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Compiled from Late Dispatches. CONGRESSIONAL. In the Sonate on the 24th the Mexican rendon bill was pnssed- :7 to L'T- with ao anieudmrnL that no porton shall ho entillod to moro than onc ionsion at a time. The House bill to uuthorlze the appointment of two additionnl Justlcoa of the Supremé Court for Dakota and ono for Washington Tsrritory was also passed....In the House a Mllwai passed to rrpeal Hio Pro-omption and Tiinbor-culture lawg, with hm amendment ihat lanrtsshall hpi-oiificr be reservad tor ctual i-pttlni-s undertho Horaesteod law. Ibe llouso Electoral-count liill was passed, s was also the Senate btll to Bive an anuual vacation of Uiteen days to each letter-carrier. The Senate on tho "th pent the dayon the Legislativo Appropriation bill, and stnick out the clause directing tho consolidation of customs districts In tho llouso James B. ( halmors was iriven ft soat from the Beoorid, District of Misslssippl, a reaolutlon to declaro, the clection void befng votort down by 56 to MSL A 1)1M was passed to authorizo fcbfl establlshment ol a braucli SOldlerg' home in tho West, In thp Pénate on the 2th the Lejnsliitive Appropriation bill was passed. with an amendment that all report In tho Bteord shall be an accurate transcript of the proec.edings and debates. The Kiver and llarbor Appropriation bill !Í1:,SR:;,O-X1 ws roported In the Jlouso bilis were reponed lo pension the survivlng olliccrs and men ol Ihc Tinpeoanoe ampaiirn, and for dispositie of the Cherokoe reservation in Kansas. A bilTj was passod in Ihe Sen&tG on the iïTth frantin(? riifht of way thouffh the lndiun Territory to the Southern Kansas Koad. Mr, Mitchcll introduc-d a bill to incorpórate the National Encampmont of the (irand Arniy of the Republio. Mr. Hawley callod attention to m falso statement in a speech printed in Tlir, Ttusord that General i.oiran owned eiirhty thousand aerosol' land. ...In tho House, hy a Tote of 12( tolll, the bill to loiieit the "bncklione" railroad laml Krant was t.ahlcd. Tho subject of printing inidelivered speeches in tlic oüicial report of proceedinirs led to lonsr rïebate. At the evening: sossltin tho Pension bill was discussed, dcmÊstic. Ikk Laddy, a negro twenty-üva years old, who recently ntado three attempts to assault white women at W'hitney, Tex., was taken from jall at that place on the 'Jlth and lynched. ïhe vigilantes also cut bis ears off. The Louisiana Legislatura has passed a bill appropriating $100,003 for the World's Exposition at New Oiieans. Floods in the Elkhorn Valley, in California, had on the 24th broken the levee and destroyed seven thonsand acres oL wheat. The total collections oL internal revenue for the first eleven months of the year ivera reported on the 24th at $112,280,000, against $134,68!),üi8 for the previous year, a decrease of $l,403,52S. Forest flres were on the 21th bnfnlng fiercely ín the vicinity of Sound Pond, N. H. Earlt on tha morninp: of the 24th a mob broke iutothe jail at Vincennes, Ind., took out Oliver Campbell, who murdered Mrs. Mollie Gherken because sha refused to marry hiui, and hanged him to a telegraph pole. Joseph W. Burnham, a New York broker, who lost $500,000 during the May panic, blew out his brains with a revolver on the 24th, at his home in Yonkers. R. T. & C. B. HarGiiove, banksrs a Rome, Ga., have failed. It was atinouuced on the 2ölh that the daniage by forest fires In the district of Machias, Me., was $100,003. At San Francisco the other morning William C. Milton killed Albertina Anderson because she refused to marry him, and then shot himself. A HITRRICANE, blowing at the rata of sixty miles an hour, did considerable damage at Omaha on the 25th, leveling trees, ienees and outbuildings. A LARQE painting of the wifa of President Polk, presented by the ladies of Tennessee, was hung in the green-room of the White House at Washington on the 25th. The Episcopal Conference at Omaha on the 25th elected Dr. Potter, of Geneva, N. Y., Bishop of the Nebraska Diocese. The trotting horse H. B. Winship, with running mate, made the fastest time on record on the 25th, afc Providence, R. I., goiug one mile in 2:08. Zeno T. Yoüno, editor of tbo Madisonville (Ky.) Tiines, feil from the uecond story of his office a few days ago and was f atally hurt. Sections of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio were swept on the 2öth by a wind and thunder-storm, several persons being killed by lightning;. AVilliam Cox, at Danville, Ky., shot at two men the other night who were trying to break into his house, and killed his mother. Thomas