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NOW 1S 'E SI llMll SKIN HÜMORS.H IT Ij at this sea-ton when tbs l'ores open freelv and the i'erspiratiun is abuuilant thnt Dlfflenring Uumois, HnmlUating Ernptlon Itching Tortures, Sült Uhcuai cir Eczema, Psorlaslf, TeltiT Klngworm, Buby Ilninurs, Bcrofnla, Scrolulous sores, Ab-cesse?, and IMschargin" Wounds acd every specie ol Itchin, Scalyj and Mmply Diseasee ol the Skin and Scalp are most speedily and economically cured by the Coticura KkmeDta. IT IS A FACT. llundreds of letters in onr possession (copios ui whicli may be had by return imii) are uur nuthoriiy for ihe aster. ion thnt ikh,, Scalp and Blood llumors, ybethet Scrolulou-, lnneriicd. ur Coutagious, may .Nü be permai eiitly cured by Cüticuka Kesolve.vt, the now Blo.)d Purirter, iu ternally, ie one hall tile lime and at one ha.f'the expense 01 auy otlier scaeou. creates-FonTarthT Clticuka Remedies are the greatest medicines on earth. Had the worst case Sak Klieum in ihls country. My mottier had it twenty years, and in lact died froni it. I believj Cuticdba wouju have saved lier lile. My anus, breast and head were covercd lor three ye;ns, whicb nothiug relieved or cured uutil 1 used the Cuticuka Kkí-olvent, iuterually, and Cuticura aud Cuticuka Soap. externally. J. W. Adams, Kewark, O. GREAT BLOOD MEDICINES. 1 he half has nol been told as to 1he great curative powera ol the ultkura Kkmkdies. I have paid hundrodd oi dollars lor medicines to cure dlséaaea ol tüe hlood aud skin and ncver i'ouud anythiiiLi yet to equal the CuncuitA Kemëdies. uiiAi. A. WiiiLiAMs, IVuvideuce, K. I. CURE IN EVERY CASE. Your Cuticüra Remedies ontsull all oiher medicinea I keep lor skin distases. My custumers and patients say that they have tffected a cure in every inetance, where oiher remedies have lailcd. U. W . Buoukw at, M. i). Fraukliu Falle, N. n. Sold by all drugista. Price: Cothtra. 50 C's.; Resolvent, si; soap, 2jcts. Potter Dkuu and C;iikicai, Co., üoston, Mass. Se tid to Skin DlMHM." DTT A TTnP"VPor Suiiburn, Tan and JlÍ jEáJJLXJ í Jl Qreai-ySkin, Blackhtaüs Umpies, .-iÉ.,n lllemisuus, and ínlautÜB Humors, ase LUricuuA Soap, a real ÜL-autiiíer. SANFORD'S RADICAL CüftB FO51 CATARRIl. Complete Treatment with inhaler for One Dollar. . rptlE Great Ba1?amic Distillat;on flit I ot Wltcb íluze . American Pine JRv Onnda b ir, Marij-old, ('lover. mëS BlosHoins. i-n-.. called Saiil'ord S 1a"''a' ture, Ibrtbelmmei '9r' díate relieland permanent cure of í every form of Catarrh, from a simple Oold in the líend to Loss JL ' Sinu"' Tat aud Smell, Cough &SCT nd Catarrlial Cousunjption. Comf)J píete treatnunt, consisting ol one mil ( hottie liadical Cure, one box Ca l"'ill W tttrrhal Solvent and oue improved ' ír É ínhaler, ín one packag-e, may now K f) l)e had of all Drngirlst íor Jl.OO. kcl ' Ak for tSANFOH''-' nicii-Jiii CURE. "The oi ly absolute specifle we know oV'-Mcd. Times 'The hest weh' ve fonnrt in a lifetime of Bufferin?."- Jiev. fír. Wkjgln. Jloston. "Alter a loug stru"irle witb Catarrh the Radical Cure has conqaered."- Xtv. S. Monroe, Lewlsburrj, Pa. I bnve not found a case that it did not relieve at OEce."--Andrew Lee, Manthesler, Mass. POTTEll DRUG AND ClIKMlCAL Co., Oston. Hl Ui STew Ii'fe for Shattered r%C%l L. I il CiNerves, Painful M úseles arjd , V-" W Weakened Oreans. Col VOLTAIC ins' Voltalc Electric ' ¦-, f Plast-r instant ly afleets Li H W ? fff nL' nervous system and Jl %r 41A banishes pain, nervouí-nepp v! i?8pVand debility. A perfect f i rcTRIO Klectro - alvanio ELECTRis _Batery rombined A CfCtOwith a liishly mediO I W% cinul Piaster for2Cts. All druggists. $11950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. This Special Deposlt is to guarantee the payment of the 25 premiums rully aescribea Ín "our former announcements. The premiums will be paid, no matter mvw Bmall the uumber of bags returned may be. Ojies BlaekweU'i Durham Tobáceo Ce.,1 Durham, N. C, Hay 10, 188. ( Ca.ihíer Bank nf Durham, Durham, JT. O. Deab Sin- We ináose you $11.950.00. wtiich nleave tlace on Special Depoeit to pay premium tor our empty tobáceo baira to 1 returned Dec, 15th. Your truly. J. S. CAKR. President Office of Iht Bank of Durham,) Duríam, N. C, May 10, 18).! J. S. CAnRE., „,,„„ c Dfjb Sin- I have to acknowledpe receipt of 11 ÍWÜ5 from vou, whlch we have placed upon Special D-EeWVJS&Y. Caabier. None eenuine without picture of BULL on the trSee our otlier annooncementa. VIAS & STAFFOKD, FIK"E CustomTailors HO. I MAIN STBEET, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Are showing a flr.e line oí SPRING SUITINGS! Overcoatings and Troussrings. 'riiese goods are selected from the le.ulins business houses of New York, Boston and HiiUulelphin, and lnciude all the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. MINAXS & STAFFOKD, t80Uth.Mala stieet, - Ann Arbor, Mlcli. JOSEI'II BEBIiY, 'i'Iie Practical 'MILOR AM (ÜJTTH, Of the late flrm of WINANS & BERRY. has located his place ol buniness at NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITH A FUI.L LINE OF Suitings and Trouserings, will ba sure to get one.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News