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niiniininmmiiiiimminiinninn i Tliink, jnrt liwanse you ! i r f have Iwn sullcrln;; tcrrlbly : ION T wit 11 Hlieiuualisin or NouI rftigia.tliat you must always ¦"' ' continue to suffer. Kor thlnk nst béeanse nobody hu !een ¦ able to cure you or your triend, that Neuralgia ana lOrcumállsmurft Incurable. D Tliink that a cure is iniAki -p posslble Just because the U N I physlclan Lave beun unable to aeeompllsU lt. Nor tliink tfcat becaUBe ATHLOPHOROS has iiot buen known ever slnoe tne foundation of tlio wol-M, ltwlll not cure Sfisunutlsm untl Neuralgia. tflgkt the testiinony .f l Ki -p tliehunüredsorsurfprersv.lio U N I havetiledA'iin.oiMioKOs :uid are now sound and hearty. Nor tbink that lieoause you have tried flfty other thlngs Uial falled, tliat Atulophokos Is Uke tlieiu. Don't be discouraged ! The very thing that wilt cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia is ATHLOPHOROS. DontbeSkeptical! ATHLOPHOROS hais cured otiiers. lt wil Cure YOU. If you UUOtftet ATHi.ornoisit.f ynnr Arimrmt ¦w will end it mis wd :. on mdlt ol rwi lv ,.,¦¦ -nne dollar IwrlXOf. '"SíM?15" "K Itiroinvmir dru(óri bat U ! bas ut lt, aa ïmt i l'er 'lidVa fc. try w.n.etliiliK doe. Bilt oi-ilrr t ouoe THLOP'lWBOS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK. ïitiimlll i M. .iilllimuillllll "COMFORT FC0N01T AN SPEED. The t yvlien the seekërrtf n néw hoine in thé l'iir We.-t uk! his wearled family sverc requlreO to suffer tlie fMtgae and discomfoit of a long lourney In ¦¦! reftnlarday coacb. with no beas but peats, lias lonir sincf passnl li.v: :i greal niajority of such pnssenfiers l)einjr iitmlilc to providH !hc"if.iinilie-i witli ilic luxuiios of Pullman Vi, cc Sleeping cuis,oii account of thee x[lense. TlieAtchlíon,ToiMa & S:mtaFo K 1!. ('¦., bejTHii, sevenil yenrs go, to equip it8 Unes wiih slfeplbg cars wliicli vonl(1 iifford coinlortiible sittiiiff room t pnaagngpra by ly, and agre able slei-piuor apaitmentó at night, and to open thest accotnmodatlona without extra charge to all persons travcling, even on the low fares unifornily limiislied toseekeis ol'liomes iii tlic new country npw opening Rlongtbe line of the roád, as well as to the Paciiic coast. These rteeplng cars are not upliolstiTed.butare HnlsheOOll the interior In hard woodg, and after eacli ti'ipnre thorpiJthly Wtl?lied, and made as clean as wheii tliey iirst ciiuie froiii tne bnilder's hands. These cars are glso well liclïted and ventilated, provided with closets and lavatorie?. and areliberally (tipplied iih water and hiel. s as to inake lliein boiiifnrtnblb at all sensoós "t the year. The ajietit of the Co npany at Kansas City will take especial pains to lócate pas tctifi-crs of tlie saine nationality togethfr, and cliisslfy passengers witft mie oonslderation ofaeeoinuiodation and congÉniality, so as to make their Hipas eonipanioiiah'e and enjoyableas possible. Tlie train nien aie also instrueted to lonk carefuuy after the comfort of these passetters. Assiiinments of berths are m ide at Kansas City, by which paMentEew may besssured ot' retalning their places türotigli to tlie Paciiic coast if deeired. These cars form a part of the expresa trains botween Kansas City and The Needies, and Kansas City and Deining, and passengers thus have all Ihe privileges oftluse oonifortable care at the extrem low rales of l'are, and arrive at their rlcBtinatiou as promptly as if traveling in Pullman Palnce Sleeping (' .rs. Partiea deslriag any further inforruation will, by addresslng the undersleiifd, 'feeive prompt and conrteous atteñtion. .1. O. Piiii.ui'pi, V. General Asent, 1 193-1200. 04 Clark et., Chie.igo. RINSEY&SEAEOLT'S silüliïi ASÍD Flnur and Feed Sioro. We keep conptantly on ïrinil, BKEAI), CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Rütall Tuda. NV.' iLall nlo keop a pnpply of SWIFÏ & DEUBKL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Dellii Flour, Kye l'lour, Buck wluat Flour, Corn Meal, l'i-el, Uto., At Whulcsale and Ki-taü. A general stock of GROCERIES ani PROVISIÜNS Conttantly on lianil, which will he xolrt on as terms au at anj otlu-r houe n the city. Cash paid for BUTTER, EGG, and COl'NTKY PRODUCE generally, (ooüb d-livud to anj pnrt of the cuy without extra charco. RISSEY & SEAB0LT.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News