. Bluine's "Twenty Years in Congrese," his time lias been limited andifany have not had an opportunity to purchase who wisii to do so or would üke to look at the history thinking they may wisli to purchase, address a card to him in care of Rev. S. Clements, Ann Arbor.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Alonzo Gretton
Oliver Gretton
William P. Campbell
Philander Willard
John Schoellhammer
Jacob Klein
Sarah E. Conklin
Charles H. Stowell
Amelia DeWitt
George O'Neill
Sylvina S. Cowles
Henry Cornwell