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Don't Die in the House. " lionjrh on Hats." ('learsout ïnts, inice, roachcs, bed-biigs, flies, ants, moles, cli[.monk.s, gophers. 15c. Tlie king of Portugal wants to start a newspaper. Jiot satisfied with the fanie of royalty he longs for wealth. The Half was Kever Told of the wonderful powers and virtiies of that best of all medicines, Kidney-Wort. If bas been tried and proved. lts cure are numberless and the record of [supposed) incurable cases that haveyielded to its influence, is astoundlng. If you have trouble with your Kidneys, Liver or Bowels, if yon are a victim of Kheumatism or Malaria, take Kklney-Wort. You wlll find it the reinedy j'ou need. Geo. W. Cable has cleared $0,000 by lis readings since Christuias. All theca)les seeni to make money. "Kougli ou Kats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, dies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, cliipmunks, gopbers. 15c. Druggists. Dogs aie better ofl' than humans iu the lot weather. They can go about reartng but pasta and a collar. This Idea of Going West to Colorado or New Mexico, for pure air to relieve Consumption, is all a mistake. Any reasonable man would use Dr. Bosanko's Oougli and Lung Syrup for C'onsumption in all ils tirst stages. It never fails to give relief in all cases of Cougha, Colds, Bronchitis, Pain in the Clieet and all uftectinns tliut art fonsiclcred pilmarv to Coiisumyiion. Price, 50 cents and $1.00 Sold by Eberbach & öon. Ella Wilcox, nee Wheeler, has just sun;, "I will be true, though thou art false lo me." Is tlieie trouble already? Clipped from Canada Piesbyterian, under signatuie of C. Blackett Kobinson, Propr.: I was cured of bilious lieadaches by Buidotk Blood Bitters. A Hve-pcrana-icmuii iit i,tcu nuseu in California. Such a lemon should last a circus lemonade man a lifetime. ' "Motlicr Swan's Worm Syrup. ; Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic, ¦ for fevenshness, restlessness, worms, constipation. - 25c. Harper's Bazar talks of "tlie advantages of pain." The advantages of payin' (as you go) are too nuraerous to mention. tWX PintFthe Finest Ink for families or schools can be made from a 10e. package of Diamond Dyes. Try them. All diuggists keep them. AVells, Richardsoii & Co., Burlington, Vt. Sample Caid, 32 colors, and book of diiections for 2c. stamp. It is supposed that Landloid Parker of the Paiker House amassed the lare fortune whloh he left throngh never 'havhi"tO p;iy any hotel bilis. "Bucluipaiba." Quick complete, cures all anoyinE glfcflg r "d UliaVT DÍSe"US Giving a yelling baby opiatos to inake it sleep may kill the baby. Not givinr u opiatos wlll be pretty apt to kill the p"arcnts. It is difflcult to teil what to do. Extreme Tired Feelin?. A lady tells us " tlie first bottlc has do my daughter a great deal of goed, hur f o does not distress her now, nor does she sulTer from th&t extreme tired f eeling wliicli sliedldbeforetakingHood'sSarsaparilla." A second bottle effected a cure. No other preparation containssuch a concentration of Tltaüzlng, enriolung, purifying and invigorating pioperties as Hood's Sarsanarilla.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News