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The Republican State Cotivention io nom

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The Republican State Cotivention io nomínate candidatos f or State oilicers and clectois for President and Vice-Piesidcnt, will be held in Detroit August 13. As vet tliere lias boen bat llttle discussion as to the best men to fill these Important of (¦es. Blaine and Logan are gaining round cvery diiy, :uul nniuy wlio, at flrst said they would Dot vote the tlrket, ure now begining to wonder why they shonkl refuse to support it and therebj endanger all the principies whieh they as good Bepublicana have beeu long iisliting for. T!ie Independents do not gruot so loudly now as tliey did uhen they thotiglit to senre what they could ootdefeat. Xews agents over the country are ieporting no sinall decrease in sales of Harper's Weekly on account of its treason to the cause it has supported for some time past. The paper wich caricaturad and reviled Lincoln and Grant, and notwithstanding its efforts, sav them elected, will meet with no better encouragement tliis time. George Williain Curtía is cultureel, reflned and llteraiy, bnt tliat does not s:ive liim fi'oiu being a poütical traitor. Aun Arbor in many respecta has an ;ulvantage over most residence towns. One ot' these is tliat !ts citizens, knowing th large inflas of visitors aiul strnngcrs at commenccmeiit time, liare an incentive to repair and improve tUeii' liouses, outbiiildIngg, yards and atreets. Tliis is done Ul over the city every year mu! it s til US kept as a dlstingulshed vistor said, " one of the clcanest, shadiest, most home-llke clttes on the continent." The returning alumni agree that Aun Arbor has nevcr nppeared lovelier than she does this year. Id tbe University last week degrees were conferred upon 363 students, of which number 85 are Doctors of Medlcine,14 are Bachelors of Law,37 Pharmaceutlcal Chcmists, 19 Doctors of Medicino, homceopathic, 4 Doctors of Dental Burgery, 9 Bachelors of Letters, 2 Bacíiclois of Science, 3 Baclielors of Science, Civil Engineering, 14 Bachelors of Philosophy, 53 Bachelors of Arts, 3 Masten of Science, 1 Master of Philosopliy, 13 Mas'ers of Art?, 2 Doctors of Pliilosophy.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News