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r.iiiiiiiniii"!"""1'"1"1""""" Science wá Steplici5m - Wliat has Skèpticum done fór the worlil? Ndtlilng tint Lo sugest doubts. li hat i'vi : Í -Mijnrest pi? tliiit tiPtiin.'ti-ni ciinnot iw ruivd. 1 Skepliti.-iiii is os bad as liheuinaus.ii. i Wlmt has Science done lor the worlil 7 A [jood muiiy tlüiiK; fOr UnUocr, H h.m show ii i luit, Kbpnm.itlsm can ba cure i It h:issnown UiatNrarelglacunb ¦ jol ¦ 1 o'. M(xlmnsilea(;elinijpvovt!dU'. 1 1iliu iinrlHuls. a biooil (Osease, anafiasprortdod a ru; rnuitut as Uu remedy wïilctimn copptetel ( ui" Jt IC lias pro ved Ui at attbough til" o 1 iiM'io"falli-d lonveivnme Neur.iigi . -Al Lov uï 4tan reaohlt, auderadJcateUfioin Uo f t-w. It luis provi'd UiüukU if yiiiu-nUag Itaeases wei-e sö s ufl" ui") o! ¦ "! ¦¦' be over.-omo In a lUr'ev.liii HMOi JIiRIopïioro5 ! ¦úon't M üceptieai. IlouhaWanyfloubi las DwUltt ATHI.OPHOKOS CiUI ÜO, WiUe bcltü i ''uf thosewUomlt hascu'fd. Vnrin taDM.'PPV '. R. nennen. U. ü., PtMOT Thlni l'O i)fre(fatlonal Ohurch. ot New Hmeu. co..:i.. 1.1 : ' I'. Corblt, pastor Geni? St ''. k fi.urci ui Diew Haren, the Kov. J k. s,-.. ¦.- pasi i i..ii:-i. M. K. ('Uuivli. N'-w S ork ciM .,; r i iwnutfll Uk' well kuown candy i..anufuctu er ol V' i or , Ex-Oov. Blgflow. nr ( ¦ tri tu . uüd i:iany olhers, i'quuiiy welll do 11. If j-on caimotf ï Aiiü.Ki'iTiiui.-. . i I-'"1' l ¦ '¦ wc wlll tmi It ex-tBK" I el ¦'¦" ¦¦ C'lnr ]ric-oiie dollu i r iwit e ' . b !;. tüiitjj oii buy It fromyoar druituirft. !,.! il lie i t it. " IKTKuadért to try ¦¦ el" I 1 i rdei' a' " '' froiu uri a dirtjLed. ÍTHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST , KrVJ =.-.. UUlllUUlUMUlU!' M""M "I Have Siiffcrcd!" H'itlj evei-y discase ImagiiiAbla for ilie last t li ree yt'nrs. Our J)rurrisi, 'I'. J. Amlcrsim. r commfiidinr "Hop IJitters"' to me. 1 iisf-d t wo hol tli'S ! Am entirely curcd, and lic.nrüv n cninlueiul Hup Iüttcrrf tu fvcrv onei .1. l. Walker. Bukier, Mo. I lile t liis ;i :i 'l'oken of tlie'gml iii'pifciation I have ol' vin Hop Bttiere. I was iill cicil Wlth ItiflitttuuHtury rheumstUni '.'. '. F(ii' ncarly Scvii years, and no medicine seetned I to do me anv OoodlM Until I tried two bottles of Hop Bilters, uid tu my surprise I ui as wel) to-day as ever 1 was. I Impi' "You may have abiindant Rtn'oert" "In ihis frreat mul" 'aliia'.ile Medicine: Aiiyoiif! i4 wUlnilg lo knQW ni'xc about tny cilreï Tan learn by addresfin me, E. M. Williams, 118Ü I6th slret-l, Wnshiiiüiim D. f'. 1 coiisiiler your Kcmcdv the best rcineüy n exUtenc For Indigestión, kidney - CompUiint. "Aml iiervoua deblllty. I lmw ju-t" lieluriied "Froni the soulii in a frultlew sen ) eb lor health, and find that yniir tiilicrs are iloing me more (iood ! Tliail inything else; A ilion t li fttTO 1 was exlrtincly "Einacldted ! ! ! And gcarcely able to walk. N w I am OainlD){ sirenrtli! and "VlesW:' And hardly a day passes lml wlial I iim -;:¦ ítí;- i 41 eoinpliinenlcd on my Impmvt'd appi'iiranee and it la All due to Hop Bitters! J. Wkkllfte Jackson, - WfítKingfnu, Ihl. tSS'Xone _genuine without, a Imnch of green Hops on the white label. Sluin all I the vilc poisonous st uil' uilh "Hop" or "Hops" in their iiimii'. RINSEY&SEABOLT'S iiikllSili - AND - Flour and Feed Store. We keep congtantly on h:ind, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Whcksale and Retall Trnde. Vf shall al(o keep a pupply ol' SWIKT & DEtJBEL'8 BB8T White Wheat Flour! I. Hu riour, Kyti Flour, Bucku lical I lom-, t'orii Ncal, I . i il. Kif., At Wholcsnle and Retail. A general stock of &R0CEBIES and PB07ISIÜNS Oonitantly on hand, wliich wlll le soll on h reaeonablf termfl as at any other hou?e n the city. c-ftPh pM for BUTTER, KGCW, and CO0NTKY PRODUCE generauy. Goodg dclivertd to any part of the cuy without extra charge. BINSEY & SEABOLT.


Ann Arbor Courier
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