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Quiet reigus supreme. ¦ Where do you Bpend the nimmer? Council meeting next. Monday uiglit Tlie ïourth of July is on Frlday next. Company A goto Jackson ou Frlday. Btrr&l w'U l)e " ll;l" '" ilbout two we.'k. ___- Tlie Gerraanla lodge will celébrate at 3Vtief Park next Friday. The Toledo railroad will sell tickets to all points at half fare rates Fridaj'. A iiew gas maln lias jus-t been laid on División streut trom Liberty to Willlam. Where do yon celébrate - at Detroit. Jackson, Monroe, Saline, or Manchester? James 1!. Sage reoeivad u broken arm from a runaway last week. He is about again. A. F. Hangsterfer fc Co., begin their iuiprovementson tlie Main street building next week. M. M. Peck is engaged for a few weeks at A. L. Noble's, in the absence of John Liiulensclimidt. 'J'he July meeting of the pouiological society will be omitted on account of the iressurc of work. Changes are auticipated in the flrm of Geo. Osius & Co., at the close of the business ycar, July 4tU. A nuniber of tlie meinbers of the bicycle club expect to celébrate in Saline, and some in Manchester. -o - ¦ ¦ JoJui Sehneider, Jr., opens a new grocery store and hotel soon, at the corner of Second and Washington street3. Gerahardt Joenhanz, formerly with ilack & Schmid, has taken a position in A.D. Seyler's boot and shoe house. E. E. Kellogg, census enumerator of ! Ann Arbor township, returns 1300 inhabitants, one hundred less than in 18S0. Our genial probate register, V. G. Doty, read a poem at the recent alumni exercises of the Manchester high school. One of our prominent young businesi men is about to make a change in kis state of life. Further developments next week. The county fair will be held Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2, and 8. The premium book will probably be out by the mlddle of the month. A very pleasant time was enjoyed last cvening at the residence of Mrs. Judge Beake?, by a smal] company of ladies and gentlemen. Southard's baruers will altérnate a week at a time at tlie Whitmore Lake shop Uuring the summer. Charlle Gibson is there tliis week. Prof. M. C.Tyler, a forraer resident of Ann Arbor, is spoken of as a possible candlaate for the vacant chair in English Literatnre at Yale college. Abbie A. Pond has resigned her position at the central building, eiglith grade, city schools. The salary of the occupant is $450 for the coming year. A meeting of the vestry of St. Andrew's choreta was held Sunday night last, and action taken with reference to rilling the vacancy in the Episcopal pulpit. The Ingalls house at the corner of William and División streets is on rollers. It is bein moved away to muke room for a new residence at the location named. C. W. Cropsey, brother of G. W., expects to stop in the city this summer, and vill manufacture while here his infaüible cement, whieh lias received much praise on all hands. The members of the Chequamegon orchestra, resident In this citv, left last Thursday for Ashland, Wis. to discourse Vle.1s.1nt mti.sie for the guests at the CheMiiamegon House during the summer. We have it on good aulhority from one lo understands the trade that more "urgieal instruments are sold in Ann Arbor than any other city of three times its S'M in the country. One of the coolest places wc have found W Uw hot weather is in Cascade Glen, up "'e river. Do our readers know, by tlie Jvay, that the trees of School Girls' Glen wc all been cut down 1 " Pity 'tig, 'tis true.'' A Dexter store recently ofïered a pair vases to the person guessing the "earestto the nuniber of beans in a cer"Jar. 2,500 was the number, and t"m the guess of the Ann Arburite who took the vases. Fred Wallace had a lively tussle with , . ert Mwkley last Monday in arresting Ulntthe Toledo depot, on a charge of 'iinkenncss. Yesterday, before Justice - CMahoD, Markley was lined $13 and s's, paying whicli he then received his llDerty. Two firc since onr ]ast fcOe Qne f'Uay morning last about ten o'clock, DePonfs house, Jefferaon street. "¦ nr caught fro.Ti a lighted paper iifl a Uamage about ' Monclay night, perhapi at 8 :45, the eoell rang the alarm for the second ,!"' Investgition showed the cause to been ahanging lamp'g falling, on the fir 0Dd floor ver the National bank. The ilamaIaS SOn PUt Ut W'th but 8light Miss Ncttie Ames resigns her poaition in the First ward school to accept a better one in the Franklln school of Minne apolis, Minn., with a salary of $000. The board and acholan muofa regret her resig natioii, bul. are plcased at ber adrance inent. Michahl lloban, the man who shot his neighbor, John Y. Vaughan, of Dexter was admitted to bail in the circuit cour Friday to appear at the next term. It is understood tliat Vaughan does not wish Hoban prosecuted, and that no further proceedings will be taken. Christian Wuerth, of Pittsfield, met with a severe accident oue day last week at the agricultural works while sharpening the knives of his mower. The knife caught in a belt, and being thrown upward, inllicted a number of wounds in hia neck and head. He is out of danger, we believe. In Justice McMahon'a court last Wednesday, 8. B. Thompson, alleged lawyer, and Lewis Manning, both colored, were' convicted of stealing $18 or thereabouts