J. Watson, the heaviest dealer in oil on the Fittsburgh Exchange, failed on the 25th. Reports from California on the 25th were to tho effect that heavy rains had loclged grain, and that the loss would approximate twenty-üve per cent. A party of eleven persons ate ice-cream in a Coal Bluff (Pa.)j saloon the other night, and within two hours all were taken with pajns, vomiting and convulsions. Tw-o of the party had ginee died, and three others were very low. It was supposed tliat the vanilla ilavoring poisoned the cream. Heavy rains on the 20h overflowed the creeks and rivers in Western Maryland. At Union Bridge the water was tbree feet deep in the principal hotel; and inHagerstown many houses were invaded by the waters. In Doublé Pope Creek houses were submerged and thepeople mado narrow escapes. The principal damage, reaching $100,000, was in Carroll County, where crops, lumber and other property were swept away and cattle dr owned. Secretary Folger on the 20th issued a cali for $10,000,000 of bonds. A rai.v-storm on the 26th in Southern Pennsylvania leveled thousands of acres of grain in Bucks, Montgomery, Berksand Lancaster counties, and aloug the line oi the Northern Central Road, between Wrightsville and York, nearly two hundred houses were washed away, and three childreo were di'owned. In th Yale University boatrace at New London, Conn., on the 20th, the latter won in 20;91, the best four-mile time on record. Harvard was seventeen seconds behind. A bridge over the Wabash River at Logansport, Ind., gave way on the 2üth, letting a Vandalia construction train into the water. Engineer Grace and Fireman Scott were instantly killed, and a brakenian was fatally injured. A Han at New Orleans the other evenine; destroyed property valued at 4Ö00,000.; Three firemen were injured. Stout & Co., banker, of New York, suspandei'payment.on the 26lh, with liabüilies estimated at $1,000,000. . The Comptroller of the Curreney bas called íor a statement oL the condition of the National banks at the closa of business on the 20th of July. The St. .Petersburg Bank, of Clarion County,lPa.,'whioh was considerad a vary strong institution, closed its doors on the 26th. The damage by the recent storm in Maryland was on the 27th placed at Ï600,000, the heaviest disasters occurring in Carroll, Cecil, Frederick and Washington Counties. The McCiillough Iron C'ompany's rolling-milis at Kowlandville alone veré damaged $100,000, and Christie & Logan's canning establishment, in Ceci County, with its maghinery, was swept away, together with 50,000 cans of goods. A general order was issued on the 27th by the manager of the Paciflo Kxpress Company, forbidding agents or messen gers to receive intoxicants of any kind for shipment to Iowa when the Piohibitory law goes into effect, July 4. Six livos were lost on the 27th by the sinking of the schooner Babcock, near liarnegat, N. J. The Bay State Casket Company, of Bos ton, has failed for $400,003. John ü. Hill, a retired clothing nier ohant of Dover, N. H., during a fit of in sanity the other day killed his aged wife. The boiler In Von Behren'a saw-mill a "-Mrmr, Q., eifloJed the otker afterncss, lnjuriug "leven men, someot Ihen; utaiiv. The lioiler-housa and factory were , gbecl Dock Walker was hanged on the 27th at Texarkana, Ark., for the murder ol .ucas Orant. Twothousand citizens wera mrmitted to witness the execution. Francis Murpht closed his temporánea eiusade in Chicago on the evening of tb , 27th. It was announced that over eleven housand persons had donned th "blua ibhon" during the meetings. Two horsk thieves named Ed. Owena i and S. Nickerson were killed recently near j [siena, M. T., by cowboys, who recaptured several horses. The Belvidere Iron Company, of Easton, Pa., has suspended. About 120 men were thrown out of employ ment in consequeuce. ! A terrific storm swept over a portion j of Kansas on the 27th. At Corning i j churoh and several houses were destroyed; j at Barnes Station houses were unroofed and crops leveled; at Frankfort flfteen ïouses were torn down and destroyed, while six othera wero unroofed, and in other sections much damage was done. No ves were reported lost, but several persons were badly injured. Seven laborersj were drowned in Carson's Inlet, N. J., during a recent storm, by the upsetting of their boat. John Corbett, mate, and two seamen of lie sehooner Fanny Flint were drowned vhile running a line to the wharf at St. St. John, N. B., a few days ago. In the United States and Canada thora were 173 business failures during the seven days ended on the 27th, against 20;! lie