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A. M. Doty will occupy the room nexl to Gaodjüar'j. Four arresta were made by the city mantal latf month. New sidewata on División, west side, between Liberty and William. Mrs. Belle Kellogg Edson succeeds Miss Cochrane in the fourth ward school. J. Emmet Robison, deputy county clerk, has charge of the Argus tliis week. -o- Three insane persons have been sent to the county house within the past month. Nelson Booth's family moved Into their new residenceon William street Satiirday. Tlssaid the National Bank will have a stone walk soon ïti front of their building _ Who is the tirst party at Whitmore to senil into the city aeonslgnment of waterlilies. m On dit tliat the celebr.itiou of the Fourth at Relief Park disposed of fifty kegs of beer, or 12 barrels. Alderman Lawrence was called to the chair at the council meeting Monday Tening last in the absence of the Mayor. Washtenaw county has several centejaiian?. James O'Nell, of Xorthfield, is tbe oldest resident, being 104 years of age. Salurday's noon express west on the Central found quite a crowd at the depot to see Ben. Butler on his way to Chicago. Mr. F. C. Bailey will addresa the gos. pe teinperance meeting at the Udíoii temperance liall Sunday afternoon nest at 3 o'clock. Young America should take warning, tor Marslial Fall has two men down to vtariveron the lookout for lads in bathingin the day time. Ie must be stopped. Look out for something on Fifth street íoon, between William aud Jefferson streetó. Isitofthe "slycoon" nature, as the oíd lady remarked n referring to a cyclone ? Postmaster Knowlton eutertained tlie post office forcé at Hank's Saturday evening last. They have a ten days' vacation ach, in turn. Henry Beek is the tirst of the number off for a trip. The city treasurer's report for June 30, '84, shows $18,200.87 on hand at the last report. Since then $1,159.03 have been received and $3,200.17 disbursed, leaving on hand at the close of the month $1G,110.38. In the beautiful grove of forest trees about the residence of Mr. J. Austln Scott on Washtenaw Ave. is a magiiilicent white oak, measuring sixteen feet in circumference. It is probabty nearly 400 years old and is a monarch. The Ladies' Decorative Society will hold a meeting at the residence of Mrs. ÍT. H. Pierce, at 39 Pontiac street, 5th w-art!, on Friilay July n, for the election cf offleers and other business. A prom pt and full attendance is desired. O. W.Martin expects to move into that house of many colors at the corner of División and Liberty next week. Mr. Üarkson, cashier of the flrst national bank, will occupy O. W.'s present res!dencB at 24% División street. Our Chinese laundrynien are learning to read English. We found them both hard at it Jlonday night with elementary EoKüsh books. One remaiked that he tended Sunday school every Sunday "at i ttestone house on State street." The county Republican Convention ill be held in this city, Thursday, July X 1884, at 12 o'clock M., for the election fteventeen delegates to the State Con'ention to be held iu Detroit, Wednesir, August 13, 1884, at 11 o'clock a. ui. O. C., oneof our popular dentisfs, celeorated last Friday at Manchester, we uiiletand. Yes! A rare opportunity teringfor the punhase of a new brand " -soap, the doctor is said to have paid $5 Jlhree cakes. And then, that fish story. Through Marshal Fall the peor have 'eived amounts as follows in the differl7m&rilS dUr'n" the past nl0llth : First' ?7-W; Becond, $2.50; third, $25.58; th, $45.64; fifth, $8.47. Total, $90.09. ?"l expense was iiicurrtd in moving two Por families out oí tlie city. Mr.andMrs. ltalpV C. Whiting have n rustlcating at Whitmore and other es In the vicinity. Mr. Whiting Ted Wniself a truc Oisciple of Izaak alton judging from the numbor o Mght. Their host infonned themf a witliïn a radias of live miles slxty "te 'akes could be counted. toh[ Stee'e atiministered tlie communion People and received six into mem'lip last Sabbath, it being hia farewell jowse tor a suort period. He left % mght to visit hls son In SanFraneek ' h'S wife P'cce11"11 ''m two tl Xhe chnreh wlll be closed until rre'rni,lauouttwomoutlls_ 'onway and hls trio, from all reports etur,ledoutveT disastroU9ly Not' itd j the OCCL'Patious ol Wellmore m '"Mliewliereabonta of Coinvay - sLesHe, of Port iïuron) a].e en. "nknown to their f rienda. Only ly Miss Leslie's relatives wrote to mthiscity desiring to learu, if ie, where she is; they are in entlre have Mepf herPrescnt location. What Tat tl""' way's arde nt supporters to ka Presellt npparent stage of New walk in front of .the office thU week. Probably hot In Chhago to-day f not in Aun Arbor. Mrs. Corbin moved yesterday faro hef home 011 Washington Street. Geo. W. Moore broke ground Mondar for a $3,000 brick resicjjce on División street. Mrs. Hangsterfer and fiimily are moving to-day into the Hoffstetter house on Washington street. Levi D. Wlnes and S. S. Blitz will be InUiated into the mysteries of the Royal Arcanuni to-morrow night. A party of lifteeu, on invitation of the Misma elementa, had a delightful time at ( ascade Glen yesterday afternoon. Quite a represen tation at Whitmore this wmmer. Two hnndred