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Ku Klux Parade

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From the authentic hUtory of "The Ku Klux Kkn : lts Origiti, Growtli, and DUbandmeut," by l'ev. D. L. Wilson, in the July Century, we quote the followhif . " Soon after niglitfall the streets wre lined with in expectant andexcited throng of people. Many carne from the surroundlng country. The niembers oí the Klan u the county left their homes In the atternoon and traveled alone or In squads of two or three, with their paraphernalia carefully concealed. If questioned, tliey answered that tliey were going to Pulaskl to sec the Ku Klux parade. After nightfall tliey assembled at designated points hu the fijar inaiu roads leading into town. llere they donned their robes and dlsgulses, and put covers of gaudy materials on their horses. A sky-rocket sent up from some point in the town was the signal to mountand move. Thediflerent companies met and joined each other on the public squaie in perfect silence ; the discipline nppeared to be admirable. Not a -word was spoken. Kecessary orders were given by means of the whistles. In single file, in death-likestillness, with funeral slowness, they marched and comítermarched throughout the town. While the column was headed north on one Street t was going south on another. By crossing over in opposite directions the lines were kept up In alinost unbroken conünuity. The effect was to créate the impression of vast numbers. This marching and countermarching was kept up for about two hours, and the Klan departed as noiselessly as they came. The public were moro tlian mystifled. The eflbrts of the most euiious to lind out who were Ku Klux falled. One gentleman trom the country was conlident that lie could idcntify the riders by the liorses. But, as we have snid. the horses were diaguised as well as tlie riders. Determiaed not to be baffled, daring a halt of the column he llfted the cover "f a horse that was near him, and recognlzed his own stced and suddle, on which he had ridden into town. The town peoiile were on the alert to see who of the youngmen of the town would be with tlie Ku Klux. All of tliem, alniost without exception, were inarked mlngllng freely and coneplcuougly with tlie epectators. "I'eihnps thegreatettlUaslon produced was iu regard to the numben taking part in tlie parade. Iteputable oltizena were confldent that the number was not less than three thousand. Othere, whose linnglnatlons were more casily wrouslit upon, were quite certaln tliere were ten ihousand. Tbetrndi s tliat the uumber of Ku Klnx In the did not execcd four hutidred. This deluslon in regard to Dumbers prevalí ed w herever the Ku Klux appefired. lt Illtutratea how llttJe the testimony of even an eyewitness is worth in regard to anythlng which makel a deej) impression on liim by reason of its mysteriousness."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News