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- Utico, N. Y., has started areadingroom exclusively for girla. - The Prince Imperial of Austria speaks, it is asserted, every dialect known in the Austrian dominions, exBt1 pt Tarkish. - Thirty State3 and TVrritories Lave more raen than wonien, and seventeen St:iUs and Territories have more wotneu than ni en. - Chicago Times. - A colored preacher in Bufíalo gave noüce to bis congregation recently tbat he wantedless shouting and more money u the future. - Buffalo (N. Y.) Express. -The city fathcrs at Olean, N. Y.. have iustructed the pólice to eompel all boys under tho age oí iifteon years to vacate the streets after tí:oO o'clock p. ni. - It is estimated tliat the amount oí coin coming into Washington Territory over the JNorthern Pacific llailroad in the hands of immigrants can not fall short of $500,000 a month. - A fivc-ycar-old girl feil f rom a thirdstory window in Ciscinnati, reoently, but a gentleman passing by saw hei coming, eaughfc her in liis anns, and savcdher from any hurin. - Cincinnah Times. A conple of Flushing (N. Y.) squirrelhunters caught, a Canadian stoat or tmine, which was nested in a tree. Il whipped their dog beforethey killed it. It is tho lirst known to have been caught on Long Island. - The adage that "It is an ill wind tliat blows nobody any good" iinds a new illustration in the report that thï health record of ('ineinnati hasgreatlv improred siuco the tlood cleansud thc unwholesome distriets. -Johnson Sides, a Piule Indian chief, saya that the order of the Virginia & Truckee Kailroad, prohibiting the irce riding of Indiana, IS beneücial to the tribe, and that there are less inaiined redskins than formerly. - Until 1823 not a single steam vessel had visited Maine waters, and the apprar.anceof a puiling, smoking steamer in Casco ISay, in that year, terrified sonie of tho superstitious dwellers on the islanda and tho coast. - Boston Post. - A wondcrful mirage was seen recent ly oflf over Munjoy, Me. People were surprised at seeing apparently a brick house somo six stories high, the colored bricks, the windows and all being plainly soen, floating in the air. The sight was a beautiíul one. - A native Jehu at Catskill has fïxed p an old Concord coach and painted on the sides the words "Sally Hoe." Nobody has as vet pointed out to him hls mistake, and the vehiele is likely to cause nian a lavio-h this summer as it goes up hifi and down dale. - Troy (X. l'.J Times. - AVhcn the old Court House in Watsou ('ounty, Georgia, was built a live f rog was placed in one of the corners (it w not known wliich onc) and cement plaoed in all aronnd him. It ia said a frog will nover die if served this way, and tne tnith of the saying can be f uil y demonstrated whenthu old Court House U torn away. - Miss Jennie Cassedy, of Louisville, wlio is incurably contined to her bed as an invalid, is nevertheless irominent as sujierintendent of a flower mission, and novv she wants to send bouquets to all the prisons, penitentiaries and refonnatories in the Uuited States. Sbe thinks it will humanizo the intnates while the ilowers last. - Loiiisville Courier-Jour nal. ¦ - An eccentrie hermit wonian died recently at Shirley, Kngland, and among her eiïects an old piano was sold for half a crown. It turns out to be oi the year 1730, thirteen years after the making of the first piano in Kngland. Offers of seven hundredand tifty dollars have, been made for this antique, whicli ia valuable iu the history of piano makiug. - One of the only two remaining Roman milestones in Great Britain is in Cannon street, London, tho other being in Chesterholm, in Northumberland! There is l{#man work about tho Tower of London. Until quite recently an old Roman turret was standing within :i hundred yards of Ludgate Ilïll station, and in Cripplegate may yet be seen a eplendid specimen of the original Roman Wall. - A report haring been circulatedtnat acinnamou bear belonging to Mr. Oram, living in the woods near i'ort Montgomery, West Point, N. 1'., liad been set free, it led to a tragedy recently. A minor who was intoxícate!) took refuge in Joe Counolly'sbarn, near bv, aud one of Connolly's boys, hearing themovement of the man, ran to tin house, and, obtaining a shot-gun, Cred into the hay where he was lying, and seriously wounded him. - JV. Y. Mail. - From a French State paper, latcly brought to light, it appears that in 177U the following Parliamentary doeree was golemnly passed and duly registered under King Louis XV.: "Whosoever by means of red or white paint, perfumes, essences, artificial teeth, false liair, ootton wool, iron corsets, hoops, sliocs with high hccl.-j, or falso hfps ¦hall seek to entice into tho bands of marriage any male subject of lii.-i Majestv, shaU be prosecuted for witchoraft and declared iocapable of niatrimony.' - Jonathan Wheelock deposited in the New Hampshire Savings Bank, in Concord, Marcb. 28, 1833, one hundred dollars bounty moncy which lio had peceived as a Revoluüonary soldier. Two other deposits of lifteen dollars eaeh wen; added to it - April 16, 1884, and April'.', 1835. The money slill remains in the bank, and amountedon tho first f January last. with acrued inter¦¦) two thousand and iifty-five dollan nml iorty-four cents. - Boston Transcript. - Hugh Fagan, a Utica bov, fourtoen yettfs edil, went to Albany, "ÍNr. Y., recently to have a huge tumor removed trom liis neck. The opcration, wliich necessitated an incisión seven inches in length, was successfully performed by two doctors. Tho excised maas wcighe'd nearly two ponnda. Fagan Bhowed wonderful grit both before and after the operation, and refused all stimulants. He walked to the hospital, where ho will remain until the woand is healed.; The operation w;vs witeoaaed by a


Ann Arbor Courier
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