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BUSINESS CARDS. WILJLIAH BIGGS, Contractor and Builder. SHOP : Corner Chiirch and Orleans Street, ANN ARBOK, IHH.'II. W. II. JACKSO.V, 2,H3INÏ1TIIIIISIITIL OFFICIE : Over Bachs l Abel'3 Dry Goods Store. .Entkance bt First National Bank. WILLIAM IIERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperinf, Glazlcp, Gilding, and Oalcitninine, and work of every descriotioü done in the best ' Btyle, and warranted to give satisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St,, Ann Arbor. C. SCIIAEBERLE, Risidkhce, 57 South Main St., Teacher of K&no, Violin &nd Thecry of Music. HTSTJR,TTCTIO:ETS Given on Plan of the Royal Conservator}' of Music at I.'ipsic, Saxony. W. W. & A. C. MtllOI., DE1TTISTSNew Dental Rooms, over Joe T, Jacob's Store, GA.S or VITILIZED AIR Adminiöterad for Ihe paiuless cxtraction of .j teéth. i'HvíSO!- nuca The abovo depicta a very pleasant feature of H'cycling as a sport. The club have ridden from nr headquarters in the city, to a auburban vilgc Bome twenty milea away, where they await he wrival of the racing members who were to art jut thirty minutes later. rive minutes more and the two foremost of the naam racn- Fri, on bis " Harvard," and Yonsou n fil " Yalc," appear in aight. Tho pace is .""Mndoun : tho men are neck and neck, and ' oge, the captain of the club, -whom you otrve is leaning on hia " Shadow "light roadater, "u-Lorcsrounli' declares the race a tie. ¦e ! ,ere are tne other men ? " he aeks. O", behind, somewhere," ia tho reply. ¦ si, j ÜKr: ay 'HarvardV or 'Yale'a'or nanow'i ' amoug theia? " (i"Otonc." 'Ali ! that accouiita for It," iajrl tho captain. Amcncan bicyclcr an a body will realize the "e of the captain's last remark, but tho thou"lriiof new riders which the coming year will P'oJuie, (hould cuch ow of them realize that ' o'"y 'rue economy in choosing a bieyele is to w content with notbing Ie than the very beet ¦" moncy will procure. Karh hould iind out "" .ne can about bicyclos before making hi Ojh and in order to ansist enquirers in their ,,ri11 r"r Information, wo willon rcceiiit of a of eCiCent tamPi end to any address, a copy UI our largo llusiruted ciitaloguc by return maii. „THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, ioe Pioneer Bicyole House of America. [Ii8Ublibhudl877.] porting Jfanufactur's of Bicycles & Trlcycleè Od Fsi.Lowa' Hall, Boston, Mabê. CIARLES Y. WAGXER, Agent, 1 South Main St., - Ann Aibor, Micli. SDBSCRfBf for the COÜRIER.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News