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Business Xotices. Motilen will find al! sizes ol Cbttdrttn'a Waists ut A. L. Noble's, Sign of tlie Red Star. _ The Reduotlon sale iu Clothlng at the Two Sams will be continued until August lst. A new lot of Ohildren's VValiti jast received at A. L. Noble"s. It wijl not pay any niother to make at home wheii such bandsome styles and perfect íits can be bought. The lirni of Grettou Bros. haviiiíf dissolved partnership, tlie book accounts have been left with me for collection. Those knowing tliemselves iudebtcd to sai'l fi'iii. cali and settle up. O. L. Mathkws, Attorney. Aun Albor. Mich. It has ever been true siuce Adam was a boy that the good wife of every household [ sougt to keep her husbaml plcasant by a well supplied table. How easy it is for the more fortúnate wives of the present day, where science and skill has produced such ai) article as DcLaiuVs Chemical Buking Powder for thelr ue. Read the statement on the label. Sold iu cans only, full sveight, full strength, alwuys pure. Down in New Jersey thcy are palming off cunned mosquitoes for potted lobsters. - Chicago Eye. Erysipelas and Salt liiieum were diiveu entiicly away from Mis. J. C. Anderson, Peshtigo, Wisconsin, by Buidock Blooü Bitters. Jso equal as a blood purilier. r ouns c;URE FOR " KIDNEY DISEASES LIVER COMPLAINTS CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. PHYSICIANS ENDORSE ITHEART1LY.] "Kidney-Wort ia the most Buocessful remedy I ever used." Dr. ?. C. Ballou, Monktoii, Vt. "Kidney-Wort is always reliablo." Dr. B. N. Clark, 80. Hero. Vt. "Kidney-Wort has cured my w ife after two ye&rs suffering." Dr. C. M. Summerlin, 8un HiU, Ga. IN THOUSANDS OF CASES it hu cured where all elae had failed. It is mild, but efficiënt, CERTAIN IN IT8 ACTIOX, but harmless in all cases. t V 1 1 oloaimtK the It lood and Strcnrthens r.J ajlres New Life to all the important organs of the body. The natural action of the Kidneys Is restored. The Ijver is cleansed of all disease, nd the Bowels move freely and healthfully. In thia way tho worst diseases aro eiadicatod from the System. pbicx, $1 00 i.igriD m dbt, solo bt duiuuists. Dry can be sent by mail. W i:i.l.s. Kl( llVltl-.-) At-lt.UurlInctonVt. k ü1LKh.sbibbbbPivvL1 I ' Infante and Children Without MornUine or Narcottne. What gives mir ChiMren rosy eheoks NVnat cures -tln-ir fevers, ma'kes them sleep'Tía Castorla. Wlion Baljies fn-t, nnd cry by turns hut cures collo, kílls 'their wonns lint Cantorla. Wliat quicklv flirts fon-stipation Sour Btoinach, CoUb, Indigestión: Itut iHforla. Fnrowpll then tn JTorphine Syrups Castor OU aad Pareguric, aad ' llaiU'nstoria. Centaur Liniment.- a. absolute curo for Rkeumatism, Sprains, Eurns, Galls, &c., and as imrtantanco.ii Pain-reliover. No matter how pretty or joung a wldow fe, she always looks as if she had losí soinetliiiíg. - Yonkers Gazette. For Rheunsatlam, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Cramp aml Colle tliore s no remeily superior to tlie genuine Df. Thomas' Eolectnc 0l. P CEUIRATIO 'lAlKettler, Iloslctter's , i Stomach BHuts is fesitó and enrtcheg as well ¦w wiri ns purifletthí! blood. . STOMACH WIuii overeóme ty NIVhDS1"""1"'' whether V9I ¦ ' iP P4.'#"H'"i"l or physlcal, ¦ ¦ ¦ MM ¦ the weary nnd dcbllHated flnd it a relmble sourco of renewi-d Btrenpth and comrort. For nale by a)l Druggistu and Uualcrs Rcuerally.


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