provious seven days. The distribution was as follows: Middle States, 40; New England States, 13; Western, 52; South era, L!; Pacific SUtes and Territories, 13; Canada, 22. ______ PERSONAL AND POLITICA!. TnK Ohio Democrats met in State Convention at Columbus on the 2"th and elocted delegates to the National Convention. A platform was adoptad which favois n tarift" for revenue only; the equalization of public burdens, nnd demands the puriu-ation of the public service. A resolution was enthusiastically adopted that Samuel J. Tilden should receiva a unaninous nomination at Chicago. The Indiana Democratie State Convention, In session on tbe2."th at Indianapolis, nominated Isaac P. Gray for (lovernor, M. [). Manson for Lienronant-Crovernor, fnd AV. R. Myers for Secretary of State. Delegates were elected to the National Convention with instructions to vote as a unit for McDonald for President. The platform demands a tarilt for revenue only; condemns the extravagant expenditure of public money, and urges the redemption of public lands for the occupation oL citizsns of the United States. The official counk in the recent Oregon election was made on the 23th, and givcs Herrmann, Repnblican, for Congressman, 2.r),(i90 votes, to 28,683 for Myers, Democrat. There were 11,223 votes for the woman's sufTrage amendment, and 28,175 ajainst it. The Democrats of North Carolina mt at Raleigh on the 2öth and nominated General Altrad M. Scales for Governor and , Charles 51. Stedman for j ernor. Missouri Democrats held their State Convention at St. Louis on the 2óth, and elected delegates to the Chicago Convention. Representativk E. H. Fltnsto.v has been renominated for Congressman by the Republicans of the Second Kansas tri et. Rev. IIenry Waiid Beeciier celebrated )iis seventy-flrst birthday at Peekskill, N. i Y., on the 25th, surrounded by his grandchildren and manv of his friends. The Arkansas Democratie State . tion met at Little Rock on the 20th and nominated S. P. Hugues for Governor. iDelegatesto the National Convention were also elected. The Republicans made the following ConRressional nominations ón the 2Cth: Indiana, Tenth District, W. D. Owen; Thirteenth, William Williams. Illinois, Seveuth District, General Henderson. Minnesota, Second District. J. B. Wake. field (renominated). Ohio, Twentieth District, William J. McKiiüey, Jr., (reuomlnated). TnE South Carolina Democrats met in State Convention at Columbia on the 20i.h, elected delegates to the National Convention, cni .oiiwuiinacea uovernor Hugh S. Thompson and the present State officers. The Florida Democrats met in State Convention at Pensacola on the 26th, and nominated General E. A. Perry for Governor and M. H. Mabry for LieutenantGovernor. Delegates to the National Con vention were also elected, who fuvor : Cleveland for President. The Missouri National Greenback Labor State party will hold a State Conventien at Kansas City August 20, to nomínate State officers and select Presidential electors. The Garfield Monument Association of Clevoland has awarded the flrst prize of $1,000 for a design to George II. Keiler, of Hartford, Conn. The Wisconsin R.?publiean S ate Cimvention, to nomínate State oifleers, will be held at Madison on the :Jd ol September. PnKsmrxT Arthur on the L6 h renoinij nated Eli H. Murray to be Ueveriior o( Utah. The Rspublican National Committes met ín New York on the26th. B. F. Jones, of Pitteburgh, was elected Chairman, and Samuel Fessenden, of Connecticut, Secretary. The President on the 27th nominated Gilbert A. Pierce, a Chicago journalist, for Governor Ol Dakuta, and John H. Kinkead, ot Nevada, for Governor of Alaska. Lleuteiíant Theodore Smith, Fifteenth Infantry U. 8. A., dropped dead on the 27th in the Sturtevant House, at New York. The Second Indiana District Rapublicans have nominated Captain George G. Riley, of Vincennes, for Congress. The Amalgamated Association (ironworkers) will [hold its National Convention at Pittsburgh, Auzust 5. Andrew Youno, of Chicago, was on the 27th elected President of the Master Plumbers' Association of the United States by the National Convention at Baltimore. FOREIGN. A STEAHSHIP which arrived on the 24tb at San Francisco brought advices of au outbreak of cholera in the neighborhood ol Pekin, of such violence that those attacked survived but a few hours. The floods in Bohemia were increasing on the 24th, and the inhabitants were in great distress. The English Court of Appeals has decided that the proprietors of Snglish uambling-houses are liable to fine and impi-Uonment for permitting gambling in their places. It holds players