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DOES C]r WONDERFUL Vf Li (( CURES OF ''7 KIDNEYDISEASES (f v AND L LIVER COMPLAINTS, o Because it rts on the I.IVKIi, IMHVEIiS nd KIDXEÏS at the mtnii time. Beeause it oleanses the System of the poisonoii8 huraors thftt develope in Kidney and Urinary Disoaees, Biliousness, Jaundire, Constipation. Piles, OP in Rneumatism, Neuralpcia, Nervüus Diaorders and all Female ComplaintB. &-SOLID PROOF OF IBIS. IT WILL 8TJHELY CTOE CONSTIPATION, PILES. and RHEUMATISM, Bj causing FSES ACTION of all the organs and functions, thereby CLEANSINC the BLOOD restoring the normal power to throw off distase. , TH0U8ANDS OF CASES of the worst forros of these terrible diseases have boon quicltly relieved, and in a short time X PERFECTLY CURED. TRICE, I. I.HJVID OR DRV, 8OLD Bï DRl CCI9TS. -?-¦ Dry can be sent by mail. WELLS, BICHAHDSON & Co., Burlington, Vt. 3 Send lUnp for Diry Almnc ior 1S4. SKATING RIÑK! Commancing Monday, June 21st. rrXIK RI2STTC THE COCLEST PLACE ONE CAN FIE WILL ONLY liE OP83f Evenings and Saturday Afterncons, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICK. . Ladlea will bc Adinitteil Frf.k, luit cliargcd the usual prices to Skate. Onr P.inir is Very Open. ASD TYELL YESTILATED, And it rpquires so little effort to skate tlirit persons need not be afraid of warm vreather, Every effort will be marie to make it the popular amusement place of the city. K-r l'.icnhiv ¦ liiiiirovi-iiu-iitM wltl be made tliis summer ready for next season's business. J. E. WYMaN & CO., Props. M. siieeiian, Manager. BÏCYCLES AND TRICTCLÏS FOR THE BOYSGIRLS! Alotjust recelved ra" ging in pil e froni $T.5uto.J3:. Also, the folio wl Dg deserlbed seoond-hand Bicyclcs: 51 inch Harvard Special, all brlht, ball beariugs f 100.00 51 " Harvard " " " S5 00 51 ' Expert- full Dlokeled- buil bearings 1:5.00 51 " BrltUb Challense- full nlckeled, buil bearlngs 123.00 52 Iirltish Cballenge-full nlnkeled, ball bearlngs, 120.00 j 52 " Harvard Special, full nlckeled, ball bearlngs, ... 12.5.00 52 " Harvard, all brigln, ball bearlngs. ÏOO.OO Good second hand blcycles wanled. Kor furtber particulars send stamp to C. W. WAGNER, 21 3. Main St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 0 11D3-1206 Wlicn a Boston glrl lias n pimple 011 her chin slie only leaves lier minor to go to hur meals. Beware of Fraüds. - Besureyouget the genuine Dr. Thomas' Kclctric OU. It cures Cokls, (Jroup, Asthma, Deafneu and Bheumatlim. Tl I 1 HIÍF1 Al-'l!nl8 "anted for cdltion of his K I :1 I IJ ü'e. Publialicd at Augusta, his II li III 1 lljl'omo. I,arKest,haiid80rucst,cheai i' iuniiiuejt aud haH By the renown(rd; historian and biottrapher, Col. Conwull, wlioae lifto( Garfleld. pu'iiished by us, outeokl the twanty ' otliers by 60.000. Outsells every book ever pnblihed in this worlrt; mnny aiicnts ure eelluiK ül'ty (laily. Agents ure nul. in ¦ fortunes. All ncw beKiniK'ra guccuasful; grand chfinci! forthem. $13.50 mude by 11 lady acunt the llret day. Terms most liberal. Particulars free. Botter eend 25 cents for poxtagc, etc, on free outfl', ow ready, Includ'.ng 1 large prospectus bonk, and pave vahinble time. . 12();-01 Allen & Co., Augusta, Maine. Cure for Piles. i The lust symptom of Piles is an intense telling at night aftergetting warm. This unpleasant sensation is Immediately re-j' llered by an appllcatlon of Ur. Bosanko'sl' Pile líeniedy. Piles In all forma, Itch, I Bált Bbeum and Ringworm can be per-j manently oured by the use of this great s remedy, Prioe 50 cents. Ifanufactured U by the Or. Bofanko Medicine Companyjj Plqua, o. Sold bv Eberbach & Son. , L203-1358. 1


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News