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Chelsea's high ehool lind three graduales this year. Win. B. Gildart, furmerly of ('helsea, la now editor of'tlie Stoekbridge Sun. From the Herald. Thos. Leach, Jr., has just completed a nice barn 20x7?. Geo. J. Crowcll has been a member of the school board eight years. Thirty-five loads of wool were in town boforc nine o'clock, lust Thuraday mornlog. A bout 40,000 pomuls were tuarketed here that day. A divoree lms been grantd Mra. C. V. Iliigs on tlic plea of extreme cruelty. Mrs. Higgs at present has charge of the child. DEXTKR. Krom tho Dextcr Leader. Prof. W aller has been engravecí as principal of the Dexter schools for anotuer year. The Professor has given excellent satisfaction since he assumed the position, last January. Hial Phelps, an old aud v;Il-to-do farmer of "White Oak, Inghatn county and brother of Mrs. Sarah Carr.of this village was fouiid near au outhouse on the farm of li is son-in-law, last Saturday morolBg, with his throat cut fiom ear to èar, ahnost. It was evidently a case of delibérate suicide, as the razor with which the deed was done was (band in his hand, together willi about $250 in money in a belt which he wore on his person. Despondeney was probably the canse. The regular animal meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held last Tuesday aflernoon at the residence of Mrs. 15. B. Williams, at wliich the followingnamed offleerswere elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Julia Stannard; vice-president, Mrs. Rev. K. C. Mosher ; seeretary, Mrs. L. C. Palmer ; treasurer, Mis. L. S. Miles. The next regular meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs. Thos. Presley, on the afternoon of the last Tuesday In July. MANCHESTER. Two Lidies and one gentleman were graduated last Thursdiiy IVom the Manchester high school. From tho Enterprise. Iiemember that we are to have a b g celebration here on the 4th. W. H. Palmer, who resides about two milos soutli of the village, is very sick. Fred Brelgel had a fingcr on his left hand badly cut while assisting in setting up a reaper, on Tuesday. We learn that Mrs. Harriet Havens whose husband died alter retiiiuing home from the army, has received about $1,000 back pension and is to ge,t $8 a month. XSl Uut !- T"i T X, T 1f ö'y Co. paid ATbert Younghans $5,000 and his doctor's bill, in payment for injuries received in an accident last January. He informa us that he intends to buy a small farm, and will probubly niake his home in Ionia. We received the sad intelligenceby telephone from Milan, on Monday, that our mother, Mrs. P. F. Blosser, while riding to tho depot where she was to take thecars for home, was thrown from the buggy, breaking two of her ribs and injuring her otherwise. SALINE. Saline expects a big crowd on the Fourth. Prof. C. H. Cole does not remain in the Saline schools the coming j-ear. The Saline cornet band have ordered new uniforms to be furnished in time for use next Friday. Saline graduated five from her high school last Friday evening. They are all ladies. Prof. J. P. Vroman delivered the address. Yl'SILANTI The Ypsilunti high scliool graduated eight at thelr recent commeucemeut ; the Normal, 103 ast Wednesday. From the Ypsilantian. Rev. Theodore Nelson (Baptist) bas been elected Professor of English Literature in the State Normal scliool. Mr. Nelson has been acting President of Kalamazoo College the past year. The Pacific Express was derailed at Wayne Tuesday night, when the uülity of the automaticbrake was demonstrated. While the other passengen weie variously engaged in tiiualizing the shocks of the bumping upon the tic, screaming, o-rabbing the bell-rope, etc, our friend Clark Cornwell, ever bent on the investigation of "ew macliinery, pulled the brake valve-cord. His experiment was perfectly satisfactory as far as stopping the car was concerned, but he liad na Itlen that the seats would lly b:ick and trip him up as he assures us they dkl. At any rate he found himself several places in ad vanee of his own, and in a position as devoid of grace as it was of comfort. His misery culminated in a walt of four bours, and a shower bath on his arrival at Ypsilanti. From the Commercial. Mr. Nims the contractor lias finished the Uwen well, 808 Peet êeep. Superb mineral water. Mr II. V. Brown working Widnesday for Rev. Dr. Wilson by a all Iractured his shouhler, crusliing it in a fearful manner. Dr. Poat was sumnioned and had a job. Bilt after mucU herolsin on the part of Mr. B. skillfully set the limb. Dr. Wilson paid the bill, f5.00. The Good Templare' lodge which has been thestandby and at tlie bottom of a greatshare of effective temperance work in this city for nearly a ecore of years, is now holding a series of Sunday afternoon meetings. Last Sunday Messrs. John Schumacher and M. F. Guinon, of Ann Arbor, addressed the meeting and brought encourasring word from our neighboring city. Ilaving won their point in the courts they now have aceess to the books of the county treasurer, and Mr. Gulnon has put in some good work copying the names of all the saloon keepers in the county and their bondsmen. He has also securêd the ainount each bondsman is assessed on the tax roll. Some of the bondsmen have slgned three or four bonds and aecording to the law have to niake a sworn statement that they are worth $3,000 over all exemptions, which would niake the amouet $4.500 for each bond siqned. The assessment roll does not tálly, in many cases, with the sworn statements, showing official negligence it not criminality. The bondsmen of psiluiti appear to bc mostly men of means, but whoever drew up the bonds took pains to ecratch out the clause prohibiting the sale to habitual druukards and those in the habit of gettlngdrunk.


Ann Arbor Courier
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