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R0Y4I P Q ROYAL K&'JÍÍ J B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tliis povder oever varíes. A marvel of purlly.streiigllianü wlioiesoineness. Moreecouoinical tlian the ordinary kinds, and cannot bifsold in compeUtlOD with the multltudeot low test, sito t weighl. aluin or pliosphate powders. Kold only 'n cans Royal Bikivg Powdkk COm 106 Wall St. N. Y. HU II SKIN HOmOBS.ll ITis at ihis sea-on wben the PoTM open freely and the l'erspiration is abundant that Dieüïnriug Un mot 8, UuiiilUting Empiijn Itchtne Tortu ree. Sftlt Kbeum or Eczema, PBorlfleli, Teiter. Ringworm, Baby Humor-, Scrnfula, Scroluluus bores, Ab.-ceíae, and Dicharijint; Wouiids, and every specie ol Itchiut, Scaly, and Pimply Diseafei: cl the t-kin and Scaip are most Bpeedih and yconoinicaily cured by ihe Ccticuka Remedie. IT IS A FACT. Hand reda of letters in our poMUslon (copies of which iimy be had by return m.iii) arts our BUthorliy ior the atsuriiun thut Bklu, Wcalp aud Iïlooü Ilumors, whether ücrolülou;, lnheriiud, or Coutagious, may NOA' be perma1 eutty cured by CunoL'itA Hksolvrt, the new Blood Puriüer, in turuatly, ii; ono balt the time ai.d at ooe hu. f tiie expt'nee of aiiy ottier cason. CREATESTON EARTH. Cuticura Jíkhedibs are the greatest medicines )u eaith. lladttie worst case öuli Hheum in ibis country. My motner lud it twentv years, and in tact died froin it. I buliev-j Cuticüra wouid. have saved der iile. My arms, breasi and head were cuvered fOr tliree ye;irs ic.h iiovhi.g'(, und Cuticura. and Cuticuka Soap, externally. J. W Adamh, ftewark, O. GREATBLOOD MEDICINES. 'Ihe huif has not been told as to the great curative powL-re 01 the uuticuba. Remedies. I have puid huLdredtí ot" dollars lor medicines to cure dlwease ol ihe blood and skin and never found auythiu yet to equal the CuncuitA Hemedies. Chas. A. Williams, Providence, K. I. "CÜRE IN EVERY CASE . Your C'UTiconA Remedies outstll all other medicinus I keep lor skin diseases. My customers ana patients say that they have ilfccled a cure in every iUBtauce, where oiher remedies have lulled. H. W . IluocKivAT, M. i). Frauklin Palls, N. H. Sold by all druggists. Price: Cimcum. 50 C'8.; Resolvknt, tl; soap, 25ct.. Potteb Ukoo and Cuehical (Jo., hostoii, Mass. Hend f. r"JI'. to Carr Skin Uiseaties." Tl A TTnP"li7'1''or Suubnrn, Tan and XjJtXa.U X X OreaySkin, Blackheads iJiiiipiea, akin Blemisheri, and liiïantilfa Huinurs, use cüTJCiriiA Soap, a real Beautiöer. 8ANF0RD'S RADICAL CURE I'OK CATARRH. o Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. . rpHE Great BalsamicDistillation r JL ot Wiich Ilaze , American Pine YTyw Cenada Kir, Mariold, Clover. jjBS Ulossoms, etc, called (Sanfords JSrS Kaoical Cure, for the imme "JP diaio reliefand permanent cnr of f l evcry form of Calarrh, from a yv imple Cold in tbe Ilid to Lopp (fjl o smell, Taste and Smell, Coogh ÖSj' ' andCatarrhalConsunjption.ComIgnKj plete treatment, consisting of one IH'ix. bott'e Kadical Cure, one box Ca PI 'II - -- tarrhal Solvent and one improved Ü7 'L. S Tnhaler, in one package, may now iWiiil be tiad of all Drugi-'ists for $1.00. Vi ' AskforSANFOKD'S RADICAL CURE. "The orí absolute speciflc we know oV'-Afed. Times "Lhe bust we hve found in a Iifftime of Bufteri ili "-AVC. Dr. TI'Wn. Boslon. "Alter a Ioub stru-'Kle with Catarro the Radical Cubk ha8 comin -red "-Rir. d. W. Monroe, Lewuburg, Pa. Í have íot found a caae that it did not relieve at once." -Andrew Lee, Mancheeter Mass. Pottkb Dava and Cukmicai. Co., rioston. I ¦! SfW Ij'fe for Shattered Al IN CïNerveo, Painful Musclesand X'OLTAIC 1 ' Voltalo Electric (ÉP(l f?! l'last r lnstanily aftectf tí) yHi tnt! nervouB system an( )' V f ZLl. haniiheB pain, nervour-nes ' í? itfíand dehility. A perfec 'W klï Kleotro - CL1CTRIO romhinrd Í-A5T W tnal I-laster lor a Cis All diuggists. IN CASH GIVEN AWAY Premium. Rmokers of Blackwell'a Genuine o 4 tu 25 BuU Durham SinokiuB Tobacco wül - , rocelve Premiums as foUows on 5OO ti-nuB and conditions here specifled: $45O ct PREMIUM, S5.000 PK 2d $Ji,000 :íoo 3d " $1,000 )275 23otherPrcminmaaere8hown. SüSO Tbe 25 premiums will bo swardtd 8225 Dmbe'r 22. 1884. lat Premium tono Koestothepereonfromwhomwere.'paUO ceivetbelartfestnumberofourempty $175 tobáceo biws prior ft. B-. 15 8dwi i.'ïO boidvenforthencxtlanrefitimnilHT 2 7ik and tbus. in Uw ordor (f the numter V10 of empty bami receiveil from eacb. $1OO to the twenty.flve Kiiccessful con. O t,rtant. Kach bw must I'" ""' %an SS Buil Durham label l . 8. SO K,venue tamp. and Ourtkra S oUoft -1!7O Buts must be done np %& in J f nackaire with name and address of SV}i SSSSinS numler of b contamgg K&s ssfgpas feo yéSLt ËVËRYLIVE MERCHANT IX VNX ARBOB. Should Advertise in THE


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