innocent. The American Legation announced on the 24th that the treaty of commerce between America and Turkey having expired, American imports into Turkey would be subjected to a duty of eight per cent. ad valorem. It was announced on the 24th that the first death from cholera at Toulon, France, occurred June 4. Fourteen new cases werw reported, and the National Board of Health had been convoked. Action was being taken by all the powers to prevent the spread of the disease. De Lesseps declared on the 24th that the rumors of the failuro of the Panama exeavatin works were false. Foub Italian laborers were fatally injured a few days ago by the caving of Gould's tunnel, on the Pan-Handle Road, near Steubenville, O., and five others were badly bruised. Armstrong'S omnibus factory at Belfast, Ireland, was recently destroyed by tire, and thirty-nine horses perished. Austria was on the 25tu establishing quarantine against ships from the Western Mediterranean ports. The cholora seare was general throughout the south of Europe. Tkn deaths fronï cholera occurred on the StHrh at Toulon. The chateau at Marseilles formerly belonging to the Erapress Eugenie had been prepared to accommodate flv hiuKlred uniiciiki. eix acaifis Irom cnoiera occurfea on tn itith at Toulon, Kranee, and twetve niw ases were taken to tho hospital. Seven deaths from cholera occurred at roulon on the ÏTÖu ThB roada and mountain passes oL Franre were beingnarrowly j guardad to prevent the passage oí persons j Inieoted with cholera. Pot-mortem examinations had demonstratert ihe disease , to he genuine Asiatic cholera. It was announcod on the 2ïth that the earniuRS of the Suez Canal during tlie past year were a bout .$1.1,000,000, or sufflcient to pay a dividend of sixteen per cont. on the capital invested. The nineteen persons on trial at Riverhead, N. F., for killing five Orangemen in the St. Stephen's Day riot, were acquitted on the 2Tth, causing great excitement. Durixo a thunder-storin at Winurpefc the other morning Gaynon, the Erangolist, was killed by lightning while in bed, and members of bis family were injurod. IATEB, NEWa ForR deatha from cholera were reported on the 29th uit. at Toulon, and two at Marseilles. Overland passenger trains froin Vienna were quarantined for five days at Rome. The öpanish authorities threatened to quarantine all English shipping unless England adopted preoautlona Í against the cholera. It was reported on the 20! uit. that one I hundred Indiana in Northern Montana had j diod fromstarvationdurins the past thirty j Uays. The Health Offlcer at New York Cily on the 28th ult.iordered that all vessela from tho West Indies, Mexic, the Spanish main, South America, or any port where cholera or yellow-fever prevails, be boarded and examined in the lower bay by nuarantine officers. Four laborers were killed a few daya ago while engaged in digging sand in a pit south of Omaha by the cuving in of a bank. TiiERK'were twenty-flve deaths from yellmv fin-or in Havana, Cuba, during the woel; cnded on the 28th uit. Two boats capsized recently at the niouth of the Colunibia River, In Oregon aad Captain Olsen, a prominent citizen, Samuel Blair, James Qraig and four aa known tnen were drowned. At Huntsville, O., whiledrivinga vicious pony the other day Louis Murphy was fatally injurod and bis wife was instantly killod. Forbks & Lownsbrough, bankers at Toronto, Ont., have suspended payment. Crops and railroads in Western North Carolina, chiefly in Bunscombt, aml MeDowell Counties, suffered on the 28th uit. by heavy rains, the former being washed out, and bridges and trestles of the latter wreoked. Five land-slides stopped all through trains. The sleeping-car of a train on the Virginia Midland Road wontthrough a bridge noar Lynchburg on the 29:h uit., but all the passengers were saved, most of them being taken out through holes cut in tho ventilators in the top of the car. I'rkkident Arthur has signet the bill ci-atinga Bureau of Labor. Jvdge William A. Beacb, the distinguished lawyer, died on the Ï8'.h uit. at Tarrytown, N. Y., aged seventy-four years. In the United States Senate on the 28th uit. a favorable report was made on the bill to pension the widow of General J. B. Steedman. The General Deficiency bill was passed, with an item authorizing the payment of $3,000 to Charles H. Reed for defending Charles J. Guiteau. The River aml Harbor bill was further considered. In the House the day was spent in considering the bill to adjust the wages of workiugmen, laborers and mechanica under tho Eight-hour law


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