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History Of The Republican Party

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Thirty years liave pnsscd away since the Kepublican pary came nto exUteime. No tliirty years of llie world1! liistory have produced more thrilling scènes, and no party ever liad inch 11 grand record. Organizcd at a time wheti the slave power was encroacliinjr lipon free terrltory and fr tlie avowed purpose of prevel) titi; the further extensión ol slaveiy, it lias passed tUroogfa and úeen rictorloua in the greatest war ol' modern times, restores tlie rebel States to all tlieir righls, grappled HlOOMifully with all the (iiiestious Krowtng out of the war, reeonstructiou, 6 nance und tarill', elected si. iresidentlal candklatcs, and is now in the midst of itseighth presidential cainpain. All these evenU are {;rphically told by Frank A. Flower, in the History of the ! Hepublicaii Party; ils Origln, Growtli and Misslon, just issued. It is a gnnd book; its subject matter if grandly ticated i and the work should be In the hands of; everybody. Sent postpaid on receipt of $2. AgenU wanted in every county, city and town. Address. UNION PUBMSHING CO., Springfield, 111.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News