from Mis. Ludholz's grocery in lower town. The sentence was twenty-one days with Sheriff Wallace, in default of paymcut of $15 and costs. Residents along División street are asking whether the gas company has a good riglit to keep their handsome street torn up for a week at a time, and to leave old gas-pipes lying in the gutter, which smell worse than a liinburger cheese factory? Indeed, its odor is as bad as that of "Dat chap what stole de unyuns. Phew, smell 'im bref.1' The memhers of Dr. Steele's church recently made him the recipiënt of something over a hundred dollars In cash, and gave him leave of absence for the summer, to make a visit to his sou in California. He starts next Monday, and will be gone until Sept. 1. Regular services at the Presbyterian church will be discontinued during the summer. Among the number in the Camp Lou party tliis year at North Lake are Misses Daisy Angell. Jessie Wood, and Josie Rathbone, Mr. aud Mrs. C. L Coffln, Messrs. E. N. Smith, J. H. Tyler, R. N. Dickman, J. E. Melville and J. B. Thomas Jr. Misses Carrie Comstock and Addie Knight are thinking of joining the party before the camp breaks up. At the residence of the bride's father, Samuel P. Jewett, West Huron stret, last Wednesday evening, occurred the marriage of Hon. E. D. Kinne and Mrs. Frank II. Kelly, Rev. Dr. Steele officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Kinne left the same evening for an extended Eurapean trip, taking with them the congratulations and best wishes of their many frtondl in Ann Arbor. The Toledo road ia now knowu as the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Ry. The last time card went into effect on the 2'2d ultimo. No. 1 leaving here at 7:37 a. si. connects at Milan with the W. St. L. & P. Ry., for Adrián and points west ; No. 3, leaving Ann Arbor at 2:49 p. m., connects at Monroe Jutiction for Monroe. Trains connect at Toledo as herctofore. Last Friilay a gay crowd of young people left for Whitmore Lake to spenJ the ensuing week in camp, with Mrs. General Hunt and Mrs. James M. Ashley in charge. In the number are Misses Bessie P. Hunt, Mary Ashley, Annie Wilson, Clara Hack, Millie Knowlton, Abbie Hitchcock, Miss Celle, and others, and Messrs. Chas. Ashley, Cul., Harry. Dud., and F. N. Lufkin, D. J. Haff, A. S. Van Valkenburgh, J. M. Zane, and others. Between six and seven o'clock last evening two trampa entered the house of a colored family named Brown, in lower town, and meeting Mr. Brown's daughter asked for some food ; on being ref used, one of the fellows struck the young lady a blow, knocking her clown. Her screaming soon brought help, and one of the tramps, giving the name Robert Mitchell, was arrested. He was fined $17 and costs this morning by Justice Frueauff, and in default of payment will stop with Sheriff Wallace a while. Our city hotels are being kept up in good sliape as visitors testify. The following is from the Kalamazoo Telegraph in regard to tlie experience of one of tlieir leading citizens while here : Mr. L. L. Clark who veiy recently spent several weeks at the St. James hotel, Ann Arbor, speaks in the higliest terms of praise of his treatraent by Mr. J. L. Stone, the proprietor, and Mr. Cutler, the clerk, who he says paid him, a stranger, every possible attention. Ho warml3r recommends the house to h3 friends. ? Lorenzo Davis reports $38.85 bounty paid in May for 259 woodchuck scalps at fifteen cents per scalp. Of this number B. F. VanSlyke, Foster's Station, brought the largest lot, 40, and Wm. Harrison the next largest, 83. $06 is the amount paid for the June returns of 440 scalps, Wm. Warren bringing 52 scalps, the largest number, and Nelson Garlinghouse being next with 47 scalps. For May and June 1883, when ten cents per scalp was paid, 415 scalps only were broaght in ; this year during these montlis 699 were reported, the gain being 284 scalps, therefore. The woodchucks, evidently, must go. Mr. William Lymburner, for many years a resident of this city, died Monday morning, June 23, at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. McLean, on North State street. He leaves a son and four daughters. After brief services at the house the remains were taken for interment to his old home in Jerseyville, Ont. Many of his friends and associates were present at the services held there, wliich were conducted by Revs. O. Gr. Collamore aiid J. W. Cooley. The pall-bearers were Mr. Wm. Sexton, Rev. B. Bristol, Mr.A. Hendershot, Mr. Isaac Stonebaugli, Mr. Levi Ilowell, and Mr. Thomas Knox. Last Sunday afternoon about half-past two o'clock Turnkey Fred Wallaco, hearing sounds of flghting in the jail, hastened into the corridor and found a prisoner named James Brady stamping the head of John Robinson, also confined in the jail. There seems to have been no provocation whatever on the part of Robinson, the attack of Brady being solely through ugliness. Robinson is a printer from Hastings, and was confined for drunkenness. His injuries are very severe, his face and head being fearfully mangled. Brady is from Manchester, and is serving a sentence of thirty days for assault and battery. He is conlined now by himself, and has been placed on bread and water. Robinson's injuries are doing as well as BOuld be expected.