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"DEPORT OP THE CONIHTION -OF THE - FARMERS' ü ID W.' W AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, j At the close ofBusluess Jan. 7, 1SS4. Made in accordance with the General Hwifciug Law of Michigan. BJCSOtTBCES. Loans and DlscouulS ÍWT.'lú I Overdrafts Ut ! Kurnitureand Fixtures :;.:¦ Expenses 19)00 Cliecks and otlier Cash Items 1.S11 Daefrom Banks and Banker-i 83307 16 Legal Tender and Bank Notes 7.3 Bouds, U. S Bonds, I.ocal ... ,-s5 hi Premium ou U. S. Bonds UABILTTIZ8. Capital paid in í S0A0 0D Surplus FunU i I'roflt and Loss ls li Doe Depositors KM J '' Uividends uupaid S.ü 0( I do solemnly swear that the nbove slatement is true, tö the best of iuy kuowbüge and belief. Wii.liam A. Toi.ciiARP. Oushler. Snbseribed and sworn lo beore inr, wil eightli day of Jannary, 18S1. ._ W.M. V. WiiKiioN. Notar; Pnbllo. THE ANN ARBOE SAYINGS BANK, ANN ARBOK, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $30,000. Orgauizcd under the General Banking Lsw "f tliis fiHto, tbestockholdors re ïrilniduslly liable : for nu additionsl amouut eqnal to the stock held Dj , tlu'in. therehy crenting a uuarautee Fuiul for the benatl of Depositurs of $100,000.00. Three per cent. interest Is ntlowed ou kil Si.vnt:-' Dapodta of one dollar and upwards, nccordii)).' ID the rules of the Bank and inteivt somp unOM seml-anniially. Mouey to Loan on unincinubtnii real ostita and other good security. DIRECTORS: riIRISTIAN MACK, WM 1. HARHIMAN, W. W. WINES. DANIEL IIlsC'Ol K. W1LLIAM DKDBEL, WILLAKU B. S.MHI1. ÜFFICERS: C. MACK, rr,-s. W. VV. WIN ES, Vlce-Pn - O. K. HISCOCK. Owihler. LrA2rrs& only trüe QTONIC Wl lato LIVER an.l KIDNEVS, Tl and Rkstokk tuk heaith XV9& imilVlaOBof YODTK. I'!'9" Ni? i pepla, Wmntof AppfUte. In¦k dit.-ii,.,,. l.:uk ui Sll-mpll". t" andTlredFeellngabsolutcly -ï cared. nones, luuscle iu-n i-s rect'tvo in1 "ric'. Kiillvcns the ïnlml "" LAblE6sSi#ii tl ld iiDR. IIARTER'S IRON TONIC taf 'na Bpcedy cure. Glve :i clcur, healthy conipli'M"": Vraiiueut attompta :it counturfeltiug oul) '"' t.. tho popnlarlty ofth original. Do uot cxit" lUL'llt- gfltthe OKUilNAI, AMJ liEST. (Seud youraddwüHtoTho Dr. HHrterMedjTO; St. I.oiil, Mo., for onr 'DREAM BOOK. I Fall al atmauu uu.l UMtul lalorinutlou.fro.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News