were there on an excursión Moñdayfrom Jackson The Ann Arbor Citizens' League was organi.ecnastnightattheCongrogaUoMal churcl, The partic.Uars reacias too late for tliis week. The vestry of St. Andrew's cliurch of this city have extended a cali to Rev Mr. Talbot, of Macon, Mo., to become rector of this ;parish. It i3 uncertain as yet whether he wil! accept. The flrm of Osius & Co. is now composed of Messrs. Geo. Osius aud Geo. Wahr, C. H. Ludlow havlng retired on the fifth instant. Charlie is not decided at present upon his future business. The Fourth was spent very quietly by those ïemainiiig n Ann Arbor. Quite a number indulged in private displays of fireworks at their residences in the evening. Xo aceidents happened, webelieve during the day. The skating rink had a fine attendance ou the Fourth. This is the last time for a skate before the fall opening, we are told. Meanwliile, improveraents will be made which will add much to the pleasures of this delightful resort. The proprietors, by the bye, are to be congratulated on the success of their splendid rink since its opening last April. The many friends of Mis. J. M. Williams, Huron street, will regret to learn that she and Miss Louise will change their residence from this city to PullmaTi, 111 , about St-pt. 1. Their home will bê with Prof. üuane E. Doty and family. Mr. Charles R. Richards will probably remain in the city the coming year, though at present it is uncertain. As per the city recorder's report for the month ending June 30, '84, amounts as follows in the different funds are given: Contingent fund, $13,258.58general street, $230.80; general, overdraft, $408.52; first ward, $586.06 ; second $936.00; third, $195.33; fourth, $00.75; flftb, $121.44 ; sixth, overdraft, $357.98 ; city cemetery, $73;62; dog tax, $100; delinquent tax, overdraft, $752.41. The meeting of the county medical assoeiation was held in Ypsilanti oti the 30th uit. Offleers as follows were eltcted : President, J. M. Oakley, Ypsilanti ; viee-president.D.IIalI, Saline; treasurer, C. George, Ann Arbor: secretary, C. G. Darling, Ann Arbor. Board of Censors, Drs. W. F. Breakey and J. Kapp, Ann' Arbor, and A. F. Kinne, of Ypsilanti. The next meeting will be held in this city in September. From the city census reports we glean tlie fact that Ann Arbor is credited with 1,557 dwelling houses visited tliis year by the enumerators. They are distributed as follows in the various wards: First, 405; second, 122; third,263; fourth,341; fifth, 152; sixth, 214. Families to the number of 1,660 are enumerated, as follows: First warcl, 487; second, 123; third, 207; fourth, 356; rifth, 170; sixth, 227. _____ Last evening at the home of Rey. J. M. Arnold in Detroit, Miss Mattie Arnold was united in marriage to Mr. Willis Boughton, of this city, the father of the biide performing the ceremony. A pleasant company of relatives and friends assisted at the festivities and the presents were numerous, tasteful and beautiful. This morning the happy couple started from Detioit by boat for a several weeks' trip up the lakes to Mackinac and Bay View. Mrs. Boughton is quite well known in Ann Albor as she was a gradúate of the University in theliterary deprrtment, slass of '80. Accordingly, she will be ïladly welcomed back to our city where ;hey will niake their home. Messrs. Mack & Schtnid, of our city have bought 135,000 pounds of wool up to date. The largest load brought in was ne of 428 fleeces, w eighing 2,700 pounds. The load was James Allen's, of this town. Among other large loads are the following, of which we give the weight : Judge Lawrence, this town, 1 ,000; Albert Blaess and Wm. Sage, Lodi, each 1,000; James Alexander, Wobster, 1,150; J. Smirthwaite, Pittsfield, 1,200 ; James Osjorn, Ann Arbor town, and David Cody and George Bohnet, of Pittsfield, each 1,300; Robert McCaul, Webster, Joseph Stabler, Scio, David Jiorrison, Ann Albor town, and Christian Reyer and W. Ketnpel, of Pittsfield, each 1,400; J. B. Schaible, Lodi, 1.4G3 I. N. S. Foster, Ann Vrbor town, and A. M. Latson, Webster, each 1,500; W. Burlingame and W. P. 3rovn, Ann Arbor town, each 1,700 ; Simon Hlrtli, Lodi, 2,000. O ti the morning of the Fourtli eight members of the bicycle club started tor Saline aud made tlie run of 9} miles in about an hour. Half of tlie club stayed to celébrate at Saline while the others vent on to Manchaster where they won all the prizes in the bicycle races. Geo. veck won a $25 rnedal and L. D. Taylor and Emmett Robison each brought home a silver cup with gold lining and liamonds (engraved) on it. Mr. T. won lis cup for second prize and Mr. R. beause he carne in next to the last. Tliose emaining at Saline took part in the proession; heard an excellent oration by Mr. O. Z. Hubbell, of Indiana; witnessed he games and at five started for Ypsilanti, iding through some of tlie most beautiul farming country of Washtenaw cmnty, The run of 10} miles was made i an hour, and after supper they came ome by the South road- 8J miles in 5 minutes. This made the total rnnning ime of the 28 miles in 1% hours, an average of a mile in less than six minutes r ten miles an hour, and it was done vithout particular weariness. Great is ie bicycle.